September 1, 2011
Cycling Basics: Part 3

In this series, Brian MacKenzie and Doug Katona of CrossFit Endurance share tips for improving your cycling performance. Using a Wattbike, the two are able to collect data on cycling performance and improve technique. Today’s goal is improving posture while cycling.

“Cycling biomechanically is a very, very fine skill,” Katona says. Using the analogy of a clock, he provides simple ways to look at pedaling biomechanics to see where power is generated.

“What we’re looking for is a smooth, fluid, rhythmical pedal stroke without any choppiness,” Katona says. But he cautions, “Don’t over think the pedal stroke.”

He says there is a natural progression of a heel lift and toe point, but don’t try to do either intentionally. Pointing your toes as fatigue sets in only leads to a cascade of power-draining faults involving midline breaks and folds in the lower back.

Next Katona discusses ideal cadence, or revolutions per minute (rpm), specifically for flat roads and hill climbs. For efficiency, he suggests remaining seated instead of standing for most climbs.

Video by Again Faster.

Watch this video in the CrossFit Journal.