Games Workouts

2018 CrossFit Games

Aug 01

Bike Deadlift

3 rounds:
1,600-m BikeErg (each)
25 team deadlifts

The 30s

For time:
30 synchro muscle-ups
30 back squats (per pair)
30 push presses (per pair)
30 box jump-overs

Aug 02

Rest Day

Aug 03

Team Battleground

Yoke and litter carry
2 rope climbs (each)
O-course run
2 rope climbs (each)
Yoke and litter carry

1RM Snatch

1-rep-max snatch

Synchro Worm

5 rounds:
12 synchro HSPUs
12 synchro GHD sit-ups (pairs)
15 Worm squats

Aug 04

Team Triplus

Swim 500 m
Sled paddle 500 m
Run 2,000 m

Handstand Bob

3 rounds:
20 / 15-cal. row
20 /15-cal. bike
Handstand-walk course
44-ft. Big Bob push
Handstand-walk course

Bob Sprint

132-ft. Big Bob push

Bicouplet Relay

F1 then M1 complete:
    21-15-9 reps of:
    Snatches, 85 / 55 lb.
    Chest-to-bar pull-ups
F2 then M2 complete:
    12-9-6 reps of:
    Snatches, 135 / 85 lb.
    Bar muscle-ups

Aug 05

Running Bob

5 rounds:
Run 300 m
50-ft. Big Bob pull

Lunging Worm

36-24-12 reps of:
Worm thrusters
Worm burpees

*Lunging with the Worm when advancing

Workout Details

  1. Bike Deadlift

    3 rounds for time of:
    1,600-m BikeErg (each)
    25 team deadlifts, 715 lb.

    Each team will have four Concept2 BikeErgs, and each member must ride 1,600 meters. When all members have finished, they will move to the bar for 25 team deadlifts, then back to the bikes for the next round. Once 3 rounds are complete, the team will cross the finish line.

    Order: All at once 

    Time cap: 16 minutes

  2. For time:
    30 synchro muscle-ups
    30 back squats (per pair)
    30 push presses (per pair)
    30 box jump-overs

    M 275-lb. squat, 185-lb. press, 42-in. box
    F 205-lb. squat, 135-lb. press, 36-in. box

    This event begins with four-way synchronized muscle-ups. The team will then split into MM and FF pairs, and each pair will complete 30 back squats and then 30 push presses. The team will then complete 30 box jump-overs with each athlete jumping over his or her box and completing the rep before jumping back. The event ends when the team crosses the finish line.

    Order: All at once
    Time cap: 16 minutes

  3. For time:
    Yoke and litter carry
    2 rope climbs (each)
    Obstacle-course run
    2 rope climbs (each)
    Yoke and litter carry

    Teams will begin in the stadium by carrying the yoke and the litter across the field. They will then complete 2 rope climbs each before leaving the stadium. The teams will then run the obstacle course and return to the stadium. They will each then complete 2 more rope climbs, move the yoke and litter back across the field, and then cross the finish line.

    Order: All at once
    Time cap: 16 minutes

  4. 1-rep-max snatch

    The women will have 4 minutes for each athlete to perform a max lift. Then, the men will have 4 minutes to lift.

    The team’s score will be the sum of each athlete’s heaviest successful lift.

    Order: FF MM
    Time cap: 8 minutes

  5. 5 rounds for time of:
    12 synchronized deficit handstand push-ups (pairs)
    12 synchronized med-ball GHD sit-ups (pairs)
    15 Worm squats

    M 20-lb. ball F 14-lb. ball

    Each round starts with one MF pair performing handstand push-ups while the other pair performs GHD sit-ups. Pairs will then switch and perform the other movement before moving forward as a team to the Worm squats. After 5 rounds are complete, the team will cross the finish line.

    Order: MF MF for synchro movements

    Time cap: 16 minutes

  6. For time:
    Swim 500 meters
    Sled paddle 500 meters
    Run 2,000 meters

    Teams will begin on the Lake Monona shoreline and enter the water to swim a 500-meter course, concluding back on land. Once all four members are back, they will grab a sled and paddle the 500-meter course. Finally, the teams will exit the water, grab their ropes and run 2,000 meters to the AEC where they will cross the finish line.

    Order: All at once
    Time cap: 40 minutes

  7. 3 rounds for time:
    20 / 15-cal. row (MM-FF-MF)
    20 /15-cal. Assault Bike (FF-MM-MF)
    Handstand-walk course
    44-ft. Big Bob push
    Handstand-walk course

    In Round 1 the men will row while the women bike. In Round 2 the women will row while the men bike. In Round 3, one man and one woman will row while the other man and other woman bike. The event ends when Big Bob has been pushed over the finish line after the third round.

    Immediately after the 12-minute cap, there will be a 2-minute transition, then Teams will begin the next event, Bob Sprint.

    Order: All at once
    Time cap: 12 minutes

  8. For time:
    132-ft. Big Bob push

    Beginning 2 minutes after the end of Handstand Bob, teams will push Big Bob 132 feet down the field as fast as possible. The event ends when Big Bob has been pushed over the finish line.

    Time cap: 2 minutes

  9. For time, as a relay:
    F1 completes 21-15-9 reps of:
        55-lb. snatches
        Chest-to-bar pull-ups
    Then, M1 completes 21-15-9 reps of:
        85-lb. snatches
        Chest-to-bar pull-ups
    Then, F2 completes 12-9-6 reps of:
        85-lb. snatches
        Bar muscle-ups
    Then, M2 completes 12-9-6 reps of:
        135-lb. snatches
        Bar muscle-ups

    Each athlete will complete one of the couplets as a relay. The event is over when the last athlete performs the final bar muscle-up and crosses the finish line.

    Order: F M F M
    Time cap: 19 minutes

  10. 5 rounds for time:
    Run 300 meters
    50-ft. Big Bob pull

    Each round, teams will run out of the stadium, then return and pull the Big Bob hand-over-hand down a section of the field. The event is over when Big Bob is pulled across the finish line after the 5th round.

    Order: All at once
    Time cap: 16 minutes

  11. 36-24-12 reps for time of:
    Worm thrusters
    Worm burpees

    *Lunging with the Worm when advancing

    Teams will complete 3 rounds of Worm thrusters and Worm burpees. Each time they advance they will lunge with the Worm. The event is over when the team lunges the Worm over the finish line.

    Order: All at once
    Time cap: 18 minutes


Events will be worth up to 100 points, and teams earn points based on their finish (see chart). At the end of the weekend, the team with the most points is the winner. Teams that tie receive the same number of points. If a team fails to complete an event within the time cap (for timed events), its  score will be capped, and it will receive a 1-second penalty for each rep not completed.

Some events will have a minimum work requirement. For those events, if a team fails to meet the minimum work requirement, it will not be eligible to move on to the next event. Teams must continue to work to complete all the repetitions until the time cap expires.