Games Workouts

2017 CrossFit Games

Aug 03

Run Swim Run

Run 1.5 miles
Swim 500 meters
Run 1.5 miles

1RM Snatch

Teenagers, 35-49 only
1-rep-max snatch

Aug 04

Assault Lunge

Teenagers, 35-49 only
Assault Lunge
40 / 30-cal. Assault Bike
100-ft. overhead lunge

Bar Fight

Teenage, 35-49 Divisions
50 chest-to-bar pull-ups
40 toes-to-bars
30 clean and jerks

50+ Divisions
12 clean and jerks
Then, 2 rounds of:
  15 toes-to-bars
  12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Then, 12 clean and jerks

Sprint O-Course

Obstacle-course race

Aug 05

Double-Under Snatch

Teenage, 35-49 Divisions:
4 rounds:
50 double-unders
15 snatches

50+ Divisions
4 rounds:
30 double-unders
15 dumbbell snatches


Teenagers, 35-49 only
10 muscle-ups
30 wall-ball shots
50-ft. handstand walk
25-ft. sandbag carry
10 muscle-ups
30 wall-ball shots
25-ft. handstand walk
25-ft. sandbag carry
10 muscle-ups
30 wall-ball shots
50-ft. sandbag carry

Aug 06


Teenage, 35-54 Divisions
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups

55+ Divisions
For time:
21 deadlifts
9 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts
6 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts
3 handstand push-ups


Final Couplet

Teenage, 35-54 Divisions
6 rope climbs
30 thrusters

55+ Divisions
5 rope climbs
20 thrusters

Workout Details

  1. Run Swim Run

    For time:
    Run 1.5 miles
    Swim 500 meters
    Run 1.5 miles

    Athletes will start at the AEC Center, run 1.5 miles to Lake Monona, swim 500 meters around a series of buoys, then return along the same run course to the finish line at the AEC Center.

    The athlete’s score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Time cap: 60 minutes

  2. Teenagers, 35-49 only
    1-rep-max snatch

    Athletes will each have a platform and 6 minutes to find their 1-rep-max snatch. The athlete’s score is the weight of their heaviest successful snatch.

    Masters 50-54, 55-59 and 60+ divisions will not perform this event.

  3. Teenagers, 35-49 only
    For time
    40 / 30-cal. Assault Bike
    100-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge

    M 14-15 use 60-lb. dumbbell
    M 16-49 use 80-lb. dumbbell
    F 14-15 use 45-lb. dumbbell
    F16-49 use 55-lb. dumbbell

    Athletes will bike 40 calories (30 for females) then lunge with a dumbbell overhead to the finish line. The athlete’s score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Masters 50-54, 55-59 and 60+ divisions will not perform this event.

    Time cap: 5 minutes

  4. Teenage, 35-49 Divisions
    For time:
    50 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    40 toes-to-bars
    30 clean and jerks

    M 14-15 use 175 lb.
    M 16-49 use 205 lb.
    F 14-15 use 115 lb.
    F 16-49 use 145 lb.

    50+ Divisions
    For time:
    12 clean and jerks
    Then, 2 rounds of:
      15 toes-to-bars
      12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    Then, 12 clean and jerks

    M 50+ use 155 lb.
    F 50+ use 105 lb.

    Teenagers and Masters 35-49 divisions will complete this workout as a chipper. 50 pull-ups, then 40 toes-to-bars, then 30 clean and jerks, then cross the finish line.

    Masters 50+ divisions will complete 12 clean and jerks, then 2 rounds of 15 toes-to-bars and 12 pull-ups, then one final set of 12 clean and jerks.

    The athlete’s score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Time cap: 15 minutes

  5. Athletes will race from one side of the stadium to the other through a series of obstacles. The athlete’s score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

  6. Teenage, 35-49 Divisions
    4 rounds for time of:
    50 double-unders
    15 snatches

    M 14-15 use a 75-lb. barbell
    M 16-49 use a 95-lb. barbell
    F 14-15 use a 55-lb. barbell
    F 16-49 use a 65-lb. barbell

    50+ Divisions
    4 rounds for time of:
    30 double-unders
    15 dumbbell snatches

    M 50+ use a 55-lb. dumbbell
    F 50+ use a 35-lb. dumbbell

    Athletes will complete 4 rounds of the couplet of double-unders and snatches. The athlete’s  score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Teenage and Masters 35-49 divisions will complete this event in the Age Group Arena and will use a barbell for the snatches. Masters 50+ divisions will complete this event in the Coliseum and will use a dumbbell for the snatches.

    Time cap: 10 minutes

  7. Teenagers, 35-49 only
    For time:
    10 muscle-ups
    30 wall-ball shots
    50-ft. handstand walk
    25-ft. sandbag carry
    10 muscle-ups
    30 wall-ball shots
    25-ft. handstand walk
    25-ft. sandbag carry
    10 muscle-ups
    30 wall-ball shots
    50-ft. sandbag carry

    M 14-15 use a 20-lb. ball to 10 ft. and a 150-lb. sandbag
    M 16-49 use a 20-lb. ball to 10 ft. and a 200-lb. sandbag
    F 14-15 use a 14-lb. ball to 9 ft. and a 100-lb. sandbag
    F 16-49 use a 14-lb. ball to 9 ft. and a 150-lb. sandbag

    Athletes will complete the sequence of muscle-ups, wall-ball shots, handstand walks and sandbag carries, then cross the finish line.

    The athlete’s  score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Masters 50+ Divisions will not perform this event.

    Time cap: 15 minutes

  8. Teenage, 35-54 Divisions
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Handstand push-ups

    M 14-15 use 185 lb.
    M 16-54 use 225 lb.
    F 14-15 use 135 lb.
    F 16-54 use 155 lb.

    55+ Divisions
    For time:
    21 deadlifts
    9 handstand push-ups
    15 deadlifts
    6 handstand push-ups
    9 deadlifts
    3 handstand push-ups

    M 55+ use 185 lb.
    F 55+ use 135 lb.

    Athletes will complete 21 deadlifts and 21 (9 for 55+ divisions) handstand push-ups, then 15 deadlifts and 15 (6 for 55+ divisions) handstand push-ups, and then 9 deadlifts and 9 (3 for 55+ divisions) handstand push-ups before crossing the finish line.

    The athlete’s score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Time cap: 4 minutes


    Once the 4-minute time cap has expired, athletes will have 2 minutes to reset before beginning the final event.

  9. Teenage, 35-54 Divisions
    For time:
    6 rope ascents, 15-ft. rope
    30 thrusters

    M 14-15 use 95 lb.
    M 16-54 use 115 lb.
    F 14-15 use 65 lb.
    F 16-54 use 80 lb.

    55+ Divisions
    For time:
    5 rope ascents, 15-ft. rope
    20 thrusters

    M 55+ use 95 lb.
    F 55+ use 65 lb.

    This event begins 2 minutes after the end of Diane.

    Athletes will complete 6 (5 for 55+ divisions) rope climbs, then 30 (20 for 55+ divisions) thrusters, then move to the finish line. The athlete’s score is the total time it takes for them to complete the event.

    Time cap: 5 minutes