Team Quarterfinals: Cutlines for Qualification
April 1, 2021
Team Quarterfinals will begin on Thursday, April 22. Once the Open leaderboard has settled, invitations will be sent to teams via email. Any eligible teams wishing to participate must accept their invitation and register for the Quarterfinals before the close of competition.
Eligible teams will be posted on the CrossFit Games leaderboard once the competition begins. Teams will not be able to submit a score until they complete the registration process. Every competing team must register online at
Learn more about the Quarterfinals here.
Cutline for Team Qualification
The top 25% of teams* from each continent will advance to Quarterfinals. No fewer than 50 teams per continent will advance. To advance to Quarterfinals, you must place at or above the placements listed below.
Continent | Team Top 25% (50 Team Minimum) |
Africa | All 34 Teams |
Asia | Top-50 Teams |
Europe | Top-60 Teams |
North America | Top-205 Teams |
Oceania | Top-50 Teams |
South America | Top-50 Teams |
*Navigate to the team division on the Open leaderboard and filter by continent to find your team’s rank by continent.
View - Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America Team standings.
In addition to paying a registration fee, teams will need to declare their Quarterfinal team roster. A Quarterfinal team roster will consist of the four athletes (two men and two women) who will compete during the Quarterfinals competition, plus two optional alternates (one woman and one man). Team managers will only be able to select from members on their Open team roster.
Any athlete (including teenagers and masters) is eligible to be a member of a team during the Quarterfinals. Any athlete who chooses to compete in the individual Quarterfinal is eligible to be listed on the team Quarterfinal roster should they choose to compete in both competitions. Team rankings will not be affected should members of a team choose to compete in the individual Quarterfinals.