Regional & Qualifier Workouts

2015 CrossFit Games

In the 2015 Regionals, athletes earned points in each event based on their finish (see chart). At the end of the weekend, the athlete with the most points was the winner. Athletes who tied received the same number of points. If an athlete fails to complete an event within the time cap (for timed events), his or her score will be capped and will receive a 1-second penalty for each rep not completed, plus a 1-second penalty for not making it to the finish mat.

  • Event 1

    • The barbell will be loaded unevenly.
    • The top of the deadlift rep.
    • Bottom of the pull-up rep.
    • Both athletes' chests must touch at the same time.

    For time, each pair will relay through a couplet of:
    410-lb. partner deadlifts
    Synchronized chest-to-bar pull-ups

    MF pair 1 completes 45 reps

    MF pair 2 completes 27-18 reps
    MF pair 3 completes 21-15-9 reps

    Time cap: 20 minutes
    Athlete order: MF, MF, MF

    This event begins with all six teammates on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the first male/female pair will move to the barbell for partner deadlifts. The barbell will be loaded unevenly, with more plates on one side than the other, and must be advanced after every 15 reps. After 45 deadlifts, the pair will move to the rig and perform 45 synchronized chest-to-bar pull-ups and then move to the finish mat. Once the leading pair reaches the mat, the next pair will enter and begin working. The second pair will complete 27 deadlifts, then 27 pull-ups, then 18 deadlifts, then 18 pull-ups. When the second pair reaches the finish mat, the final pair will enter and begin working. The reps for the third pair will be broken into sets of 21, 15 and 9. The event is complete when the last pair completes all their reps and moves to the finish mat.

    The team's score is its total time.

    Movement Standards

    The barbell begins on the ground with both athletes standing side-by-side. The barbell is lifted until both athletes’ hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout.

    Synchronized Chest-to-bar Pull-up
    Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. Both athletes’ arms must be fully extended at the bottom.

    At the top, both athletes’ chests must clearly come into contact with the bar at the same time. If one athlete does not touch their chest or their chests don’t touch at the same time, that is a no rep.




  • Event 2

    • The barbell starts on the floor.
    • The top of the snatch rep.
    • The feet may be used to assist the rope climb.
    • At the top the athlete must touch the cross beam.
    • The athlete must show control on the descent until both hands are lower than the 9-foot mark.
    • Beginning of the thruster rep.
    • End of the thruster rep.

    For total time, men will complete, then women will complete:
    175 snatches (75 / 55 lb.)
    25 rope climbs
    115 thrusters (115 / 75 lb.)

    Men will go first. Women may begin once men begin their rope climbs.

    Time cap: 25 minutes
    Athlete order: MMM then FFF

    This event begins with all six teammates on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the men will move forward to the barbell and begin snatching, moving the bar to the next rep mat after each 25 reps. The three athletes may break the reps into sets and share the work however they choose. Once they have completed 175 reps, they will move to the rope, at which point the women will move forward from the starting mat and begin their snatches.

    The men will perform 25 rope climbs, divided among the three athletes however they choose, before moving to the barbell. The men will then perform 115 thrusters, advancing the barbell after every 20 reps (15 for the last set). Once the men finish the last thruster, they move to the finish mat. The women will move through each set of exercises in the same fashion as the men. If the women complete all the reps of an exercise before the men finish their reps at the next exercise, the women must wait until the men have cleared the station before proceeding. The event is complete when the last female completes her final thruster and moves to the finish mat.

    The team's score is its total time.

    Movement Standards 

    The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one smooth motion. A clean and jerk, where the bar is lifted to the shoulders and then overhead is a no rep. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing.

    The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. The barbells will be shorter than conventional bars. The space between the sleeves will be 43 inches for both men and women.

    Rope Climb
    In the rope climb, the athlete ascends the rope to touch the cross beam at the top. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. On the descent, the athlete must show control, and may not drop from the rope until their hands touch below the designated 9-foot mark. Teammates must tag each other when switching.

    This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. The hip crease must pass below the knees. A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground.

    The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body.

  • Event 3

    • The run will take place on a TrueForm Runner.
    • The bottom of the wall-ball shot.
    • The top of the wall-ball shot.

    For time, each athlete moves through stations of:
    Female Athlete 1:
       0.5-mile run
       50 wall-ball shots
    Male Athlete 1:
       0.5-mile run
       50 wall-ball shots
    Female Athlete 2:
        0.4-mile run
       40 wall-ball shots
    Male Athlete 2:
       0.4-mile run
       40 wall-ball shots
    Female Athlete 3:
       0.3-mile run
       30 wall-ball shots
    Male Athlete 3:
       0.3-mile run
       30 wall-ball shots

    M 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
    F 14-lb. ball to 10 ft.

    Time cap: 20 minutes
    Athlete order: F, M, F, M, F, M

    This event begins with all six teammates on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the first female athlete will move forward to the treadmill and begin running. Once she completes 0.5 miles, she exits the treadmill and tags the first male before running to the rig to complete 50 wall-ball shots, then moves to the finish mat. Once they have tagged hands, the first male athlete will move to the treadmill and complete 0.5 miles. When he finishes his run, he exits the treadmill and tags the second female who will begin 0.4 miles on the treadmill. The workout continues in this fashion. The event is complete when the last male athlete completes his wall-ball shots and moves to the finish mat.

    If at any point the lead athlete has not completed their wall-ball shots by the time the next athlete is finished with their run, the rear athlete will remain on the treadmill until the lead athlete has finished their last wall-ball shot and moved to the finish mat.

    The team's score is its total time.

    Movement Standards 

    The run will take place on a TrueForm treadmill. Once the monitor displays 0.5, 0.4 or 0.3 for their respective round, the athlete may move on.

    Wall-ball Shot
    The medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The ball must make contact with the front face of the target. If the ball hits the bottom or top edge of the target, or does not hit the target at all, it is a no rep.

    The rep is counted when the ball makes contact with the target. If the ball is dropped, it must come to a full stop on the ground before the athlete may pick it up for the next rep.

  • Event 4

    • Athletes will lift one at a time.
    • Each team will have one 45-lb. barbell.

    1-rep-max snatch

    Time cap: 6 minutes (1 minute for each athlete)*
    Athlete order: Any

    Event 5 begins 2 minutes after this event ends.

    Prior to the start of the event, the first athlete may pre-load their barbell to the opening weight. This event begins with all six teammates standing behind the lifting platform. At the call of "3-2-1 … lift," the first athlete will move to the platform and will have 1 minute to establish their 1-rep-max snatch. Once their time is up, they will advance forward and the second athlete will have 1 minute to establish their 1-rep-max snatch. Then the third athlete, then fourth, etc. Team members may go in any order, and each athlete may make as many attempts as they choose within their time limit. There will only be one 45-lb. barbell for each team. Clips must be used. The first athlete may pre-load the barbell prior to their first lift, and athletes may load the bar for the next lifter as long as they are within their 1-minute window.

    Once the clock reaches 6:00, the team will have 2 minutes to transition to the start line for Team Event 5.

    The team’s score is the sum of the heaviest snatches each member completes.

    Movement Standards 

    The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one smooth motion. A clean and jerk, where the bar is lifted to the shoulders and then overhead is a no rep.

    Only the feet may touch the ground during the lift. A muscle snatch, power snatch, squat snatch or split snatch may be used, as long as the barbell comes to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. The lift must be completed by the 1-minute mark. Both men and women will use the same barbell.

  • Event 5

    • Athletes must stay in their lane during the handstand walk.

    Relay for time of:
    6 x 100-ft. handstand walk

    Time cap: 7 minutes
    Athlete order: any

    This event begins with all six teammates on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the first athlete will move forward to the starting line, kick up and handstand walk to the 100-foot line. Once they cross the line, the athlete will come down from their hands and move to the finish mat. Once they move to the finish mat the second athlete will move forward and perform their handstand walk. Then the third athlete, then fourth, etc. This event is complete when the last team member completes their handstand walk and moves to the finish mat.

    The team's score is the time it takes to complete the relay. If the team does not complete the event within the time cap, their score will be the time cap plus a 1-point penalty for every 10-foot increment that was not completed and a 1-rep penalty for each athlete who does not make it to the finish mat.

    Movement Standards

    Handstand Walk
    The athlete must start with their feet behind the start line and must stay within their lane as they travel forward. Each lane will be marked at 10-foot increments. If at anytime the athlete comes down from their hands, they must restart from the last increment they crossed. Both hands must cross the 10-foot increment line to earn credit for that distance.


  • Event 6

    • Bottom of the GHD sit-up rep.
    • Top of the GHD sit-up rep.
    • Bottom of the muscle-up rep.
    • Top of the muscle-up rep.
    • The clean starts in the hang position.
    • The finish position of the hang power clean.

    For total time, women will complete, then men will complete:
    50 GHD sit-ups, each
    50 muscle-ups, total
    50 hang power cleans, total (205 / 135 lb.)

    Females will go first. Males may begin once females have moved to the finish mat.

    Time cap: 25 minutes
    Athlete order: FFF then MMM

    This event begins with all six teammates on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the first female athlete will move forward and perform GHD sit-ups. Once 50 reps are complete, she will move to the rings and start accumulating reps of the muscle-ups, while the second female enters and starts performing GHD sit-ups. Once the second female completes 50 GHD sit-ups, she will move to the rings and assist the first female in accumulating muscle-up reps, while the third female enters and starts performing GHD sit-ups. Once the third female completes 50 GHD sit-ups, she will move to the rings and assist the other women in accumulating muscle-up reps. The women will perform muscle-ups until a total of 50 reps have been completed, at which point they will move to the barbell for a total of 50 hang power cleans (advancing the barbell forward after every 10 reps), before moving to the finish mat.

    Once the three women complete their last hang power clean and move to the finish mat, the first male athlete will enter and begin their work in the same fashion. This event is complete when the last rep of the hang power clean is complete and the last male athlete moves to the finish mat.

    The team's score is its total time.

    Movement Standards

    GHD Sit-up
    The GHD will have a standard setup and athletes may adjust prior and during the event. Each rep begins with the athlete touching both hands to the floor (for men) or to a 6-inch riser (for women). At the top, both hands must touch the foot pad.

    In the muscle-up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a “false grip”) and the feet off the ground.

    At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while the athlete supports him or herself above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep. Rings will be set at a fixed height of 90 inches from the top of the mat to the bottom of the rings. Athletes may not adjust the height of the rings. Athletes may assist each other to the rings once they have reached that station.

    Hang Power Clean
    Each repetition must start from the hang. Any repetition taken from the floor must achieve a deadlift lockout (hips and knees fully extended, shoulders behind the bar) before re-dipping to initiate the hang clean.

    Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended. Power cleaning the barbell from the ground in one continuous motion is not permitted.


  • Event 7

    • One athlete holds the top of a deadlift while one athlete rows.
    • The bottom of the handstand push-up.
    • The top of the handstand push-up.
    • The bottom of the toes-to-bar rep.
    • The top of the toes-to-bar rep.
    • The overhead walking lunge.

    For time, each athlete moves through stations of:
    30-calorie row 
      Deadlift hold while trailing teammate rows (315 / 205 lb.)
    30 strict handstand push-ups
      Handstand hold while trailing teammate performs HSPU
    30 toes-to-bars
      Static hang while trailing teammate performs toes-to-bars
    50-foot overhead axle lunge (155 / 105 lb.)

    Time cap: 20 minutes
    Athlete order: Any

    This event begins with all six teammates on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the first athlete will move forward and begin rowing. Once 30 calories have been rowed, they will move forward to the barbell while the next athlete enters and mounts the rower. The trailing athlete may only pull strokes on the rower while the leading athlete has deadlifted the barbell and is holding it at their waist. After 30 calories, they will rotate forward, with the first athlete moving on to the wall station for 30 handstand push-ups, while the second athlete remains at the row/deadlift station and the third athlete enters.

    Once the first athlete has performed 30 handstand push-ups and the second athlete has rotated to the wall, the first athlete will then hold a handstand against the wall while the second athlete performs their reps of handstand push-ups. The first athlete will then rotate to the pull-up bar station for 30 toes-to-bars. Once the second athlete rotates to the pull-up bar station, the first athlete will then hang from the bar while the second athlete performs their reps of toes-to-bars.

    Work throughout the entire event will be done in this fashion, with the leading athlete performing a static hold while the trailing athlete accumulates their reps. Once an athlete is able to advance from the pull-up bar, they will move from the rig to the axle bar. They will overhead lunge the axle passed the marker, then return the bar to the starting position before running to the finish mat. The last athlete to enter will not have an athlete trailing behind them and will therefore not need to perform any static holds and may rest while the athlete ahead of them performs their reps. However, once the last athlete completes their 30 toes-to-bars they will wait until the lead athlete has lunged 50 feet before they pick up the axle and overhead lunge. Once the last athlete completes their lunges and moves to the finish mat, the event is complete.

    The team's score is its total time.

    Movement Standards

    Row with Deadlift Hold
    The leading athlete must hold the barbell locked out at the top of the deadlift, hips and knees at full extension with the shoulders behind the bar, while the trailing athlete performs the row. Any grip is permitted. If the athlete drops or sets down the barbell, their partner must stop pulling strokes on the rower.

    Handstand Push-up with Handstand Hold
    Each handstand push-up begins and ends with the arms locked out and heels on the wall. The palms must remain inside a 34-inch wide by 24-inch deep marked area (fingers may extend outside).

    At the bottom of each rep, the head touches the ground. Kipping or using the legs for assistance is not allowed. The athlete’s hips may not touch the wall and their legs must remain straight. The leading athlete must also be in a handstand for the entire rep.

    Toes-to-bar with Hang
    In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang with the heels behind the vertical plane of the pull-up bar, to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands.

    The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body. The leading athlete must hang from the bar while the trailing athlete performs repetitions. Both athletes must face the same direction.

    Overhead Walking Lunge
    Forward motion will only be allowed while the load is being supported in the overhead position. On each lunge, the trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom.

    At the top of each step, the athlete must stand with the hips and knees fully extended. If the knee does not touch the ground, or if the next step is initiated (or the weight is dropped) before fully standing up, the barbell will need to be brought backward to where the previous step began. Once the athlete moves past the marker and is standing tall, they will drop the bar and return it to the start position for the athlete behind them. The final male and final female athletes do not return their barbell after their lunge.