"At first, I was thrown a curve ball when I saw that I will be competing in the Masters category."

Affiliate owner, coach and two-time Africa Regional winner, Danie du Preez, will be competing in the new Masters 40-44 Division in 2013. And after the first two Open Workouts, he is placed first in Africa and 36th worldwide.
After the 2012 Regional, du Preez’s goal was to make the podium once more in 2013 before having to move to the 45-49 Division. But the unexpected happened, and there is a new age division.
“At first, I was thrown a curve ball when I saw that I will be competing in the Masters category,” du Preez says. “But, fortunately, I had discovered this early enough to be able to adjust my approach to the Open and the Games, in general.”
du Preez’s training was strength focused, but since finding out he’d be in the new Master’s category, he has shifted his training and mind set.
“I had to start focusing more on my endurance,” he explains. “I had to be more disciplined with my diet and my mind set. I was disappointed when I realized that I won’t be competing at the Regionals this year, but I got over it. I am very excited to measure myself against the other athletes out there who are in the same age category as me. It is definitely not an easy task … I think it is much harder because there are truly some amazing athletes there.”
After 13.1 and 13.2, du Preez is at the top of the Leaderboard in Africa, but has to do some work to break into the top 20 to go to the Games.
“Competing against these younger guys is a good gauge of my fitness levels,” he says. “I am going to try my best to stay around the top for as long as I can. God gave me a talent and all I have to do is use it to honour His name.”
“My aim is to place in the top 20 worldwide. It’s a mammoth task, but I am looking forward to it,” du Preez says.
While he is not required to take part in the Regionals, because of the new category, he might join the B4C CrossFit team to stay focused, fit and competitive.