Quarterfinals Workouts
2021 CrossFit Games
For time:
60 sit-ups
6 rope climbs, 15 ft.
60 weighted box step-ups
50 sit-ups
5 rope climbs, 15 ft.
50 weighted box step-ups
40 sit-ups
4 rope climbs, 15 ft.
40 weighted box step-ups
14-lb. ball, 20-in. box for the weighted box step-ups
Time cap: 20 min.
*Occupational Games athletes must complete the 16-54 variation of the workout.
Score Submission Deadline: Friday, May 7, 12:00 p.m. (noon) PT
Download the workout description and scorecard for your division:
Prior to starting, athletes must set up the competition area as shown in the floor plan.
This workout begins with the athlete standing across the 5-foot line, facing the GHD. After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete may move to the GHD for 60 GHD sit-ups, then to the rope for 6 rope climbs, and then back to the starting position facing the GHD for 60 alternating single-leg squats. Continue in this fashion, decreasing the number of repetitions each round. Time stops after the completion of the final single-leg squat.
The athlete’s score will be the total time it takes to complete the workout or the total number of repetitions completed before the 20-minute time cap.
Athletes competing in the Occupational Games MUST perform the 16-54 workout variation.
Tiebreak (if applicable)
The time should be recorded after the completion of each set of GHD sit-ups.
If the athlete completes the workout before the time cap, there will be no tiebreaker.
If the athlete does not complete the workout before the time cap, when they log their score they will enter the total number of reps they completed as well as the time at which they completed their last full set of GHD sit-ups.
In the case of a tie (i.e., athletes complete the same number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher.
Do NOT use a countdown timer.
GHD set to the appropriate height
Climbing rope, measured and marked to the designated height
Dumbbells (or other implement) to anchor the feet for sit-ups
AbMat (optional)
Box of appropriate height
Medicine ball of appropriate weight
Tape to mark the floor
Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions.
Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document may be disqualified from the competition.
Video Submission Standards
Shoot the video according to the diagram provided.
Avoid placing the camera low to the ground. It is recommended to place the camera at least 3 feet off the ground.
Film ALL competition area measurements so the distances and/or heights can be seen clearly.
Videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
A clock or timer must be visible throughout the workout.
Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected.
Do NOT use a countdown timer.
Ensure the judge does not obstruct the view of the athlete.
1 of 17Each rep begins and ends with the athlete seated at the top of the GHD with hands touching the foot pads.2 of 17The athlete must touch the ground or designated riser with both hands before returning to the seated position. The touch on the ground or riser must be overhead, not to the side of the body. The fingers must be at least in line with the top of the head when viewed from profile.3 of 17The rep is credited when both hands touch the foot pads.4 of 17Equipment note: The distance from the top of the seat pad to the floor may be no fewer than 40 inches for men and 37 inches for women.5 of 17If the athlete is using a GHD that exceeds the 40/37-inch requirement, they may touch an elevated target that creates the 40/37-inch distance (i.e., they may use a 6-inch riser on a 43-inch GHD to create a net height of 37 inches).6 of 17If the athlete is using a GHD that is below the 40/37- inch requirement, they may elevate the GHD to create the 40/37-inch distance.7 of 17Teenagers 14-15 and Masters 55+ divisions may perform sit-ups. Sit-ups must be performed in the designated GHD location on the floor plan. The athlete must begin with the back in contact with the floor, feet anchored, and hands touching the floor above the head.8 of 17The rep is credited when both hands touch the feet at the same time. AbMats are permitted but not required.9 of 17Each rep starts with both feet on the ground. The athlete may jump into the rope climb. Any style of climbing is permitted.10 of 1711 of 17The rep is credited when one hand clearly touches above the designated 15-ft. mark. Athletes may choose to touch a fixed object, such as a beam or the ceiling, so long as the object is at least 15 ft. high. There is no requirement during the descent of the climb.12 of 17The athlete must return to the starting position across the line, facing the GHD. If the foot on the ground touches or crosses the line at any time, the rep will not count. Each rep begins with the hips and knee extended on the working leg. The non-working leg must remain in front of the body; it cannot pass beyond the profile of the athlete’s body. Athletes may NOT rest the non-working leg on the working leg or use the hands/arms to push into the working leg. Athletes MAY hold on to the non-working leg.13 of 17The hip crease must pass below the top of the knee on the working leg. If any other part of the athlete’s body other than the working foot touches the floor before lockout, the rep will not count.14 of 17The rep is credited when the athlete reaches full hip and knee extension with the working leg while the non-working leg is clearly off of the ground. Athletes must alternate legs after every successful rep. Athletes must complete a successful rep on one side before beginning a rep on the other.15 of 17Masters 55+ divisions may use a medicine-ball step-up in place of single-leg squats. The athlete must return to the starting position across the line, facing the GHD. The ball can be held in any manner but may not make contact with the legs. Only the feet may make contact with the box. Using hands to push into the legs during the step-up is not allowed.16 of 1717 of 17The rep is credited when: Both feet are on top of the box. The hips and knees are fully extended, with head and shoulders over the hips.