Games Workouts
2018 CrossFit Games
Aug 01
AG Battleground
500-meter run
O-course run
Handstand Walk
14-15 / 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
40-ft. HS obstacle course
20 wall-ball shots
40-ft. HS obstacle course
50+ Divisions
40-ft. HS walk
20 wall-ball shots
40-ft. HS walk
Doubles & Oly
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
4 rounds:
50 double-unders
5-4-3-2 squat snatches
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
4 rounds:
50 double-unders
5-4-3-2 squat cleans
Aug 02
Rest Day
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
2 rounds:
800-m row
600-m SkiErg
40 dumbbell squats
Rope and Yoke
14-15 & 50+ Divisions
4 rounds:
300-m run
4-3-2-1 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
Aug 03
Rest Day
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
2 rounds:
1,000-m row
750-m SkiErg
50 dumbbell squats
Rope and Yoke
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
4 rounds:
300-m run
4-3-2-1 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
Aug 04
Jump Finish
All Divisions
5 rounds:
Back squats
Box jump-overs
* Reps and some movements vary by division.
Open Water Swim
All Divisions
500-m swim
AG Chipper
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
30 deficit handstand push-ups
40 deadlifts
50-cal. BikeErg
60 bar-facing burpees
* 14-15 / 50+ Divisions do not perform this event.
Aug 05
Core Couplet
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
3 rounds:
30 medicine ball GHD sit-ups
10 sandbag cleans
14-15 / 50-59 Divisions
3 rounds:
20 toes-to-bars
10 sandbag cleans
60+ Divisions
3 rounds:
18 toes-to-bars
6 sandbag cleans
Complex Fran
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions only
21-15-9 reps:
Pull-up bar complex
Workout Details
AG Battleground
All Divisions
For time:
500-meter run
O-course runTime cap: 8 minutes
Handstand Walk
14-15 / 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
For time:
40-ft. handstand-walk obstacle course
20 wall-ball shots
40-ft. handstand-walk obstacle courseM 14-15: 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
M 16-17: 30-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
M 35-49: 30-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
F 14-15: 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
F 16-17: 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
F 35-49: 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target50+ Divisions
40-ft. handstand walk
20 wall-ball shots
40-ft. handstand walkM 50+: 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
F 50+: 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. targetTime cap: 4 minutes
Doubles & Oly
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
For time:
50 double-unders
5 squat snatches
50 double-unders
4 squat snatches
50 double-unders
3 squat snatches
50 double-unders
2 squat snatchesM 16-17: 185-205-225-245 lb.
M 35-39: 185-205-225-245 lb.
M 40-44: 185-205-225-245 lb.
M 45-49: 145-165-185-205 lb.
F 16-17: 135-145-155-165 lb.
F 35-39: 135-145-155-165 lb.
F 40-44: 135-145-155-165 lb.
F 45-49: 115-125-135-145 lb.14-15 / 50+ Divisions
For time:
50 double-unders
5 squat cleans
50 double-unders
4 squat cleans
50 double-unders
3 squat cleans
50 double-unders
2 squat cleansM 14-15: 185-205-225-245 lb.
M 50-54: 205-225-245-265 lb.
M 55-59: 185-205-225-245 lb.
M 60+: 155-165-185-205 lb.
F 14-15: 135-145-155-165 lb.
F 50-54: 135-145-155-165 lb.
F 55-59: 115-125-135-145 lb.
F 60+: 95-105-115-125 lb.Athletes will complete 4 rounds of double-unders and squat snatches (squat cleans for 14-15 and 50+ divisions). The weight on the barbell will increase each round.
Time cap: 10 minutes
Rest Day
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
Ages 16-17 and 35-49 will not compete on Thursday. -
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
1-rep-max shoulder-to-overheadAthletes will have 3 minutes and be allowed three attempts to establish a 1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead.
There will then be a 1-minute transition before the start of the next event, P.S.
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
2 rounds for time of:
800-m row
600-m SkiErg
40 dumbbell squatsM 35-lb. dumbbells
F 20-lb. dumbbellsTime cap: 21 minutes for men, 23 min. for women
Rope and Yoke
14-15 & 50+ Divisions
For time:
300-m run
4 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
300-m run
3 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
300-m run
2 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
300-m run
1 rope climb
44-ft. yoke carryM 14-15: 300-lb. yoke
M 50-54: 380-lb. yoke
M 55+: 300-lb. yoke
F 14-15: 245-lb. yoke
F 50-54: 300-lb. yoke
F 55+: 245-lb. yoke
Time cap: 16 minutes -
Rest Day
14-15 / 50+ Divisions
Ages 14-15 and 50+ will not compete on Friday. -
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
1-rep-max shoulder-to-overheadAthletes will have 3 minutes and be allowed three attempts to establish a 1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead.
There will then be a 1-minute transition before the start of the next event, P.S.
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
2 rounds for time of:
1,000-m row
750-m SkiErg
50 dumbbell squatsM 50-lb. dumbbells
F 35-lb. dumbbellsTime cap: 21 min. for men, 23 min. for women
Rope and Yoke
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
300-m run
4 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
300-m run
3 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
300-m run
2 rope climbs
44-ft. yoke carry
300-m run
1 rope climb
44-ft. yoke carry
M 16-17: 480-lb. yoke
M 35-49: 480-lb. yoke
F 16-17: 380-lb. yoke
F 35-49: 380-lb. yokeTime cap: 16 minutes
Jump Finish
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
5 rounds for time of:
6 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-oversM 16-17: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 35-39: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 40-44: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 45-49: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
F 16-17: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 35-39: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 40-44: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 45-49: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box14-15 / 50-54 Divisions
5 rounds for time of:
6 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-oversM 14-15: 245-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 50-54: 245-lb. squat, 30-in. box
F 14-15: 165-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 50-54: 165-lb. squat, 24-in. box
55-59 Division
5 rounds for time of:
3 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-oversM 55-59: 205-lb. squat, 24-in. box, step-ups allowed
F 55-59: 145-lb. squat, 18-in. box, step-ups allowed60+ Men’s Division
5 rounds for time of:
2 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-oversM 60+: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box, step-ups allowed
60+ Women’s Division
5 rounds for time of:
6 ring pull-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-oversF 60+: 125-lb. squat, 18-in. box, step-ups allowed
Time cap: 13 minutes
Open Water Swim
All Divisions
For time:
Swim 500 metersTime cap: 12 minutes
AG Chipper
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
30 deficit handstand push-ups
40 deadlifts
50-cal. BikeErg
60 bar-facing burpeesM 4.5-in. deficit, 225-lb. deadlift
F 3-in. deficit, 155-lb. deadlift* 14-15 / 50+ Divisions do not perform this event.
Time cap: 16 minutes
Core Couplet
Core Couplet
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
3 rounds for time of:
30 medicine-ball GHD sit-ups
10 sandbag cleansM 16-17: 20-lb. ball, 150-lb. sandbag
M 35-49: 20-lb. ball, 150-lb. sandbag
F 16-17: 14-lb. ball, 100-lb. sandbag
F 35-49: 14-lb. ball, 100-lb. sandbag14-15 / 50-59 Divisions
3 rounds for time of:
20 toes-to-bars
10 sandbag cleansM 14-15: 100-lb. sandbag
M 50-59: 100-lb. sandbag
F 14-15: 70-lb. sandbag
F 50-59: 70-lb. sandbag60+ Divisions
3 rounds for time of:
18 toes-to-bars
6 sandbag cleansM 60+: 100-lb. sandbag
F 60+: 70-lb. sandbagTime cap: 12 minutes
Complex Fran
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
For time:
7 bar muscle-ups
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
7 chin-over-bar pull-ups
21 thrusters
5 bar muscle-ups
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
3 bar muscle-ups
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 chin-over-bar pull-ups
9 thrustersM 95-lb. thrusters
F 65-lb. thrustersTime cap: 7 minutes
14-15 / 50+ Divisions do not perform this event.
Every event will be worth up to 100 points, and athletes earn points based on their finish (see chart). At the end of the weekend, the athlete with the most points is the winner. Athletes who tie receive the same number of points. If athletes fail to complete an event within the time cap (for timed events), their score will be capped, and they will receive a 1-second penalty for each rep not completed.
Some events will have a minimum work requirement. For those events, if an athlete fails to meet the minimum work requirement, he or she will not be eligible to move on to the next event. Athletes must continue to work to complete all the repetitions until the time cap expires.