To accomplish the crowning of the Fittest on Earth, great care must be taken in recording the efforts of every competitor so everyone can be confident in the outcome of the contest.
Understanding the magnitude of the task of scoring the CrossFit Games requires putting into context the number of competing divisions, the number of athletes in each division, and the number of scored events for each division.
Here is the breakdown of scoring from the 2022 CrossFit Games:

Our primary goal in running the CrossFit Games is to have an accurate representation of the performance of each athlete and team in the competition. While in most instances this can be accomplished immediately as an event has finished, there are some cases in which final score resolution is delayed. Athlete appeals, technical issues, and other unforeseen circumstances can slow down the finalization of event results. In these cases, great care is taken to ensure that appropriate measures are employed to validate an athlete’s or team’s performance.
When circumstances dictate more investigation to accurately represent competition results, timely resolution of these issues becomes the priority for our competition team. Some scoring adjustments can be finalized quickly, such as a clerical error on a scorecard, but sometimes more information gathering and discussion is necessary to ensure adjustments are made appropriately. In these more complicated instances, the team works to resolve any issues by the end of the competition day to allow athletes to compete the next day without concern for pending resolutions and leaderboard adjustments.
This article provides a list of all score adjustments and appeals from the 2022 CrossFit Games. There are 83 total instances listed in the article. Many of these were granted appeals or adjustments, and some appeals were denied. While 83 might sound like a large number, it’s important to remember that of the 3,086 scores captured for the CrossFit Games, those 83 represent just over 2% of the total.
This article was featured in the September edition of The Hopper. Check out the email for insight on the judge's role, the 2022 CrossFit Games awards, 2023 season dates, and a note from Competition Director Adrian Bozman.