Open Workout 25.3 Results and Recap

March 19, 2025


Check out the top-performing athletes from each division and other highlights from Week 3 of the 2025 CrossFit Open. 

The 2025 CrossFit open is done and dusted! Check out the top-performing athletes from each division and other highlights from the final week of competition. 


In This Article:


Open Workout 25.3

For time:

5 wall walks
50-calorie row
5 wall walks
25 deadlifts
5 wall walks
25 cleans
5 wall walks
25 snatches
5 wall walks
50-calorie row

Time cap: 20 minutes



25.3 Analysis by btwb

 25.3 - athletes doing wall walks - Analysis Hero

Get the in-depth analysis of Open Workout 25.3 from Jonathan Kinnick of Beyond the Whiteboard.



25.3 Winners by Division

Individual Results


Men Score Women Score
Dallin Pepper 9:21 Olivia Kerstetter 10:18


Age-Group Results


Age Groups Men Score Women Score
14-15 Alex Barnes 11:06 Keira McManus 11:15
16-17 Alan Spiegel III 12:27 María Granizo 12:42
35-39 Bartek Lipka 10:57 Carolyne Prevost 11:32
40-44 James Howell 10:51 Andreia Pinheiro 12:33
45-49 Krzystof Parciak 12:15 Abbey Gagnon 13:19
50-54 Chad Augustin 13:04 Teresa Briest 14:46
55-59 Sean Patrick 10:46 Shanna Bunce 12:26
60-64 Chris Podesto 11:52 Mona Shay 13:03
65-69 Cardoso Muendane 12:13 Denise Moore 15:58
70+ Doug Murray 15:28 Consuelo Cruz 17:36


Adaptive Results


Division Men Score Women Score
Upper Impairment 1 Point of Contact Victor Hugo Assaf 10:19 Debbie O’Connell 10:49
Upper Impairment 2 Point of Contact Josue Maldonado 10:50 Christina Mazzullo 11:02
Lower Impairment Above Knee Anthony Gutierrez 9:51 Lauren Farhat 11:05
Lower Impairment Below Knee Ole Antonsen 13:43 Grislaine Schueler Cap+157
Lower minor Luke Reeson 15:32 Bayleigh Hooper 15:10
Neuromuscular Major Pedro Ramirez Aguirre 7:53 Terri Wulff 7:36
Neuromuscular Moderate Nui Bartlett 9:13 Liana Gerber 11:24
Neuromuscular Minor Adam Nelczyk 13:53 Britt Harbaugh 14:45
Visual Impairment Hunter Tribe 13:17 Andrea Aguero Valle 17:23
Short Stature Tim Murray 14:07 Irene Wanandi 11:32
Seated Without Hip Function Wacey Morrison 13:51 Andrea Wilson 12:37
Seated With Hip Function Tom Miazga 11:34 Elizabeth Foster 14:27
Seated Quadriplegic Cameron Whittaker 4:50 Hope Kittel 3:02
Standing Diagnosed Elijah Sanchez 15:26 Katie Bures 15:24
Intellectual Without Chromosomal Condition Lance King 18:32 Kira Weber Cap+118
Intellectual With Chromosomal Condition Dylan Crema 13:31 Julia Lane 17:16


Week 3 Spirit of the Open Award Winner

The Week 3 Spirit of the Open award winner is Jason Sparks!

The Spirit of the Open award, presented by Rogue, is an honor given to an athlete who embodies the spirit of the CrossFit community.

Jason will receive a special edition Rogue barbell to use in his affiliate or garage gym.


Week 3 Live Announcement Matchup Winner

Dallin Pepper on the rower

Dallin Pepper during the live announcement of Open Workout 25.3

An epic matchup of elite athletes closed out the live announcements of the 2025 CrossFit Open. Three of the best athletes and trash-talkers in the sport were the first to throw down in 25.3 — James Sprague, Jayson Hopper, and Dallin Pepper. 

Special guest NFL quarterback Tyson Bagent joined the trio to test his fitness against three of the fittest in the world.  

Pepper jumped out to an early lead, crushing the 225-lb deadlifts and digging deep on the rower, securing the win in a time of 9:21. This score also ranked first on the overall men’s leaderboard by the end of 25.3, awarding Pepper the Open workout win.  

The 25.3 Matchup Results

Rank Name Score
1 Dallin Pepper 9:21
2 James Sprague 9:43
3 Jayson Hopper 9:44
4 Tyson Bagent 18:31




Up Next: Semifinals

The top athletes across all divisions from the Open will move on to the in-affiliate Semifinals, the final qualifying stage for the 2025 CrossFit Games. The individual division athletes will also have the option to qualify for the Games through in-person qualifying events.

Semifinals kick off with the Age-Group Semfinal on April 3.