The 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Team competition took place from Wednesday, July 20, through Sunday, July 24.
Workout Details
Team Event 1 - Team MurphPoints available: 200 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumWednesday, 7 p.m.For time:1,800-meter run with litter100 Worm push presses300 chest-to-bar pull-ups100 Worm squats1,800-meter run with litterTeams will rotate which member is being carried in the litter throughout the run course.All members will wear 20 / 14-lb. body armor.
Team Event 2 - Buddy SwimPoints available: 100 pointsThursdayFor time:3-by-500-m swim relay, as pairs
Team Events 3 & 4 - Triple DeadliftPoints available: 100 points eachLocation: Soccer StadiumFridayFor time:21-15-9 reps for time of:Deadlifts (744 / 444 lb.)Synchronized burpees100-ft. handstand walk (each round)Event 3: MMMEvent 4: FFFAll three athletes will deadlift together on one long barbell.Time cap: 12 minutes each
Team Event 5 - Climbing WormPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumFriday9-21-21-9 reps for time of:Worm clean and jerksRope ascentsTime cap: 20 minutesEvent 6 will begin 2 minutes after the conclusion of Event 5.
Team Event 6 - Worm SprintPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumFridayFor time:600-ft. Worm sprintTeams will carry one Worm 100 ft. down, 100 ft. back and 100 ft. down, then carry the second Worm 100 ft. down, 100 ft. back and 100 ft. down.Time cap: 3 minutes
Team Event 7 - Triple DoublePoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSaturdayFor time, as MF pairs through stations of:Station 1:SkiErg (20/15 calories)40 double-unders10 synchro squat snatches (145/95 lb.)Station 2:20 GHD med-ball tosses (each, while partner touches ground)10 synchro muscle-upsStation 3:Row (20/15 calories)40 double-unders10 synchro overhead squats (185/125 lb.)Time cap: 24 minutes
Team Event 8 - Berm BobPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSaturday4 rounds for time of:500-meter berm run140-ft. Big Bob pushTime cap: 21 minutesThe Sprint Relay will begin 1 minute after Berm Bob.
Team Event 9 - Sprint RelayPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSaturdayBegins 1 minute after the conclusion of Berm Bob6-person sprint relayAthletes will line up in a staggered formation. Each athlete will run to the end of the field then back to tag the next teammate.Time cap: 3 minutes
Team Event 10 - Double-Slug BobPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSundayFor time80-ft. double-Slug lunge80 toes-to-bars160-ft. Big Bob pull80 handstand push-ups80-ft. double-Slug lungeEach team will use two 3-person Slugs for the lunges. Two athletes will work at a time for the toes-to-bars and handstand push-ups.Time cap: 15 minutesTop 10 teams advance to the final.
Team Events 11-16 - FinalPoints available: 6 50-point eventsLocation: Tennis StadiumSundayTeam Event 11 - Final 1 (F1)For time:1 pegboard ascent12 thrusters, 85 lb.1 pegboard ascent9 thrusters, 85 lb.1 pegboard ascent6 thrusters, 85 lb.Time cap: 5 minutesTeam Event 12 - Final 2 (M1)For time:2 pegboard ascents12 thrusters, 135 lb.1 pegboard ascent9 thrusters, 135 lb.1 pegboard ascent6 thrusters, 135 lb.Time cap: 5 minutesTeam Event 13 - Final 3 (F2)For time:2 pegboard ascents15 thrusters, 85 lb.1 pegboard ascent12 thrusters, 85 lb.1 pegboard ascent9 thrusters, 85 lb.Time cap: 6 minutesTeam Event 14 - Final 4 (M2)For time:2 pegboard ascents15 thrusters, 135 lb.2 pegboard ascents12 thrusters, 135 lb.1 pegboard ascent9 thrusters, 135 lb.Time cap: 6 minutesTeam Event 15 - Final 5 (F3)For time:3 pegboard ascents21 thrusters, 85 lb.2 pegboard ascents15 thrusters, 85 lb.1 pegboard ascent9 thrusters, 85 lb.Time cap: 10 minutesTeam Event 16 - Final 6 (M3)For time:3 pegboard ascents21 thrusters, 135 lb.2 pegboard ascents15 thrusters, 135 lb.1 pegboard ascent9 thrusters, 135 lb.Time cap: 10 minutesEach of the six couplets will be separate events, each worth 50 points, with each team member completing the couplet. Female athletes will perform Events 11, 13 and 15, while the male athletes will perform Events 12, 14 and 16.