Regional & Qualifier Workouts

2011 CrossFit Games

Below are detailed descriptions of the workouts for individuals and for the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games Regional competitions, including instruction, standards for judgment and demonstration videos.

Originally published descriptions can be found here.

  • Team Event 1 - 2011

    For time:
    4 x Row 750m
    50 HSPU
    4 x Row 750m


    Teams are made up of two men and two women. Athletes will begin lined up in order behind the rower. They determine the starting order and must stick with that order throughout the workout. At the start, the first athlete moves to the rower and completes the 750m row. He or she gets off the rower and tags the second athlete behind the line. The second athlete then moves to the rower and rows 750m. This continues until all four athletes have rowed 750m.

    Once the fourth athlete finishes, he or she tags the first athlete, who moves to the wall and performs a set of handstand pushups. At least one rep must be attempted. An attempt begins in the start position and descends until the head touches the abmat. The rest of the athletes perform sets of handstand pushups in order. Every athlete must perform at least one attempt, even if all 50 reps have been completed. If the 50 reps have not been completed after all four athletes have performed their first set, they continue performing one set apiece in order. Once the 50 handstand pushups are complete and everyone has performed at least one set, the first athlete moves back to the rower. He or she may not move past the line until the handstand pushups are complete. It is the same first athlete who rows first, no matter which athlete performed the final handstand pushup.

    The final set of rowing proceeds exactly as the first set. The clock stops when the fourth athlete has finished the row and runs back across the line.

    The team’s result will be total time to complete this chipper. There is a 35min time cap. If the workout is not finished within the 35min, a 1sec penalty is added to the 35min for each meter and each handstand pushup not completed. If no athlete on the team can complete a single handstand pushup, the team receives a DNF and is eliminated from the competition.

    Movement Standards

    Handstand push-ups:
    Two competition 45-lb. plates will be placed on the ground next to the wall with an abmat in between. The start and finish positions of each rep are identical, with the hands flat and completely on the plates, the arms locked out, body straight and only the feet touching the wall. The feet must be inside the hands, meaning the width of the feet must be less than the width of the hands. The fingers cannot wrap off the edge of the plate, nor can they descend into the hole of the plate. From the starting position, the arms bend until the head touches the abmat. The athlete presses back up until the start finish position is achieved. The feet do not have to remain on the wall for the movement, though they must be on the wall to complete the rep. The legs can bend together but not one at a time. Kipping is allowed. If the legs are bent, no upward progress can be made while the feet are touching the wall (meaning no climbing up the wall with your legs). If your legs are straight, your feet can slide up the wall.

    Any damper setting is allowed. You must remain in the seat and holding the paddle until the entire distance is complete. You must enter, exit and adjust the machine on your own with no assistance. 

  • Team Event 2 - 2011

    Thruster Ladder


    The teams are comprised of the man and woman who did not compete in Workout 1. They will each proceed through the ladder exactly as the individuals do. The team result will be the sum of their respective heaviest thrusters. If both athletes are not able to complete a successful thruster with the first barbell, the team receives a DNF and is eliminated from the competition. 

    Movement Standards

    The barbell starts on the ground, and the athlete must elevate it into the rack position. There is no requirement to stand up fully before beginning the thruster, nor is standing up prohibited. The thruster begins when the athlete squats below parallel with the barbell racked on the shoulders (or at least below the chin). Then, in a single movement the athlete drives the barbell up out of the squat and overhead. The finishing position has the knees, hips and arms fully extended with the barbell stable over the heels. Once the athlete hits the bottom of the squat, there can be no rebend of the knees and/or hips, and the feet must remain stationary. The bar can stop near the top and be pressed out if necessary, but any descent of the barbell (after upward movement in the thruster has begun) constitutes a no-lift. Any stepping, splitting, repositioning of the feet, re-bending the hips or knees or jerking all constitute a no-lift. Going up on the toes is permitted as long as the feet remain stationary. The athlete must wait for the judge's signal to drop the weight.

    Women Weights (lbs):  105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185
    Men Weights (lbs): 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295 

    Any athlete who finishes the entire ladder will have the opportunity to go beyond. When the entire thruster event has ended, these athletes will be given six more bars (305, 315, 325, 335, 345, 355 lbs for men, and 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215lbs for women) to differentiate themselves further. 

  • Team Event 3 - 2011

    21-15-9 reps x 2 for time of:
    Deadlift (275/185lbs)
    Box jump (30”/24”)


    Teams of two are comprised of one man and one woman. Both athletes start behind the line. The man will perform 21 deadlifts at 275lbs, then 21 box jumps at 30”, then 15 deadlifts and 15 box jumps, then 9 deadlifts and 9 box jumps. He will then run back behind the line and tag the woman. She will strip off the 45lb plates and replace the collars. She will perform 21 deadlifts at 185lbs. She will then tip the box over so that it is set for the 24” height (she should be careful not to set it at the 20” height, which will disqualify any reps performed at that height). She will then perform 21 box jumps and finish the workout as prescribed. Time stops when she crosses the line. Their result is the total time to complete the entire workout. There is a 20min time cap. If the team cannot finish in the time cap, their result is the time cap plus a one second penalty for each rep not completed.

    Movement Standards

    The barbell begins on the ground and must touch the ground between each rep. The athlete’s knees and hips must be extended at the top, with the shoulders behind the bar. The athletes hands must be outside their knees. Any grip is permitted. Dropping the barbell is permitted but not required. Chalk and any injury prevention/protection such as tape are permitted. Sticky substances, wraps, or anything used for advantage are prohibited. Belts are permitted.

    Box Jump:
    Athletes must jump from the ground onto the box with two feet. They must reach full extension ON THE BOX. Reaching full extension only in the air is not permitted. In other words, the athlete’s knees and hips must be fully extended while both feet are on the box (the entire foot on the box is recommended but not required). Both jumping and stepping down are permitted. 

  • Team Event 4 - 2011

    For time:
    250 Chest to bar pull-ups
    250 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
    250 Double-unders
    250 Overhead squats (95/65lbs)


    Teams of four are comprised of the two men and two women who did not compete in Team Workout 3. Athletes will start on the ground below their pull-up bar. At Go, they will jump to their bar. Any jumping before the Go will result in a false start. This workout is a chipper. All pull-ups must be completed before the kettlebell swings, all the swings before the double-unders, and all the double-unders before the overhead squats. Only one athlete may be working at a time. The athletes may work in any order they choose. There is no minimum number of reps each athlete must complete. There is a 30min time cap. If a team cannot finish in the time cap, their result is the time cap plus a one second penalty for each rep not completed.

    Movement Standards

    Chest to bar pull-ups:
    These are standard chest to bar pull-ups. Full extension of the arms must be reached at the bottom. At the top, the chest (anywhere below the clavicle) must come into contact with the bar. Just achieving sufficient height is not enough. There must be visible contact. Any grip on the bar and any type of kipping are allowed as long as these standards are met.

    Kettlebell swing:
    At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell over the handle), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight. At the bottom, the wrists must touch the thighs and the bell must pass behind the heels. There is no requirement for flexing the knees.

    These are standard double-unders with the rope passing twice around the body in a forward motion with each jump. Swinging the rope backward is not permitted. For the rep to count, the rope must clear twice.  Attempts where the rope catches before clearing twice do not count. You are permitted to use your own rope.

    Overhead squat:
    This is a standard overhead squat. The barbell must be kept overhead with the arms locked. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the knee cap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell over heels. The judges will be particularly strict about ensuring the hip becomes fully open at the top (no leaning forward). 

  • Team Event 5 - 2011

    9-9-7-7-5-5 reps for time of:
    Squat snatch (135/95lbs)


    Teams of two are comprised of one man and one woman. The man does 9 muscle-ups, then the woman does 9 muscle-ups. Then the man does 9 snatches, then the woman does 9 snatches with a separate barbell, etc. The pattern continues until they both have completed the entire workout. The ring height will be adjusted so that the bottom of the ring is one fist higher than the tops of the taller athlete’s fingers when standing with one arm extended. Athletes will begin standing under the rings. At Go, they will jump to the rings and perform the workout as described. If the rings are too high, the taller athlete is permitted to assist the shorter athlete in reaching the rings. A team’s result is their total time to complete the couplet. There is a 20 minute time cap for teams. If the team cannot finish in the time cap, their result is the time cap plus a one second penalty for each rep not completed. If both athletes are not able to complete a single muscle-up or a single snatch, they receive a DNF and the team is eliminated from the competition.

    Clarification: As long as the team is able to perform one muscle-up, they are not DNF'd. If they reach the snatches, as long as the team performs one snatch, they are not DNF'd. If they perform at least one muscle-up but don't get to the snatches when the time cap is reached, they are assessed the penalty second for each rep remaining in the workout.

    Movement Standards

    This is a standard ring muscle-up. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the hands turned out. A false grip is recommended but not required. The athlete must be pressed out completely (arms straight) at the top. Kipping the muscle-up is permitted. Gymnastics swings where momentum is carried from the top of the movement are not permitted.

    Squat snatch:
    The athlete must move the barbell from the ground to locked out in the bottom of the squat (the overhead squat position) in a single continuous movement. The barbell can be pressed out and the bar can be ridden down as long as there is no obvious segmenting of the movement. In other words, a power snatch followed by an overhead squat is not permitted if the judge can clearly distinguish between the two movements. From the bottom of the squat position, the athlete must stand and finish standing with the hips and knees and arms fully extended with the barbell over the heels. Dropping the barbell is permitted. Any grip width is permitted. 

  • Team Event 6 - 2011

    For time:
    Row 20 calories
    30 Burpees
    30 Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45/35lb DBs)
    30 Toes to bar
    100 foot Overhead walking lunge (45/25lb plate)
    50 foot Sprint


    Teams of four are comprised of the two men and two women who did not compete in Team Workout 5. This is a chipper workout. All four athletes perform the entire workout. Athletes begin behind the line. At Go, the first athlete enters and completes the Row. When that athlete has completed the row, they move on to Burpees, and the second athlete may begin the Row. This pattern continues, in order, through all of the movement. No athlete can begin their next station until the athlete ahead of them is clear from that station. The athlete in front does not have to wait for anyone behind. A team’s result is the total time for all 4 members to go through the workout. There is a 20-minute time cap. If a team cannot finish in the time cap, their result is the time cap plus a one second penalty for each rep not completed.

    Movement Standards

    Any damper setting is allowed. You must remain in the seat and holding the paddle until the entire distance is complete. You must enter, exit and adjust the machine on your own with no assistance.

    There will be two 45-lb. competition plates stacked together. Athletes will face the plates. The bottom of the burpee has the athlete face down with the chest and thighs touching the ground. There is no requirement for how they stand up. The athlete must then jump from two feet and land on top of the plates with two feet (the entire foot on the plates is recommended but not required). The top of the movement is the athlete standing on plates with the hips and knees fully open. Reaching full extension only in the air is not permitted. This is the same as the top of the box jump in Workout 3.

    Dumbbell ground-to-overhead:
    The bottom of the movement has both ends of each dumbbell touching the ground (just touching one end of the dumbbell isn’t sufficient and results in no-rep). The dumbbells can be inside, outside, or in front of the feet. The dumbbells must move together to the overhead position, but otherwise, there are no requirements for how that happens (snatch, clean and jerk, anyhow). The top position is both dumbbells locked-out overhead (dumbbells over the heels), with the knees, hips, and arms fully extended. It doesn’t matter which direction the dumbbells face.

    The athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back to behind the bar, not out front. Both feet must touch the bar together at some point. The arms can be bent or straight.

    Overhead walking lunge:
    The plate must be overhead in order to advance. Straight arms is recommended but not required. The plate may not touch the head, even while resting. In each step, the back knee must touch the ground. At the top of the movement, the knees and hips must be open (no duck-walking). In consecutive reps, the legs must be alternated. On the first rep, or if the plate has been lowered and repositioned, it doesn’t matter which leg starts. The athlete will lunge 50’, stand up fully (with the plate overhead) beyond the line, turn around, lunge 50’ back, and stand up (with the plate overhead) behind the line. Resting at any point is acceptable, but movement must begin from the location of the last completed rep, which requires standing up fully with the plate overhead.