
Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2024 885th Men 337th Men Europe 3rd Men Netherlands 4th Men C23 CrossFit
2023 1024th Men 332nd Men Europe 6th Men Netherlands 1st Men CrossFit Vondelgym 3
2022 1132nd Men 381st Men Europe 3rd Men Netherlands 1st Men CrossFit Vondelgym
2021 933rd Men 281st Men Europe 2nd Men Netherlands 2nd Men CrossFit Surbiton
2020 835th Men – – 4th Men Netherlands – –
2018 943rd Men 52nd Men Europe Central 1st Men Netherlands – –
2017 2243rd Men 377th Men Europe 4th Men Netherlands – –
2016 5110th Men 719th Men Europe – – – –
2015 14367th Men 1561st Men Europe – – – –

Individual Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region
2024 368th Men 151st Men Europe
2023 224th Men 82nd Men Europe
2022 245th Men 87th Men Europe
2021 824th Men 218th Men Europe

Team Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Team Name
2024 13th Team 4th Team Europe C23 CrossFit The Progrm Motion
2021 26th Team 9th Team Europe Motion


Year Division Rank Regional
2018 Team 2nd Europe


Year Division Rank Semifinal
2024 Team 7th Europe Semifinal
2021 Team 3rd CrossFit Lowlands Throwdown


Year Division Rank
2021 Team 4th
2019 Team 14th
2018 Team 33rd

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat 200 kg
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk 140 kg
    Deadlift 240 kg
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran 2:49
    Grace --
  • Helen 7:15
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Run 5k 19:32
  • Snatch 110 kg
    Sprint 400m --