Age-Group CrossFit Games Events Released

August 21, 2024


The individual events for the Masters and Teenage CrossFit Games have been released.

The Masters CrossFit Games by Legends will take place from Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2024, at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Center in Birmingham, Alabama. After proving their fitness in the Open, Quarterfinal, and Semifinal stages of CrossFit competition, 440 masters athletes will fight for the title of Fittest on Earth in their respective age groups. 


Teenage athletes (ages 14-17) followed the same path through the Open, Quarterfinals, and Semifinals, and now head to the Teenage CrossFit Games by Pit Teen Throwdown set to take place Aug. 30-Sept. 1 in Kalamazoo and Three Rivers, Michigan.


The individual events for both competitions have been released below with age-group variations listed below each event description. 



Masters CrossFit Games by Legends

Thursday, Aug. 29

Event 1

4 rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts
10 deadlifts
15 deadlifts
20 deadlifts

Time cap: 18 minutes

Age Group Run (meters) Deadlift 
35-39 600 180/255 lb
40-44 600 180/255 lb
45-49 600 165/245 lb
50-54 600 165/245 lb
55-59 500 155/225 lb
60-64 400 135/195 lb
65-69 400 115/175 lb


Event 2

4 rounds for time of:
Rope climbs
Sandbag cleans
Handstand walk (35-59 age groups) 

Time cap: 12 minutes

Age Group Rope Climb Sandbag Handstand Walk
35-39 4 6 (100/150) 40 feet
40-44 4 6 (100/150) 40 feet
45-49 4 6 (100/150) 40 feet
50-54 3 6 (100/150) 40 feet
55-59 3 6 (50/100) 20 feet
60-64 3 6 (50/100) N/A
65-69 3 (12 feet) 6 (50/100) N/A


Event 3 (35-54 age groups)

For time:
25 overhead squats 
80-foot dumbbell walking lunge
25 overhead squats

Time cap: 3 minutes

Age Group Overhead Squats  Dumbbell Lunge 
35-39 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
40-44 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
45-49 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
50-54 55/75 lb 35/50 lb
55-59 N/A N/A
60-64 N/A N/A
65-69 N/A N/A


Friday, Aug. 30

Event 4: Snatch Speed Ladder

For time: 
Snatch 4-3-2-1 reps

Time cap: 3 minutes
Tiebreak: Time at successful lift at third weight. 

Age Group Women  Men 
35-39 95/115/135/155 lb 135/165/195/225 lb
40-44 95/115/125/145 lb 135/165/185/215 lb
45-49 90/110/120/140 lb 130/150/175/205 lb
50-54 85/105/115/135 lb 130/150/175/195 lb
55-59 75/85/105/115 lb 115/135/150/170 lb
60-64 65/75/80/90 lb 105/115/135/145 lb
65-69 55/60/65/70 lb 95/105/125/135 lb


Event 5

For time:
75 wall-ball shots 
40 double dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
30 dumbbell step-overs 
40 dumbbell snatches 
75 wall-ball shots

Time cap: 15 minutes

Age Group Wall-Ball Shot Shoulder-to-Overhead Box Step-Overs Dumbbell Snatch
35-39 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
40-44 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
45-49 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
50-54 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 35/50 lb 20/24 inches, 35/50 lb 35/50 lb
55-59 14/20 lb, 9/10 feet 65/95 lb 20/24 inches, 20/35 lb 20/35 lb

10/14 lb, 9/10 feet 20/35 lb 20/24 inches, 20/35 lb 20/35 lb
65+ 10/14 lb, 9/10 feet 20/35 lb 20/24 inches, 20/35 lb 20/35 lb


Event 6

For time:
Buy-in for each interval:
Chest-to-bar pull-ups


Max Echo-bike calories in time remaining or until total number of Echo-bike calories is reached.

Time cap: 11 minutes* 

*Interval 1 is 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest. Interval 2 is 3 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest. Interval 3 is 2 minutes. 

Age Group Double-unders Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups Echo Bike
35-39 75 20 80/105 cal.
40-44 75 20 80/105 cal. 
45-49 75 20 65/95 cal.
50-54 75 15 65/95 cal.
55-59 60 15 55/85 cal.
60-64 50 10 55/85 cal.
65-69 30 10 (Pull-ups/Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups) 45/75 cal.


Saturday, Aug. 31

Event 7 (35-54 age groups) 

For time: 
30 clean and jerks 
30 ring muscle-ups
30 snatches

Time cap: 12 minutes

Age Group Clean and Jerk Ring Muscle-up Snatch
35-39 95/135 lb 30 95/135 lb
40-44 95/135 lb 30 95/135 lb
45-49* 95/135 lb 25 95/135 lb
50-54* 95/135 lb 25 95/135 lb
55-59 N/A N/A N/A
60-64 N/A N/A N/A
65-69 N/A N/A N/A

*45-54 do 25/25/25 reps

Event 8

8 rounds for time of:
Bar-facing burpees
1 clean

Time cap: 8 minutes 

Age Group Burpees Toes-to-Bars Clean
35-39 8 8 180/255 lb
40-44 8 8 180/255 lb
45-49 8 8 170/245 lb
50-54 8 8 155/225 lb
55-59 7 7 145/205 lb
60-64 6 6 125/185 lb
65-69 6 6 115/165 lb


Event 9

Establish a 1-rep-max front squat

Time cap: 5 minutes


Sunday, Sept. 1

Event 10

8-12-16 reps for time of:
Single dumbbell thrusters
Bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 8 minutes

Age Group Thrusters Bar MU (reps)
35-39 50/70 lb 8-12-16
40-44 50/70 lb 8-12-16
45-49 35/60 lb 8-12-16
50-54 35/50 lb 8-12-16
55-59 35/50 lb 6-10-14
60-64 35/50 lb 8 C2B-12 C2B-4 BMU

35/50 lb

8 C2B-12 C2B-4 BMU


How to Watch

You can watch most of the competition live on the Legends Championship YouTube channel or, and follow along on the Legends Championship Instagram page



Teenage CrossFit Games by Pit Teen Throwdown

Friday, Aug. 30

Event 1A

For time:
2,400-meter trail run

Event 1B

For time:
600-meter pit obstacle sprint

Event 2

For time:
20 alternating D-ball squat cleans 
D-ball carry down and back
Sprint to finish

Time cap: 9 minutes

14-15: 70/100 lb
16-17: 100/150 lb


Saturday, Aug. 31

Event 3

Olympic Total

For load:
1-rep-max snatch
1-rep-max clean and jerk

2 attempts per lift

Event 4

As many rounds and reps as possible in 16 minutes of: 
35 double-unders
30 wall-ball shots 
25 toes-to-bars
20 single-leg alternating squats 
15 bar muscle-ups
Overhead walking lunge*

*Round 1 - 80-foot lunge 
*Round 2 - 100-foot lunge 
*Round 3 - 110-foot lunge 
*Round 4 - 120-foot lunge 
*Round 5 - 130-foot lunge

14-15: 14/20-lb medicine ball, 25/35-lb dumbbell
16-17: 20/30-lb medicine ball, 35/50-lb dumbbell 

Event 5

Round 1:
Sled down and back 3 times
Handstand walk

Round 2, top 15 in each division:
Sled down and back 2 times
Handstand walk

Round 3, top 5 in each division:
Sled down and back 1 time
Handstand walk

Time cap: 4 minutes/round


Sunday, Sept. 1

Event 6

For time:
2 minutes on, 1 minute off*:
2 rope climbs
7/10-calorie Echo Bike
Max-reps thrusters in time remaining.

*Fourth round extends to 3 minutes.

Work until 75 thrusters are complete. 

14-15: 55/75-lb thrusters
16-17: 65/95-lb thrusters

Time cap: 12 minutes

Event 7

27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches 
Burpee box jump-overs 
*Each round starts with 5 ring muscle-ups

14-15: 25/35-lb dumbbell, 20/24-inch box
16:17: 35/50-lb dumbbell, 20/24-inch box


How to Watch

Events will be streamed live on the Pit Media YouTube channel and you can also follow along on Instagram all weekend long.