April 17, 2022
“You’re Not Alone” — Tasia Percevecz

“I would tell a young woman that they are valuable and they are loved and they are worthy of being truly who they are, their authentic self. That we don’t have to shrink down and be small. You can be all that you are, whatever that looks like, and there is beauty in that space when you’re free to be who you are.” — Tasia Percevecz, two-time Affiliate Cup champion and coach to the fittest woman in the U.S., Haley Adams.

Women inside CrossFit affiliates around the world are inspiring the next generation of female athletes every day, accomplishing things that society once thought to have been impossible for them to achieve.

Tasia Percevecz is one of those women, sharing her story and experiences to remind others they are not alone and are deserving of love.

