The third and final workout of the 2025 CrossFit Open featured wall walks, rowing for calories, deadlifts, cleans, and snatches. The workout was for time with a 20-minute cap. There were two 50-calorie rows and 25 total reps of each of the other movements. The weights on the barbell movements were reminiscent of classic benchmark workouts and proved to be manageable for the vast majority of athletes. For a large number of athletes, the pain of the final push on the rower will be seared into their minds until they redo this workout in the future.
Performance by Country
For the third week in a row, South Korea has taken the top spot for both percentage of Rx’d athletes (90%) and percentage of athletes finishing the workout (32%). For the highest Rx’d percentage, they were followed by Australia with 84%, and the United States with 79.5%.
For the percentage of athletes who finished the workout under the time cap, South Korea was followed by Australia with 29% and Canada with 27.4%.
Workout Analysis by Division
Many more athletes were able to finish 25.3 under the time cap than compared to 25.2. An impressive 42% of men aged 18-34 were able to finish the workout, which was significantly higher than women aged 18-34, masters and teens, whose percentages were in the low 20s.
We saw an increase in athletes willing to attack the Rx’d version of 25.3 compared to 25.2. For men aged 18-34, 89% chose the Rx’d version, compared to 86% last week. For women aged 18-34, 72% chose the Rx’d version, compared to 65% last week.
The smooth distribution of scores on this workout indicates the weights and movements were accessible to the majority of athletes. We see a dip in scores on the final 5 wall walks, but that was due to the fewer reps included in that section. The vast majority of athletes made it to at least the snatches, with the highest concentration of athletes finishing the workout on the final 50 calories on the rower.
A total of 40% of Rx’d women aged 16-54 and 42% of Rx’d men aged 16-54 finished the workout on the rower, either by being time-capped, or by completing the 50 calories. One of the most painful ways to end a workout is with a row or a run because there is nowhere to hide. There is no built-in rest or excuse to stop. You must simply give every last bit of push you have left in your body until you finish or get saved by the bell. This means nearly half of the field spent the final minutes of the workout rowing for their lives.
Community Cup Tiers
For the 2025 CrossFit Games season, the Community Cup is the next step after the Open. The tier you compete against in the Community Cup is based on the level you receive after completing and submitting scores for all three workouts in the Open.
The table below gives you an idea where your score on 25.3 would put you in terms of tiers. For example, men aged 16-54 need a time faster than 18:50 to make it into the Advanced tier from 25.3.
Percentiles by Division and Version
Below are percentile tables for individuals, masters, and teenagers with details for each version of the workout. You can see the breakdown of how many reps or how much time it took to achieve a particular percentile. For example, for Rx’d women aged 40-44, a time of 18:13 got you into the 90th percentile.
These percentiles are comparing you against your division and workout version, which is different from your overall division percentile (compared against all versions combined).
*The data used for this article is from the official CrossFit Open submissions.
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