Games Workouts

2018 CrossFit Games

Aug 01


Bike 10 laps for time
  (1,200± meters per lap)

30 Muscle-Ups

30 muscle-ups

CrossFit Total

1-rep-max back squat
1-rep-max shoulder press
1-rep-max deadlift

Marathon Row

Row 42,195 meters

Aug 02

Rest Day

Aug 03

The Battleground

Rescue Randy drag
2 rope climbs
Obstacle-course run
2 rope climbs
Rescue Randy drag

Men wear 20-lb. vest
Women wear 14-lb. vest

Clean and Jerk Speed Ladder

3 rounds of heavy ladders, each with progressively heavier barbells

M 245-255-265-270-275 lb.
    280-290-300-305-310 lb.
    315-325-335-340-345 lb.

F 155-160-165-170-175 lb.
   180-185-190-195-200 lb.
   205-210-215-220-225 lb.


5-8-13 reps of:
 Handstand push-ups
 Double kettlebell deadlifts
Then, OH lunge 89 ft.

Aug 04

Madison Triplus

Swim 500 m
Paddle 1,000 m
Run 2,000 m


35 / 30-cal. SkiErg
30 / 25 burpees to bar
45 / 40 single-arm OHS, 50 / 35-lb. DB
40 / 45 single-leg squats
25 box jump-overs, 42 / 36-in. box
110-ft. tumbler pull, 400 / 300 lb.

Bicouplet 2

Bar muscle-ups

M 135 lb.   F 85 lb.

Bicouplet 1

Chest-to-bar pull-ups
M 85 lb.   F 55 lb.


Aug 05

Two-Stroke Pull

5 rounds:
300-m run
20 / 15-cal Assault Bike
44-ft. sled pull

Handstand Walk

Handstand-walk race across multiple obstacles


5 / 4 pegboard climbs
40 thrusters, 85 / 55 lb.
33-ft. yoke carry, add weight
33-ft. yoke carry, add weight
33-ft. yoke carry

M 85-lb. thruster, 425-565-665-lb. yoke carries
F 55-lb. thruster, 345-405-445-lb. yoke carries

Workout Details

  1. Crit

    For time:
    10-lap bike race around 1,200-m course

    All 40 athletes will race at one time. The race will begin with a rolling start. Once the pace bike has exited the course, racing will begin and will continue for 10 laps. A white flag will be flown to signify the start of the final lap.

    Time cap: 30 minutes

  2. For time:
    30 muscle-ups

    Each athlete will have one set of rings and will complete 30 muscle-ups before crossing the finish line.

    Time cap: 5 minutes

  3. For max total load:
    1-rep-max back squat
    1-rep-max shoulder press
    1-rep-max deadlift

    3 attempts at each lift in each 4-minute window.

    Athletes will have a 4-minute window to perform each lift. Within that window the athlete may make up to 3 attempts. The athlete’s score will be the combined total of his or her heaviest successful lift at each station.

    Time cap: 12 minutes total

  4. For time:
    Row 42,195 meters

    Each athlete will row 42,195 meters for time. All athletes will perform this event at once.

    Time cap: 4 hours

  5. For time:
    Rescue Randy drag
    2 rope climbs
    Obstacle-course run
    2 rope climbs
    Rescue Randy drag

    Men wear 20-lb. vest
    Women wear 14-lb. vest

    Athletes will start in the North Lot. They will begin by dragging the rescue dummy, Randy, across the stadium and then performing 2 rope climbs, one on the skinny rope and one on the fat rope. Next, they will run out of the stadium and to a series of 8 obstacles. They then will return to the stadium, perform another 2 rope climbs, and drag Randy back across the stadium floor before crossing the finish line.

    Men's time cap: 11 minutes
    Women's time cap: 12 minutes

  6. Athletes will race through a series of progressively heavier barbells, clean and jerking each bar once before crossing the finish line.

    This event will be broken into 3 rounds: Quarterfinal, Semifinal and Final. Athletes will be ranked by the time they take to complete each ladder, or by the heaviest weight they successfully clean and jerk. A squat will not be required on the clean.

    Quarterfinal Round:
    For time:
    1 clean and jerk, 245 / 155 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 255 / 160 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 265 / 165 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 270 / 170 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 275 / 175 lb.

    Time cap: 1 minute
    Top 20 athletes advance

    Semifinal Round:
    For time:
    1 clean and jerk, 280 / 180 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 290 / 185 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 300 / 190 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 305 / 195 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 310 / 200 lb.

    Time cap: 2 minutes
    Top 5 athletes advance

    Final Round:
    For time:
    1 clean and jerk, 315 / 205 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 325 / 210 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 335 / 215 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 340 / 220 lb.
    1 clean and jerk, 345 / 225 lb.

    Time cap: 3 minutes

  7. For time:
    5-8-13 reps of:
    Parallette handstand push-ups
    Double kettlebell deadlifts
    Then, lunge 89 ft. with 2 kettlebells overhead

      M 14-in. deficit, 2 203-lb. KB for deadlifts, 2 53-lb. KB for lunges
      F 8-in. deficit, 2 124-lb. KB for deadlifts, 2 35-lb. KB for lunges

    Time cap: 6 minutes

    Athletes will complete 5 handstand push-ups and 5 kettlebell deadlifts, 8 handstand push-ups and 8 kettlebell deadlifts, then 13 handstand push-ups and 13 kettlebell deadlifts. They then will pick up 2 kettlebells and lunge with them overhead to the finish line.

  8. For time:
    Swim 500 meters
    Paddle 1,000 meters
    Run 2,000 meters

    Athletes will begin on the Lake Monona shoreline, enter the water and swim a 500-meter course, concluding back on land. They then will grab a paddleboard and paddle a 1,000-meter course. Finally, the athletes will exit the water and run 2,000 meters to the AEC, where they will cross the finish line.

    Time cap: 40 minutes

  9. For time:
    35 / 30-cal. SkiErg
    30 / 25 burpees to bar
    45 / 40 single-arm OHS, 50 / 35-lb. DB
    40 / 45 single-leg squats
    25 box jump-overs, 42 / 36-in. box
    110-ft. tumbler pull, 400 / 300 lb.

    The athletes will not know the movements or reps at the start of the event. They will be informed of the exercises and reps required as they progress through each station.

    Time cap: 12 minutes

  10. 12-9-6 reps for time of:
    Bar muscle-ups

    M 135 lb.   F 85 lb.

    Time cap: 6 minutes for BC2

    Bicouplet 1 and Bicouplet 2 will be separately scored events. Athletes will have 6 minutes to complete one bicouplet, then a 1-minute transition before starting the next bicouplet. 

  11. 21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Chest-to-bar pull-ups

    M 85 lb.   F 55 lb.

    Time cap: 6 minutes for BC1

  12. 5 rounds for time of:
    300-m run
    20 / 15-cal. Assault Bike
    44-ft. sled pull

    Athletes will complete 5 rounds of the workout, finishing when they pull the sled across the finish line.

    Time cap: 18 minutes

  13. For time:
    50 heavy-rope double-unders
    Then, handstand walk through the following obstacles:
    Pylon slalom
    Parallel bars

    Athletes will complete 50 double-unders, then progress through the series of handstand-walk obstacles before crossing the finish line.

    Time cap: 4 minutes

  14. For time:
    5 / 4 pegboard ascents
    40 thrusters, 85 / 55 lb.
    33-ft. yoke carry, add weight
    33-ft. yoke carry, add weight
    33-ft. yoke carry

    M 425-565-665-lb. yoke
    F 345-405-445-lb. yoke

    Athletes will complete the pegboard ascents and 40 thrusters before moving to the yoke. They then will carry the yoke across the floor, stopping twice to add weight, then crossing the finish line.

    Time cap: 8 minutes