Meet the Affiliate: CrossFit Eternal

November 29, 2012


Do or do not. No try.


Affiliate Name: CrossFit Eternal

Affiliate Owner: Josh and Kelsey Elmore

Affiliate Since: March 16, 2010

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Square Footage: 5,500

Number of Members: About 150

Describe your affiliate in six or fewer words:

Do or do not. No try.

How did you get your box started?  

In our garage.

Do your members compete in the CrossFit Open/Games or in local competitions?

Yes to both.

What do you and your members do together besides train?  

We drink, we fight, we make our ancestors proud.  

Best lesson you’ve learned so far:  

Humility, we are here because we have been blessed beyond measure.

Advice you wish you had been given:  

Opening a box is ultimately a test of how much I want something.

What question you would love to ask other affiliate owners:  

What are you doing to better yourself, your coaches and your athletes each day?

Why do you do this?  

Through the vehicle of CrossFit, I am able to become a better version of myself and provide the same for my athletes.

Tell us something cool, unusual, or just slightly different about your affiliate.

When athletes forget to sign up for class, show up late, or leave equipment out, they have to spin the “Wheel of Misfortune” the next time they’re in. There’s 20 brutal movements they could possibly land on to have added to their warm-up.

Want your box to be featured on "Meet the Affiliate"? Send an e-mail with the subject line "Meet the Affiliate" to