
​​Updated: July 11, 2012

Just like the 2011 Affiliate Cup competition, teams will compete on Friday and Saturday for the chance to qualify for Sunday’s final event. On Sunday, the scores will be erased and the top 6 teams will race in one final event to determine the Affiliate Cup winner. Unlike in past years, all six team members will be required to compete in every event. Teams that do not finish within the time cap will have one second added to their time for each repetition not completed.

See below for the complete description of all the Events that have been announced, and a simple listing of those that haven’t. 

Workout Details

  1. Bar Muscle-up (100 Points - 50 Men, 50 Women)

    Points Available: 100 (50 men, 50 women)

    Location: Stadium
    Saturday 2:20-3:40

    Max Bar muscle-ups

    Teams will have 3 minutes to accumulate as many bar muscle-ups as possible, with each member only being allowed to perform a single (max) set. An athlete’s set ends when they take their hands off the bar. Only one athlete from each team (man or woman) will be allowed on the bar at a time.

    Bar Muscle-up M will be scored as its own event, and will be ranked by total reps performed by the male team members

    Bar Muscle-up W will be scored as its own event, and will be ranked by total reps performed by the female team members

    Time Cap: 3 minutes

    After the 3 minute time cap is up, teams will reset for the Team Chipper.

  2. Points Available: 100

    Location: Track
    Friday 9:00-11:00

    Teams will begin this event just after the Sprint Relay.

    For time:
    Push Big Bob 100 yards down the field
    Pull Big Bob 100 yards back up the field

    Time Cap: 15 minutes

  3. Points Available: 100 (50 men, 50 women)

    Location: Stadium
    Friday 3:00-5:00

    2 rep max Front squat for load

    Front Squat M will be scored as its own event, ranked by the sum of the max loads performed by the male members of the team.

    Front Squat W will be scored as its own event, ranked by the sum of the max loads performed by the female members of the team.

    Each team will have one barbell (with a rack) and 4 minutes for all 6 members to complete the lifts.

    Time Cap: 4 minutes

    After the 4 minute time cap is up, teams will reset and transition to the Team Triplet.

  4. Points Available: 100

    Location: Track
    Saturday 9:00-11:00

    For time:
    Women complete:
    135 pound Clean and jerk, 30 reps
    100 yard Sprint (all 3 women)
    20’ Rope climb, 20 reps
    Then, men complete:
    185 pound Clean and jerk, 30 reps
    100 yard Sprint (all 3 men)
    20’ Rope climb, 20 reps
    Then each member must complete 1 rep of:
    20’ Rope climb
    100 yard Sprint
    135/185 pound Clean and jerk

    Time Cap: 19 minutes

  5. Points Available: 100

    Location: Track
    Friday 9:00-11:00

    6 x 415 meter sprint relay.

    Time Cap: 11 minutes

    Once completed, teams will reset and then begin the next Event.

  6. Points Available: 100

    Location: Stadium
    Saturday 2:20-3:40

    For time:
    30 GHD sit-ups
    30 deadlifts (225 / 155 lbs)
    30 Double-unders
    30 Overhead squats (95 / 65 lbs)
    30 Pull-ups

    Men start first, then women. Athletes can’t advance stations until station in front is clear.

    Time Cap: 14 minutes

  7. Points Available: 100

    Location: Stadium
    Friday 3:00-5:00

    Three mixed gender pairs complete the following for time:
    Row 750 meters, while partner holds 215/145 pounds in the Front rack position
    50 Burpees, while partner holds 135/95 pounds Overhead
    50 Thrusters, 95/65 pounds, while partner holds the Dip support position

    Partners may switch during each exercise but repetitions will only count while the other partner is holding the required position. Each pair of athletes must complete all the repetitions before moving to the next exercise. The next pair of athletes may not begin each exercise until the leading pair has finished.

    Time Cap: 22 minutes

  8. Points Available: 100

    Location: Stadium
    Sunday 12:35-1:10

    Each member of the team will complete one of the following as a relay for time. The winner of this event will be the Affiliate Cup champion.

    Female 1
    21-15-9 reps of:
    95 pound Clean
    Ring dips

    Female 2
    21-15-9 reps of:
    65 pound Thruster

    Female 3
    95 pound Snatch, 30 reps

    Male 1
    135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

    Male 2
    21-15-9 reps of:
    225 pound Deadlift
    Handstand push-ups

    Male 3
    150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

    Teams will be ranked by total finish time.

    Time Cap: 30 minutes

  9. Points Available: 100

    Location: Track
    Saturday 9:00-10:40

    Yoke carry for max distance in 3 minutes.

    Each male will carry the yoke loaded with 370 pounds as far as he can. Then, the team will strip the weight to 230 pounds and each female will carry it as far as she can. Each team member gets one attempt to move the yoke.

    Time Cap: 3 minutes

    After the 3 minute time cap is up, teams will reset for the Rope/Clean Event.