Regional & Qualifier Workouts
2016 CrossFit Games

Eight regional competitions took place over three weekends in May, 2016.
Weekend 1: May 13 - 15: California, South, Pacific
Weekend 2: May 20 - 22: West, Atlantic
Weekend 3: May 27 - 29: Central, Meridian, East
Scoring at the regionals was the same as at the Games. Every event was worth up to 100 points, and athletes earned points based on their finish (see chart). At the end of the weekend, the athlete with the most points was the winner. Athletes who tied received the same number of points. If an athlete failed to complete an event within the time cap (for timed events), his or her score was capped and received a 1-second penalty for each rep not completed,
Some events will have a minimum work requirement. For those events, if an athlete failed to meet the minimum work requirement, they would not be eligible to move on to the next event.
Event 1
Bottom of the snatch.
Top of the snatch.
10 squat snatches (185/135 lb.), by 2:00
8 squat snatches (205/145 lb.), by 4:00
6 squat snatches (225/155 lb.), by 6:00
4 squat snatches (245/165 lb.), by 8:00
2 squat snatches (265/175 lb.), by 11:00
Time cap: 11 minutesNotes
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move forward to the barbell and perform 10 snatches. Once the 10 snatches are completed, they will roll the bar forward to the next station, add weight, then perform 8 snatches. At each subsequent station the reps will decrease while the load increases. Each station will also have a cut-off time by which all the reps must be completed in order to proceed forward. Once an athlete has completed all the required reps for a given load, they may immediately advance and do not need to wait for the clock before moving to the next station. Time stops when the athlete reaches the finish mat.
Note: Athletes will use one barbell for the first 3 stations, adding weight each time they move it forward, and will then move to a second preloaded barbell that they will use for stations 4 and 5.Scoring
The athlete's score for this event will be the time it takes to complete all required lifts. In the event an athlete fails to complete all required reps before time expires, they will receive a 1 rep penalty for each rep not completed. Additionally, the time at which an athlete finishes all required reps at a given weight will be used as a tiebreaker.Movement Standards
The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one smooth motion. This is a squat snatch, so the athlete must receive the bar with the hip crease below the knee in the bottom position. A power snatch to overhead squat is not allowed (but as long as the athlete remains in motion on the descent the rep will be counted). At the top, the barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. The feet are the only body part that may be in contact the ground during the lift.
Athletes must remain in their lane. If any part of the athlete’s foot touches outside the lane, the rep will not count. Once the athlete has completed the last rep at a station they must drop the barbell in front of them. If the athlete drops the bar behind them, that rep will not count.Minimum Work Requirement
1 rep. -
Event 2
Bottom of the muscle–up.
Top of the muscle-up.
Handstand push-up start and finish position.
The handstand push-up bottom position.
Start of first rep.
Top position.
Start of next rep.
Regional Nate
10 rounds for time:
4 strict muscle-ups
7 strict handstand push-ups
12 kettlebell snatches
M 70 lb. F 53 lb.
Time cap: 20 minutes(Women first/Men second)
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move forward to the rings and perform 4 strict muscle-ups. After the last muscle-up is complete, the athlete will move to the handstand push-up wall to perform 7 strict handstand push-ups. Then the athlete will move to the kettlebell, perform 12 kettlebell snatches–all 6 reps with one arm then all 6 reps with the other arm–and advance the kettlebell to the next round designation before returning to the rings to start the next round. Upon completing 10 rounds, the athlete will move to the finish mat. Time stops when the athlete’s foot hits the finish mat.Scoring
The athlete's score for this event will be the time it takes them to finish all 10 rounds.Movement Standards
Strict Muscle-Up
Each rep must begin in a hang below the rings with the arms fully extended (with or without a “false grip”) and the feet off the ground. At the top, the athlete’s elbows must be fully locked out while supporting their body weight above the rings. Falling away from the rings before being fully locked out in a support position will not count.
These are strict muscle-ups so kipping is not allowed. The feet must remain in front of the body, with the legs straight, throughout the rep. The hip may not provide assistance in elevating the athlete on top of the rings. Between consecutive reps, the athlete must settle back into a dead hang position with the feet in front of the body before pulling up on the rings to start the next rep.
Rings will be set to a fixed height of 96 inches for men and 92 inches for women, with 6-inch risers available for shorter athletes. At check-in, taller athletes may request that their rings be raised an additional 4 inches.Strict Handstand Push-up
This movement begins at the top of a handstand with the arms fully locked out, the heels on the wall and the hips open with the body in line with the arms. The hands must be placed within the clearly marked area. The marked area will be a 36-by-24-inch box, and the palm of the hand must be placed within the clearly marked area (fingers may extend out of the box). At the bottom of each rep, the athlete's head must touch the mat. At the top of each rep, the athlete must return to a fully locked out position with the heels on the wall and the feet within the width of the marked area. Kipping is not allowed. The athlete's hips may not touch the wall, and their legs must remain straight. Athletes may not wear any material over the heels of their shoes.Kettlebell Snatch
At the top, the kettlebell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and working arm fully extended, and the kettlebell directly over the middle of the body. The kettlebell must “turn over” to rest on the back of the forearm and must pass below the hips at the beginning of each rep.
The first rep of a set may be taken directly overhead from the ground, but successive reps will be from the hang. All six repetitions must be completed on one arm before switching to the other arm. The kettlebell must be controlled to the ground and set in an upright position before the athlete lets go of it. If an athlete drops the kettlebell before it has settled on the ground, the last repetition will not count.Minimum Work Requirement
1 full round (23 reps). -
Event 3
Bottom of the wall-ball shot.
Top of the wall-ball shot.
Bottom of the pull-up.
Top of the pull-up.
For time:
104 wall-ball shots
52 pull-ups
M 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
F 14-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Time cap: 6:00, Event 4 begins at 7:00
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move forward to the wall-ball targets to perform 104 wall-ball shots. The first 26 reps will be performed to the left of the target to the left, and the next 26 reps will be performed to the right of that target. After 52 reps, the athlete will switch to the target on the right, completing 26 reps to the left and 26 reps to the right. When the last wall-ball shot has been successfully completed, the athlete will move to the pull-up bar for 52 pull-ups. Upon completing their last pull-up, the athlete will move to the finish mat. Time stops when the athlete reaches the finish mat.When the 6-minute time cap for Event 3 is reached, athletes will have 1 minute to return to their starting mat. The clock will continue to run, and at the 7:00 mark Event 4 will begin.
The athlete's score is the total time it takes them to complete the event.Movement Standards
Wall Ball
In the wall ball, the ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to the specified target. The ball must make contact with the front face of the target. If the ball hits the bottom or top edge of the target, or does not hit the target at all, that rep will not count. The rep is counted when the ball makes contact with the target. If the ball is dropped, it must come to a full stop on the ground before the athlete may pick it up for the next rep (no bouncing). Athletes must switch targets after every 26 reps.Pull-up
This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chin must clearly break the horizontal plane of the bar.Minimum Work Requirement
1 pull-up (105 reps).
Event 4
Beginning and end position of the one-legged squat.
Bottom position of the one-legged squat.
Start of the power clean.
Finish of the power clean.
4 rounds for time:
28 one-legged squats, alternating
15 power cleans
M 115 lb. F 80 lb.
Time cap: 10 minutes (7:00-17:00 on the clock)Notes
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will complete 28 one-legged squats, alternating legs and advancing after every 14 reps, before moving to the barbell. They will then complete 15 power cleans, advancing after 10 reps. After completing all 15 cleans, the athlete will move the barbell forward to the next clean station before returning to the start mat to begin the next round. The athlete will alternate between 28 one-legged squats and 15 power cleans for a total of 4 rounds, advancing the barbell closer to the finish each round. Upon completing the final power clean of the fourth round, the athlete will move to the finish mat. Time stops when the athlete reaches the finish mat.Scoring
The athlete's score is the total time it takes them to complete the event.Movement Standards
One-Legged Squats (Pistols)
The athlete begins with the hips and knee fully extended on the weight-bearing leg. The other leg must remain in front of the athlete’s body. The hip crease must pass below the top of the knee on the weight-bearing leg, and the athlete must return to full hip and knee extension of the weight-bearing leg at the top. If any part of the athlete’s body other than the foot on the weight-bearing leg touches the floor during the repetition, the rep will not count. Athletes must alternate legs after every successful rep and must complete a successful rep before beginning a rep on the other leg. If any part of the weight-bearing leg steps out of the athlete’s lane, the rep will not count. Athletes may not rest the non-working leg on the weight-bearing leg or use the hands/arms to push into the weight-bearing leg. Athletes may hold onto the non-working leg. The second set of 14 pistols may start on either leg, regardless of which leg they finished the initial set on.Power Cleans
The barbell begins on the ground and must be cleaned to the shoulders in one motion. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended with the feet in line, the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows in front of the bar.Minimum Work Requirement
1 round (43 reps).
Event 5
The run will be on a TrueForm treadmill.
Bottom of the GHD sit-up.
Top of the GHD sit-up.
Start of the deadlift.
Finish of the deadlift.
3 rounds for time:
400-m run
40 GHD sit-ups
7 deadlifts
M 405 lb. F 275 lb.
Time cap: 16 minutesNotes
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep the athlete will move forward to the TrueForm treadmill to begin the first 400-m run. Once the monitor reads 0.4 km, they will advance to the GHD to perform 40 GHD sit-ups and then to the barbell to perform 7 deadlifts. They will then advance the barbell to the next section before returning to the treadmill to begin the next round. Upon completing the last deadlift in the third round, the athlete will move to the finish mat. Time stops when the athlete reaches the finish mat.Scoring
The athlete's score is the total time it takes them to complete the event.Movement Standards
The run will take place on a TrueForm treadmill. The athlete must remain on the treadmill until the display reads 0.4. Athletes may not run with their hands on the rails. The treadmill will be reset before each round begins.GHD Sit-up
The GHD may be adjusted by the athlete prior to the start of the event (and may be adjusted during the event as needed). Each rep begins with the athlete touching both hands to the ground behind them. Women will touch to a 6-inch riser.
At the top, both hands must be outside the legs when they touch the foot pad. Athletes must set up with their hips on top of the pad or on the backside of the pad. The hips must stay stationary during the movement. Setting up with the hips on the front side of the pad, pulling the hips toward the feet during the movement or any other attempt to shorten the range of motion are not allowed.Deadlift
This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting on the ground, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.Minimum Work Requirement
1 rep of the deadlift (45 reps).
Event 6
The Assault Air Bike.
The handstand walk.
Bottom of the overhead squat.
Top of the overhead squat.
The row.
Start of the burpee.
Jumping the box.
Start of the next burpee.
For time:
1,000-m bike
100-ft. handstand walk
10 overhead squats
500-m row
50 burpee box jump overs
5 overhead squats
M 225 lb. F 155 lb.
Time cap - 16:00Notes
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move forward to the Assault Air Bike and ride until the monitor reads 1.0 km. They will then move to the end of their lane and handstand walk back towards the rig 100 feet. Next they will move the first barbell into their lane to perform 10 overhead squats, and then will advance to the rower for a 500-m row. Once the row has been completed, the athlete will move the first box into their lane to complete 40 burpee box jump overs, advancing the box every 5 reps. After completing 40 reps, they will move the larger box into their lane to complete their final 10 reps, still advancing every 5. With the last burpee box jump over complete, the athlete will advance to the second barbell, move it into their lane and perform 5 overhead squats. Upon completing the last overhead squat, the athlete will move to the finish mat. Time stops when the athlete reaches the finish mat.Scoring
The athlete's score is the total time it takes them to complete the event.Movement Standards
The monitor will be set to zero, and the athlete must reach 1.0 km before moving off the equipment. The athlete can adjust the seat at any time but may not touch the monitor.Handstand Walk
The athlete must start with their feet behind the start line and must stay within their lane as they travel forward. Each lane will be marked at 10-foot increments. If at any time the athlete comes down from their hands, they must restart from the last increment they crossed. Both hands must cross the 10-foot increment line to earn credit for that distance. Each 10-foot section will count as 1 rep.Overhead Squat
At the bottom, the hip crease must be below the top of the knees. A full squat snatch is permitted but not required to start the movement if standard depth is achieved.
At the top the barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body.Row
The monitor will be set to zero at the beginning of the row. The athlete may adjust the damper setting and foot straps at any time but may not touch the monitor. The athlete may not attempt to get out of the rower until the display has reached 500 meters.Burpee Box Jump Over
Each rep begins with a burpee performed perpendicular to and facing the box. At the bottom of the burpee, the chest (pectorals) and thighs must touch the ground. The athlete must then jump over the designated box, using a two-foot takeoff, and must jump over the box without touching it. The feet must go over the box, not around it.
Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the opposite side of the box. A run-up to clear the box is permitted as long as a two-foot takeoff is used and the athlete stays in their lane. If the jump is a no rep, the athlete may repeat just the jump portion of the rep from where they landed. The next rep will begin on the opposite side facing the box.
The box must be moved after every 5 reps. For men, the first 40 reps will be done over a 12-inch box and the last 10 reps over a 24-inch box. For the women, the first 40 reps will be done over a 6-inch box and the last 10 reps over an 18-inch box.Minimum Work Requirement
1 overhead squat (21 reps).
Event 7
Bottom of the thruster.
Top of the thruster.
The legless rope climb.
For time:
21 thrusters
3 legless rope climbs
15 thrusters
2 legless rope climbs
9 thrusters
1 legless rope climb
M 95 lb. F 65 lb.
Time cap: 6:00Notes
This event begins with the athlete on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, they will move forward to the first barbell and perform 21 thrusters. Once all 21 thrusters are complete, the athlete will move to the rope for 3 legless rope climbs. Following the completion of the third legless rope climb, the athlete will advance the barbell and perform 15 thrusters and then will return to the rope for 2 legless rope climbs before advancing the bar one more time and completing 9 thrusters. With the final set of thrusters complete, the athlete returns one last time to the rope for 1 legless rope climb and then moves down the lane, over the bar to the finish mat. Time stops when the athlete reaches the finish mat.Scoring
The athlete's score is the total time it takes them to complete the event.Movement Standards
This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. The hip crease must pass below the knees in the bottom position. A full squat clean into the thruster is permitted if the bar is taken from the ground.
At the top of the rep, the barbell must come to a full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. The athlete may not drop the bar behind them.Legless Rope Climb
The athlete ascends the rope to touch any part of the placard (blue) on the crossbeam at the top. The legs may not be used to assist in the ascent. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. On the descent the athlete may not drop from the rope until both hands grip below the designated 9-foot mark.
The athlete may use their legs on the descent, but must touch the placard at the top and return both hands to the rope before engaging their legs or the ascent will not count.Minimum Work Requirement
1 round (24 reps).