Finals Workouts

2024 CrossFit Games

Aug 29

Masters Event 1

4 rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts
10 deadlifts
15 deadlifts
20 deadlifts

Masters Event 2

4 rounds for time of:
Rope climbs
Sandbag cleans
Handstand walk (35-59 age groups) 

Masters Event 3 (35-54)

For time:
25 overhead squats 
80-foot dumbbell walking lunge
25 overhead squats

Aug 30

Masters Event 4

For time: 
Snatch 4-3-2-1 reps

Masters Event 5

For time:
75 wall-ball shots 
40 double dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
30 dumbbell step-overs 
40 dumbbell snatches 
75 wall-ball shots

Masters Event 6

For time:

Buy-in for each interval:
Chest-to-bar pull-ups


Max Echo-bike calories in time remaining or until total number of Echo-bike calories is reached.

Aug 31

Masters Event 7 (35-54)

For time: 
30 clean and jerks 
30 ring muscle-ups
30 snatches

Masters Event 8

8 rounds for time of:
Bar-facing burpees
1 clean

Masters Event 9

Establish a 1-rep-max front squat

Sept 01

Masters Event 10

8-12-16 reps for time of:
Single dumbbell thrusters
Bar muscle-ups

Workout Details

  1. Masters Event 1

    4 rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts
    10 deadlifts
    15 deadlifts
    20 deadlifts

    Time cap: 18 minutes

    Age Group Run (meters) Deadlift 
    35-39 600 180/255 lb
    40-44 600 180/255 lb
    45-49 600 165/245 lb
    50-54 600 165/245 lb
    55-59 500 155/225 lb
    60-64 400 135/195 lb
    65-69 400 115/175 lb
  2. 4 rounds for time of:
    Rope climbs
    Sandbag cleans
    Handstand walk (35-59 age groups) 

    Time cap: 12 minutes

    Age Group Rope Climb Sandbag Handstand Walk
    35-39 4 6 (100/150) 40 feet
    40-44 4 6 (100/150) 40 feet
    45-49 4 6 (100/150) 40 feet
    50-54 3 6 (100/150) 40 feet
    55-59 3 6 (50/100) 20 feet
    60-64 3 6 (50/100) N/A
    65-69 3 (12 feet) 6 (50/100) N/A
  3. For time:
    25 overhead squats 
    80-foot dumbbell walking lunge
    25 overhead squats

    Time cap: 3 minutes

    Age Group Overhead Squats  Dumbbell Lunge 
    35-39 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
    40-44 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
    45-49 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
    50-54 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
    55-59 N/A N/A
    60-64 N/A N/A
    65-69 N/A N/A
  4. For time: 
    Snatch 4-3-2-1 reps

    Time cap: 3 minutes

    Tiebreak: Time at successful lift at third weight.

    Age Group Women  Men 
    35-39 95/115/135/155 lb 135/165/195/225 lb
    40-44 95/115/125/145 lb 135/165/185/215 lb
    45-49 90/110/120/140 lb 130/150/175/205 lb
    50-54 85/105/115/135 lb 130/150/175/195 lb
    55-59 75/85/105/115 lb 115/135/150/170 lb
    60-64 65/75/80/90 lb 105/115/135/145 lb
    65-69 55/60/65/70 lb 95/105/125/135 lb
  5. For time:
    75 wall-ball shots 
    40 double dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
    30 dumbbell step-overs 
    40 dumbbell snatches 
    75 wall-ball shots

    Time cap: 15 minutes

    Age Group Wall-Ball Shot Shoulder-to-Overhead Box Step-Overs Dumbbell Snatch
    35-39 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
    40-44 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
    45-49 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
    50-54 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
    55-59 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 20/35 lb 20/24 inches, 20/35 lb 20/35 lb

    10/14 lb, 9/10 feet 20/35 lb 20/24 inches, 20/35 lb 20/35 lb
    65+ 10/14 lb, 9/10 feet 20/35 lb 20/24 inches, 20/35 lb 20/35 lb
  6. For time:
    Buy-in for each interval:
    Chest-to-bar pull-ups


    Max Echo-bike calories in time remaining or until total number of Echo-bike calories is reached.

    Time cap: 11 minutes* 

    *Interval 1 is 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest. Interval 2 is 3 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest. Interval 3 is 2 minutes. 

    Age Group Double-unders Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups Echo Bike
    35-39 75 20 80/105 cal.
    40-44 75 20 80/105 cal. 
    45-49 75 20 65/95 cal.
    50-54 75 15 65/95 cal.
    55-59 60 15 55/85 cal.
    60-64 50 10 55/85 cal.
    65-69 30 10 (Pull-ups/Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups) 45/75 cal.
  7. For time: 
    30 clean and jerks 
    30 ring muscle-ups
    30 snatches

    Time cap: 12 minutes

    Age Group Clean and Jerk Ring Muscle-up Snatch
    35-39 95/135 lb 30 95/135 lb
    40-44 95/135 lb 30 95/135 lb
    45-49* 95/135 lb 25 95/135 lb
    50-54* 95/135 lb 25 95/135 lb
    55-59 N/A N/A N/A
    60-64 N/A N/A N/A
    65-69 N/A N/A N/A

    *45-54 do 25/25/25 reps

  8. 8 rounds for time of:
    Bar-facing burpees
    1 clean

    Time cap: 8 minutes 

    Age Group Burpees Toes-to-Bars Clean
    35-39 8 8 180/255 lb
    40-44 8 8 180/255 lb
    45-49 8 8 170/245 lb
    50-54 8 8 155/225 lb
    55-59 7 7 145/205 lb
    60-64 6 6 125/185 lb
    65-69 6 6 115/165 lb
  9. Establish a 1-rep-max front squat

    Time cap: 5 minutes


  10. 8-12-16 reps for time of:
    Single dumbbell thrusters
    Bar muscle-ups

    Time cap: 8 minutes

    Age Group Thrusters Bar MU (reps)
    35-39 50/70 lb 8-12-16
    40-44 50/70 lb 8-12-16
    45-49 35/60 lb 8-12-16
    50-54 35/50 lb 8-12-16
    55-59 35/50 lb 6-10-14
    60-64 35/50 lb 4-6-8
    65-69 35/50 lb 4-6-8