February 10, 2023
The CrossFit Open, Explained

What is the CrossFit Open?


The CrossFit Open is a three-week, worldwide competition that is for anyone and everyone, regardless of fitness level or ability.

For some, the Open is a chance to test their fitness and see how much fitter they’ve become over the past year. For others, the Open is about putting themselves out there, showing up, and celebrating fitness and connecting with others in their affiliate and around the world. For a select few, the Open is the first step in qualifying for the CrossFit Games. 

Ninety-three-year-old Annie Holmes says it best: “Be strong and have courage.” 

Take the leap today and join in on the largest participatory event in the world. 


The 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games Open starts Feb. 16. Sign up today.


Additional Resources

Learn more about the Open and how to register here.

Read “CrossFit: A Sport for Life” here.

Learn more about the CrossFit community here.

Find a CrossFit gym here.