Regional & Qualifier Workouts
2018 CrossFit Games
For time:
9 muscle-ups
Handstand walk
36 single-leg squats
Handstand walk
9 muscle-ups
Handstand walk
45 single-leg squats
Handstand walk
9 muscle-ups
Handstand walk
54 single-leg squats
Time cap: 13 minutes
Download the workout description and scorecard for your division:
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the rings and perform 9 muscle-ups. The athlete will then handstand walk through the obstacles to the pistol station where he or she will perform 36 single-leg squats. The athlete will then handstand walk back through the obstacles to return to the rings and begin the next round. Round 2 will be performed in the same fashion, with 9 muscle-ups and then 45 single-leg squats. In the final round, the athlete will perform 9 muscle-ups and 54 single-leg squats. After the final pistol, the athlete will advance forward to the finish mat.
The athlete's score is the total time it takes to complete the event.
1 of 5In the muscle-up, athletes must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a “false grip”) and the feet off the ground.2 of 5At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while in support above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. Falling away from the rings before fully locking out at the top is a “no rep.”3 of 5Each rep of the single-leg squat begins with the hips and knee fully extended on the weight-bearing leg. The other leg must remain in front of the athlete’s body.4 of 5The hip crease must pass below the top of the knee on the weight-bearing leg, and the athlete must return to full hip and knee extension on the weight-bearing leg at the top. If any part of the athlete’s body other than the foot on the weight-bearing leg touches the floor during the repetition, the rep will not count. Athletes must alternate legs after every successful rep and must complete a successful rep before beginning a rep on the other leg. If any part of the weight-bearing leg steps out of the athlete’s lane, the rep will not count. Athletes may not rest the non-working leg on the weight-bearing leg or use the hands/arms to push into the weight-bearing leg. Athletes may hold onto the non-working leg.5 of 5In the handstand walk, athletes must start with their hands behind the start line and must stay within their lane as they travel forward. Each lane will contain two obstacles, with a designating line at the start and finish of each obstacle. If at any time the athlete comes down from the hands, he or she must restart from the last line crossed. Each obstacle will count as 1 rep.