“Saw a mountain across the horizon, and I got there... Realized it was just a pile of rocks." @Blacksmifff #BHAW


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2024 72nd Men 16th Men North America West 28th Men United States 4th Men CrossFit Invictus
2023 39th Men 9th Men North America West 20th Men United States 1st Men CrossFit Invictus
2022 20th Men 16th Men North America 12th Men United States 1st Men CrossFit New England
2021 59th Men 37th Men North America 31st Men United States 1st Men CrossFit New England
2020 22nd Men – – 12th Men United States – –
2019 40th Men – – 20th Men United States – –
2018 128th Men 25th Men Europe North 1st Men Bulgaria – –
2017 201955th Men 13686th Men North Central 108087th Men United States – –
2016 174th Men 7th Men Mid Atlantic – – – –
2015 Men Men North East – – – –

Individual Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region
2023 24th Men 11th Men North America West
2022 4th Men 2nd Men North America
2021 18th Men 11th Men North America

Team Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Team Name
2024 2nd Team 1st Team North America West CrossFit Invictus


Year Division Rank Regional
2016 Men 9th Atlantic


Year Division Rank Semifinal
2024 Team 1st North America West Semifinal
2023 Men 6th North America West Semifinal
2022 Men 10th Granite Games
2021 Men 2nd Granite Games


Year Division Rank
2023 Men 7th
2021 Men 21st
2020 Men 6th
2019 Men 15th

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat 495 lb
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk 360 lb
    Deadlift 635 lb
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran 2:03
    Grace 1:04
  • Helen 7:15
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups 85
    Run 5k 18:58
  • Snatch 305 lb
    Sprint 400m --