Games Workouts

2018 CrossFit Games

Aug 01

AG Battleground

500-meter run
O-course run


Handstand Walk

14-15 / 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    40-ft. HS obstacle course
    20 wall-ball shots
    40-ft. HS obstacle course

50+ Divisions
    40-ft. HS walk
    20 wall-ball shots
    40-ft. HS walk

Doubles & Oly

16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    4 rounds:
    50 double-unders
    5-4-3-2 squat snatches

14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    4 rounds:
    50 double-unders
    5-4-3-2 squat cleans

Aug 02

Rest Day

16-17 / 35-49 Divisions


14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead


14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    2 rounds:
    800-m row
    600-m SkiErg
    40 dumbbell squats

Rope and Yoke

14-15 & 50+ Divisions
    4 rounds:
    300-m run
    4-3-2-1 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry


Aug 03

Rest Day

14-15 / 50+ Divisions


16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead


16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    2 rounds:
    1,000-m row
    750-m SkiErg
    50 dumbbell squats

Rope and Yoke

16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    4 rounds:
    300-m run
    4-3-2-1 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry


Aug 04

Jump Finish

All Divisions
5 rounds:
    Back squats
    Box jump-overs

* Reps and some movements vary by division.

Open Water Swim

All Divisions
    500-m swim

AG Chipper

16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    30 deficit handstand push-ups
    40 deadlifts
    50-cal. BikeErg
    60 bar-facing burpees

* 14-15 / 50+ Divisions do not perform this event.


Aug 05

Core Couplet

16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
3 rounds:
30 medicine ball GHD sit-ups
10 sandbag cleans

14-15 / 50-59 Divisions
3 rounds:
20 toes-to-bars
10 sandbag cleans

60+ Divisions
3 rounds:
18 toes-to-bars
6 sandbag cleans

Complex Fran

16-17 / 35-49 Divisions only
21-15-9 reps:
Pull-up bar complex


Workout Details

  1. AG Battleground

    All Divisions
    For time:
    500-meter run
    O-course run

    Time cap: 8 minutes


  2. 14-15 / 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    For time:
    40-ft. handstand-walk obstacle course
    20 wall-ball shots
    40-ft. handstand-walk obstacle course

        M 14-15: 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target    
        M 16-17: 30-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
        M 35-49: 30-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
        F 14-15: 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
        F 16-17: 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
        F 35-49: 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

    50+ Divisions
    40-ft. handstand walk
    20 wall-ball shots
    40-ft. handstand walk

        M 50+: 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
        F 50+: 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

    Time cap: 4 minutes


  3. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    For time:
    50 double-unders
    5 squat snatches
    50 double-unders
    4 squat snatches
    50 double-unders
    3 squat snatches
    50 double-unders
    2 squat snatches

         M 16-17: 185-205-225-245 lb.
         M 35-39: 185-205-225-245 lb.
         M 40-44: 185-205-225-245 lb.
         M 45-49: 145-165-185-205 lb.
         F 16-17: 135-145-155-165 lb.
         F 35-39: 135-145-155-165 lb.
         F 40-44: 135-145-155-165 lb.
         F 45-49: 115-125-135-145 lb.

    14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    For time:
    50 double-unders
    5 squat cleans
    50 double-unders
    4 squat cleans
    50 double-unders
    3 squat cleans
    50 double-unders
    2 squat cleans

         M 14-15: 185-205-225-245 lb.
         M 50-54: 205-225-245-265 lb.
         M 55-59: 185-205-225-245 lb.
         M 60+: 155-165-185-205 lb.
         F 14-15: 135-145-155-165 lb.
         F 50-54: 135-145-155-165 lb.
         F 55-59: 115-125-135-145 lb.
         F 60+: 95-105-115-125 lb.

    Athletes will complete 4 rounds of double-unders and squat snatches (squat cleans for 14-15 and 50+ divisions). The weight on the barbell will increase each round.

    Time cap: 10 minutes


  4. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    Ages 16-17 and 35-49 will not compete on Thursday.

  5. 14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead

    Athletes will have 3 minutes and be allowed three attempts to establish a 1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead.

    There will then be a 1-minute transition before the start of the next event, P.S.

  6. 14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    2 rounds for time of:
    800-m row
    600-m SkiErg
    40 dumbbell squats

      M 35-lb. dumbbells
      F 20-lb. dumbbells

    Time cap: 21 minutes for men, 23 min. for women


  7. 14-15 & 50+ Divisions
    For time:
    300-m run
    4 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry
    300-m run
    3 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry
    300-m run
    2 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry
    300-m run
    1 rope climb
    44-ft. yoke carry

      M 14-15: 300-lb. yoke
      M 50-54: 380-lb. yoke
      M 55+: 300-lb. yoke
      F 14-15: 245-lb. yoke
      F 50-54: 300-lb. yoke
      F 55+: 245-lb. yoke

    Time cap: 16 minutes

  8. 14-15 / 50+ Divisions
    Ages 14-15 and 50+ will not compete on Friday.

  9. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead

    Athletes will have 3 minutes and be allowed three attempts to establish a 1-rep-max shoulder-to-overhead.

    There will then be a 1-minute transition before the start of the next event, P.S.

  10. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    2 rounds for time of:
    1,000-m row
    750-m SkiErg
    50 dumbbell squats

      M 50-lb. dumbbells
      F 35-lb. dumbbells

    Time cap: 21 min. for men, 23 min. for women

  11. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    300-m run
    4 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry
    300-m run
    3 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry
    300-m run
    2 rope climbs
    44-ft. yoke carry
    300-m run
    1 rope climb
    44-ft. yoke carry

      M 16-17: 480-lb. yoke
      M 35-49: 480-lb. yoke
      F 16-17: 380-lb. yoke
      F 35-49: 380-lb. yoke

    Time cap: 16 minutes

  12. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    5 rounds for time of:
    6 muscle-ups
    3 back squats
    30 box jump-overs

      M 16-17: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
      M 35-39: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
      M 40-44: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
      M 45-49: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
      F 16-17: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
      F 35-39: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
      F 40-44: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
      F 45-49: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box

    14-15 / 50-54 Divisions
    5 rounds for time of:
    6 muscle-ups
    3 back squats
    30 box jump-overs

      M 14-15: 245-lb. squat, 30-in. box
      M 50-54: 245-lb. squat, 30-in. box
      F 14-15: 165-lb. squat, 24-in. box
      F 50-54: 165-lb. squat, 24-in. box


    55-59 Division
    5 rounds for time of:
    3 muscle-ups
    3 back squats
    30 box jump-overs

      M 55-59: 205-lb. squat, 24-in. box, step-ups allowed
      F 55-59: 145-lb. squat, 18-in. box, step-ups allowed

    60+ Men’s Division
    5 rounds for time of:
    2 muscle-ups
    3 back squats
    30 box jump-overs

      M 60+: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box, step-ups allowed

    60+ Women’s Division
    5 rounds for time of:
    6 ring pull-ups
    3 back squats
    30 box jump-overs

      F 60+: 125-lb. squat, 18-in. box, step-ups allowed

    Time cap: 13 minutes

  13. All Divisions
    For time:
    Swim 500 meters

    Time cap: 12 minutes

  14. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    30 deficit handstand push-ups
    40 deadlifts
    50-cal. BikeErg
    60 bar-facing burpees

      M 4.5-in. deficit, 225-lb. deadlift
      F 3-in. deficit, 155-lb. deadlift

    * 14-15 / 50+ Divisions do not perform this event.

    Time cap: 16 minutes

  15. Core Couplet
    16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    3 rounds for time of:
    30 medicine-ball GHD sit-ups
    10 sandbag cleans

    M 16-17: 20-lb. ball, 150-lb. sandbag
    M 35-49: 20-lb. ball, 150-lb. sandbag
    F 16-17: 14-lb. ball, 100-lb. sandbag
    F 35-49: 14-lb. ball, 100-lb. sandbag    

    14-15 / 50-59 Divisions
    3 rounds for time of:
    20 toes-to-bars
    10 sandbag cleans

    M 14-15: 100-lb. sandbag
    M 50-59: 100-lb. sandbag
    F 14-15: 70-lb. sandbag
    F 50-59: 70-lb. sandbag  

    60+ Divisions
    3 rounds for time of:
    18 toes-to-bars
    6 sandbag cleans

    M 60+: 100-lb. sandbag
    F 60+: 70-lb. sandbag

    Time cap: 12 minutes


  16. 16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
    For time:
    7 bar muscle-ups
    7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    7 chin-over-bar pull-ups
    21 thrusters
    5 bar muscle-ups
    5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    5 chin-over-bar pull-ups
    15 thrusters
    3 bar muscle-ups
    3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    3 chin-over-bar pull-ups
    9 thrusters

    M 95-lb. thrusters
    F 65-lb. thrusters

    Time cap: 7 minutes

    14-15 / 50+ Divisions do not perform this event.