The second week of the 2024 CrossFit Open featured a triplet of rowing, deadlifts, and double-unders in a classic 20-minute AMRAP format. This calls to mind two Open workouts from the past: 18.1 — a 20-minute AMRAP triplet with rowing, and 20.2 — a 20-minute AMRAP triplet with double-unders.
Similar to Week 1, the movements prescribed in Open Workout 24.2 were also very accessible. Although double-unders have been a blocker in the past, they don’t seem to have played much of a factor this year. Only slightly fewer athletes chose the Rx’d version this week, and just 1% of Rx’d athletes aged 16-54 did fewer than 100 double-unders. The deadlift weight was also manageable for most athletes with the 125 lb (56 kg)/185 lb (83 kg) load being lighter than the more common CrossFit benchmark deadlift loading of 155 lb (70 kg)/225 lb (102 kg).
With two monostructural movements and one weightlifting movement, this workout was largely a test of cardiovascular endurance and pacing. Properly pacing the row was crucial as the difference in time between a 1:45 and 2:05 500-meter pace is only ~10 secs on 300 meters, but the faster pace is significantly more tiring. Minimizing the transition time between movements also played a major role. For example, spending 5 extra seconds getting your feet into the straps could have been better spent on a ~10-second slower 500-meter pace. For the deadlift, choosing how to break the sets to survive the 20-minute time domain was particularly important for the athletes who couldn’t do all rounds unbroken.
Performance by Country
Once again, let’s compare how the top 10 countries by participation stacked up against each other. For 24.2, we are going to use 630 Rx’d reps (seven completed rounds) as a measure of competitiveness. The chart below shows the percentage of Rx’d athletes above and below 630 reps, as well as the percentage who did the Scaled or Foundations versions.
Based on the percentage who performed greater than 630 reps of the Rx’d version, the top country was once again South Korea with 46% going beyond seven rounds. Behind them are Spain with 35% and Italy with 29%.
Looking at the percentage of athletes who chose to attack the Rx’d version, South Korea is first with 91%, followed by Australia with 81%, and the United Kingdom with 74.2% (closely edging out France with 72.0%).

Workout Analysis by Division
In Week 2, 84% of men aged 18-34 chose the Rx’d version, down slightly from 87% in Week 1. For women aged 18-34, 70% chose the Rx’d version, down from 73% during Week 1. For masters and teenagers, 70% and 64% chose the Rx’d version, respectively.
The most competitive group was men aged 18-34 with nearly half the athletes getting beyond the seventh round. A quarter of the women aged 18-34 were able to get beyond the seventh round, followed by 22% of the masters and 17% of the teenagers.

Similar to what we saw last week, 24.2 also had a smooth distribution of Rx’d scores. This is due to another workout without major roadblocks.
For the Rx’d men aged 16-54, we see the highest concentration of scores centered around the eighth round, with 24% finishing between 631 and 720 reps. For Rx’d women, we see it centered around the seventh round, with 23% finishing between 541 and 630 reps.

Below are percentile tables for individuals, masters, and teenagers with details for each version of the workout. You can see the breakdown of how many reps it took to achieve a particular percentile. For example, a score of 727 reps got you into the 90th percentile for Rx’d women (18-34).
These percentiles compare each version (Rx'd, Scaled, Foundations) separately for each division. They show you how well you did on your version of the workout against your age group. These are different from the percentiles in the Games app, which combine all versions into an overall percentile for each division. They are not related to the cut scores for Quarterfinals.

*The data used for this article is from the official CrossFit Open submissions.
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