See below for all individual and team appeals during the 2023 Semifinals. This article will be updated as information becomes available.
View the 2023 CrossFit Semifinal Test Details
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: CrossFit Milford Team Conquer
Appeal Details: Miscommunication by judge on standards of the Worm clean.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Scored adjusted from 24:03 to 23:58.
Name: 12 Labours Lions
Appeal Details: Miscount by double-under judge.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Team Test 2
Name: CrossFit Woodbine Blue Crab Fitness
Appeal Details: Athletes challenge the total rep count recorded by judge.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Name: L’Usine CrossFit Sherbrooke U Team
Appeal Details: Athletes challenge the total rep count recorded by judge.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Day 2
Team Test 3
Name: CrossFit East Nashville PRVN
Appeal Details: Issue on the pistol standards.
Resolution: Video reviewed. Appeal denied.
Name: CrossFit Resurrection
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no rep on the handstand walk.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: CrossFit CLT The Grit Haus
Appeal Details: Issue related to handstand briefing of standards.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to add 15.
Individual Test 1
Name: Katie Calyore
Appeal Details: Score on leaderboard was incorrect.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Name: Ashleigh Wosny
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to CAP +5.
Name: Paige Semenza
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to CAP +1.
Name: Alison Raif
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Name: Jessica Schwartz
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Name: Alexis Raptis
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Team Test 4
Name: Team Le Repere
Appeal Details: No rep contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Name: CrossFit OBA
Appeal Details: Rep count contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Name: CrossFit Grandview Team
Appeal Details: Judge required male athlete to redo reps ahead of no-repped female athlete.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Individual Test 2
Name: Stephanie Grange
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Luke Burns
Appeal Details: Pistol standard contested
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Tyler Thompson
Appeal Details: Judge miscommunication lost the athlete time.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Reps adjusted.
Name: Benoit Boulanger
Appeal Details: Judge miscommunication lost the athlete time.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Reps adjusted.
Name: Jake Berman
Appeal Details: No rep and repeat of dip rep contested and attributed to miscommunication.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Norman Woodring
Appeal Details: Score contested.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Alexander Majors
Appeal Details: Communication issue related dips.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Day 3
Individual Test 3
Name: Roran Scott
Appeal Details: Communication issue related to the standard on the cleans.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to reflect lost time on the cleans.
Name: Jessica Kalagian
Appeal Details: Communication issue related to the standard on the cleans.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to reflect lost time on the cleans.
Name: Danielle Paran
Appeal Details: Communication issue related to the standard on the deadlift.
Resolution: Video review demonstrated the deadlifts were within the standard. Appeal denied.
Name: Seth Stovall
Appeal Details: Communication issue related to the standard on the bench press.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Team Test 5
Name: CrossFit Hard Knox
Appeal Details: Team stated last women's bar was off the ground when time was called.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Video review showed the athlete had not picked up the bar in time.
Name: Team Pro Montreal
Appeal Details: Team contested fairness of the floor setup.
Resolution: Appeal denied because the floor had the same setup for all heats.
Name: CrossFit Southie
Appeal Details: Bar was loaded incorrectly by judge.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to give 1 rep on the bar.
Team Test 6
Name: CrossFit Move Fast Lift Heavy 365
Appeal Details: Rep count on burpees disputed.
Resolution: Video review demonstrated the judge asked the athletes to complete 1 extra rep. Appeal granted and score adjusted to reflect time lost.
Day 4
Individual Test 5
Name: Noah Ohlsen
Appeal Details: Rep count on burpees disputed.
Resolution: Video review demonstrated the judge asked the athletes to complete 1 extra rep. Appeal granted and score adjusted to reflect time lost.
Individual Test 6
Name: Anikha Greer
Appeal Details: Athlete contests time based on no rep interaction with judge.
Resolution: After reviewing video and speaking with judge and athlete, it was determined the athlete's score will stand, as she was not made to do extra work and she was not obstructed from continuing the workout. Appeal denied.
Name: Fee Saghafi
Appeal Details: Athlete claims hands crossed on the pirouette before her feet came down.
Resolution: After video review in slow motion, it was confirmed that the athlete's hands did not cross the line before her feet touched the ground. Appeal denied.
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: Juggernaut Unstoppable
Appeal Details: Team challenged rep count after a no rep for movement standards.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Extra rep awarded to score. No change in leaderboard position.
Individual Test 1
Name: Amr Saleh
Appeal Details: Equipment issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Awarded five seconds to score.
Name: Jason Dicks
Appeal Details: Equipment issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Awarded 10 seconds to score.
Name: Keegan Muir
Appeal Details: Equipment issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Awarded 5 seconds to score.
Name: Assem Effat
Appeal Details: Equipment issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Awarded 5 seconds to score.
Name: Du Toit Botha
Appeal Details: Incorrect score.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Video was reviewed and score aligns with scorecard.
Name: Gemma Rader
Appeal Details: Incorrect number of hand-over-hand pulls recorded.
Resolution: Appeal granted. After video review, score adjusted to account for correct number of hand-over-hand pulls.
Name: Max Klynsmith
Appeal Details: Miscommunication related to movement standard for the hand-over-hand pulls.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Awarded 10 seconds to score.
Individual Test 2
Name: James van Dongen
Appeal Details: Box height placed incorrectly for a few reps.
Resolution: Appeal upheld due to judge error. On review, the box height was to athlete’s advantage. Reps recorded are correct, so no score adjustment.
Name: Youssef Ehab
Appeal Details: Athlete appealed rep count.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Judge’s call on movement standards stands.
Name: Michelle Basnett
Appeal Details: Incorrect number of burpees over the box recorded.
Resolution: Appeal granted. After video review, score adjusted to correct number of burpees over the box.
Name: Willem Snyman
Appeal Details: Incorrect rep count.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Video review determined athlete completed 25 more reps than score sheet stated. Score adjusted.
Name: Kealan Henry
Penalty Details: Movement standard infraction on final hand-over-hand pull.
Resolution: Athlete penalized the time gained from advantage.
Day 2
Individual Test 3
Name: Elsayed Hasona
Appeal Details: Athlete appealing no reps on dumbbell bench press.
Resolution: Appeal granted. After video review, athlete awarded two reps. Final score adjusted.
Day 3
Team Test 5
Name: Packlife Wanderers
Appeal Details: Movement standards.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Judge’s call stands.
Name: CrossFit Zulu
Appeal Details: An athlete stepped out of box on completion of clean.
Resolution: Appeal denied upon live judgment call.
Individual Test 6
Name: Megan Faul
Appeal Details: Judge’s call on movement standards related to maintaining control during rope descent.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Judge’s call stands.
Name: Josh Kernot
Appeal Details: Incorrect rep count on overhead squats.
Resolution: Appeal granted. After video review, 2 seconds deducted from score.
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: WTC CrossFit Ghostbusters Team
Appeal Details: Team contested rep count at the time cap.
Resolution: Video review showed final rep was not begun before the buzzer. Appeal denied.
Team Test 2
Name: Templo SA CrossFit Treta
Appeal Details: One of the rings broke during the event and the team had to move to an empty lane.
Resolution: Video review showed that due to the issue, the team lost 27 seconds. Appeal granted and score adjusted.
Name: Kingbull CrossFit Paraguay
Appeal Details: The team claimed to have completed more reps than they signed.
Resolution: Review confirms the team was correct and the score was incorrectly recorded. Appeal granted.
Day 2
Individual Test 1
Name: Lucas Almeida
Appeal Details: Miscommunication of the standards on the pull by the judge.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Athlete was granted 1 extra rep.
Individual Test 2
Name: Maria Jose Vargas
Appeal Details: Athlete contests rep count on the box.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Review confirms typo on the scorecard.
Name: Tomas Sarmiento
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no reps.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Lago Guiraldes
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no reps.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Day 3
Individual Test 4
Name: Lago Guiraldes
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no reps.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Patrick Gomes
Appeal Details: Athlete contests rep count.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Victoria Monje
Appeal Details: Athlete claims she lifted 145, not 135 lb.
Resolution: Video review determined she was correct. Appeal granted and score adjusted.
Individual Test 5
Name: Vitor Caetano
Appeal Details: Contested that he was tied in the leaderboard with Pablo Chalfun, but they were in the same heat and he finished first.
Resolution: Video review showed he was right and times were corrected.
Team Test 5
Name: Q21 CrossFit
Appeal Details: Team claims their last female athlete got a no rep after the 1st minute, but she lifted inside the horn.
Resolution: Video review showed she lifted before the horn. Appeal granted and score adjusted.
Day 4
Individual Test 6
Name: Carolina Martinez
Appeal Details: Got a no rep during the legless rope climb and had to do another one, but head judge and competition director on site confirmed it was a good rep.
Resolution: Rep was granted, because she was capped in the 2nd round of rope climbs with 1 rep. Score adjusted to give her 2 reps.
Name: Amanda Fusuma
Appeal Details: Contested no rep on the rope climb.
Resolution: Judge's decision confirmed. Appeal denied.
Name: Delfina Ortuño
Appeal Details: Contested no rep on the overhead squats.
Resolution: Judge's decision confirmed. Appeal denied.
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: CrossFit Overtake Team Destiny
Appeal Details: Rep count contested on the double-unders.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Team did a total of 55 extra double-unders, which accounted for 31 extra seconds of work.
Team Test 2
Name: CrossFit Kemah
Appeal Details: Team contests movement standards.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Day 2
Team Test 3
Name: CrossFit Kinesis Black
Appeal Details: Rep count contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Video review confirms 4 extra reps were completed.
Name: CrossFit Diablo Anejo
Appeal Details: Rep count contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 6 reps.
Name: Rhino CrossFit Dawgs
Appeal Details: Rep count contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Video review confirms 4 extra reps were completed.
Individual Test 1
Name: Katrin Davidsdottir
Appeal Details: Athlete claims setup required her to pull 5 extra feet per round on the sled.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 19 seconds.
Individual Test 2
Name: Ana Martinez
Appeal Details: Athlete contests judge's rep count.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 6 reps.
Name: Chelsea Nicholas
Appeal Details: Athlete claims her score should be cap + 14 not cap +22
Resolution: Appeal granted Score adjusted to CAP +12.
Name: Hattie Kanyo
Appeal Details: Athlete claims her score should be cap + 10 not cap +21.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to CAP +10.
Name: Greg Gross
Appeal Details: Athlete claims disadvantage in setup position for the sled.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted 5 seconds.
Team Test 4
Name: Team Blues City CrossFit Gold
Appeal Details: Team claims judge incorrectly sent them back to the center of the lane instead of allowing them to cross the finish line.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 5 seconds.
Name: Verdant CrossFit
Appeal Details: Team claims they were held to an incorrect movement standard.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 10 seconds.
Name: CrossFit St. Louis
Appeal Details: Team claims they were held to an incorrect movement standard.
Resolution: Appeal denied as all no reps were confirmed to be appropriate.
Name: Ben Lomond CrossFit Rise
Appeal Details: Team contests judge's rep count.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 4 seconds.
Name: CrossFit Lakeville CFLV
Appeal Details: Team contests judge's rep count.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 9 seconds.
Day 3
Individual Test 3
Name: Claire Truax
Appeal Details: Athlete claims she was held to an incorrect movement standard.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: John Wood
Appeal Details: Athlete contests finish order.
Resolution: Appeal granted and leaderboard corrected to reflect correct finish order.
Individual Test 4
Name: Parker Foster
Appeal Details: Athlete claims she was held to an incorrect movement standard.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Madison McElhaney
Appeal Details: Athlete contests event winner results and finish order.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Video review shows weights were accurately reflected on the leaderboard.
Team Test 5
Name: CrossFit Believe
Appeal Details: Team states score on leaderboard does not match scorecard.
Resolution: Appeal granted. System experienced issue that affected several teams. All has now been corrected.
Day 4
Individual Test 5
Name: Arielle Loewen
Appeal Details: Athlete claims she was held to an incorrect standard.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Athletes were held to standards that were covered in the athlete briefing.
Name: Scott Tetlan
Appeal Details: Athlete claims he was held to an incorrect standard.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Athlete did not hold the athlete to an incorrect standard.
Name: Travon Benton
Appeal Details: Athlete contests judge's rep count.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Athlete granted 3 extra seconds.
Name: Stephen Jones
Appeal Details: Athlete contests judge's rep count.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Athlete's score adjusted.
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: 2100 Tribe Black
Appeal Details: Rep count contested on the double-unders.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Team Test 2
Name: CrossFit Chocolate Box
Appeal Details: Rep count contested.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted.
Day 2
Individual Test 1
Name: Isaac Newman
Appeal Details: Equipment issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to give back time spent fixing the equipment issue.
Name: Peter Ellis
Appeal Details: Equipment issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to give back time.
Individual Test 2
Name: Ellie Turner
Appeal Details: Final rep disputed.
Resolution: Video reviewed. Appeal denied.
Name: Annika Roberts
Appeal Details: Rep count disputed.
Resolution: Video reviewed. Appeal denied.
Name: Laken Malouf
Appeal Details: Miscommunication on the movement standards.
Resolution: No effect to score. Appeal denied.
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: CrossFit 10K Capital
Appeal Details: The tape from the floor wrapped around an athlete's rope and affected his time.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 9 seconds.
Name: CrossFit Aylesbury
Appeal Details: Athletes claim miscommunication from judge about movement standards for the shoulder to overhead.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 4 reps.
Name: CrossFit Oslo RBLS
Appeal Details: Athletes claim floor affected their double-unders.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Review determined the failed reps were not attributable to an obstruction.
Day 2
Team Test 2
Name: CrossFit Senigallia
Appeal Details: Athletes claim judge called an athlete back and made them perform extra reps/lose time.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Review determined miscount by judge. Score adjusted by 26 seconds.
Name: Butcher's Lab Kriger
Appeal Details: Athletes contest communication of movement standards on the bench press.
Resolution: Appeal denied. All no reps were correctly called.
Individual Test 1
Name: Aimee Cringle
Appeal Details: Athlete alleges miscount on the run.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Review confirms, and score adjusted by 9 seconds.
Name: Luis Cuellar Diaz
Appeal Details: Head judge told him to fill an appeal form because he lost 3 second by miscommunication by the chip timer.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 3 seconds.
Name: Steven Fawcett
Appeal Details: Head judge told him to fill an appeal form because he lost 8 second by miscommunication by the chip timer.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 8 seconds.
Name: Pietro Anderoni
Appeal Details: Alleges different scores on scorecard and leaderboard.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Review determined chip time was valid.
Name: Matilde Garnes
Appeal Details: Athlete alleges monitor issue.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 1 second.
Name: Sanna Venalainen
Appeal Details: Athlete contests score.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to CAP +5.
Name: Sara Sigmundsdottir
Appeal Details: Athlete claims miscommunication of finish location by judge.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted by 16 seconds.
Individual Test 2
Name: Jeromine Geroudet
Appeal Details: Athlete claims scoring issue.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Score confirmed.
Name: Nicole Heer
Appeal Details: Athlete contests tiebreak time and movement standards.
Resolution: Tiebreak issue solved. Other issue unappealable.
Name: Lucy McGonigle
Appeal Details: Athlete contests communication of movement standards on the muscle-up.
Resolution: Appeal granted upon review. Athlete score adjusted by 5 reps.
Name: Solveig Sigurdardottir
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no reps on the ring complex and claims she lost time due to interruption by her judge during the burpees.
Resolution: Athlete granted one additional rep when review revealed miscount on the burpees.
Name: Tayla Howe
Appeal Details: Athlete contests score.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score corrected.
Name: Colin Bosshard
Appeal Details: Athlete alleges tiebreak issue.
Resolution: Appeal filed before leaderboard had updated. Issue resolved.
Team Test 4
Name: Aarhus CrossFit
Appeal Details: Athletes contest no reps and allege misinterpretation of the standards.
Resolution: Appeal granted. After review, score adjusted by 23 seconds.
Day 3
Individual Test 3
Name: Sven Geens
Appeal Details: Athlete alleges that the judge made him perform extra reps.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to 16:52.
Individual Test 4
Name: Moritz Fiebig
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge did not allow him to load two 10-lb plates on each side of bar, requiring him to use 25-lb plates. Athletes lost time to lift to reload bar.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Athlete had 39 seconds after plates were placed to attempt another lift.
Name: Aniol Ekai
Appeal Details: Athlete snatched 290 lb but leaderboard recorded 280 lb.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score corrected on leaderboard.
Name: Fabian Beneito
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge credited final snatch and then called it as no rep after he had stepped over the line.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Athlete crossed the line with bar in overhead position where rep was credited, but before the bar went down, the athlete stepped out from the designated area and the rep was discredited.
Individual Test 5
Name: Multiple Athletes in Lane 8
Appeal Details: Multiple athletes in lane 8 were concerned about the AirRunner being slower than the other AirRunners on the field.
Resolution: Appeals denied. The AirRunner in lane 8 was tested and provided no sufficient evidence that it was outside the standard deviation among all other AirRunners.
Name: Martin Cuerzo
Appeal Details: Scorecard signed at the end of Test 5 showed a time of 3:14 but the leaderboard showed 3:15.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Chip time generated official score.
Name: Matus Kocar
Appeal Details: Athlete claims he was required to return to treadmill after crossing the finish line and had to reset the monitor, adding 8 seconds to time.
Resolution: Appeal denied for athlete safety. Athletes are not allowed to get off the treadmill on the sides.
Team Test 5
Name: Butcher's Lab Flaek
Appeal Details: Two issues appealed. Athletes allege:
1. Miscount of reps.
2. Rep lifted before the time cap wasn't credited.
Resolution: Appeals denied.
1. Review determined judge’s rep count was correct.
2. Athlete began rep after the time cap.
Name: CrossFit Butcher Lab Bjornefar
Appeal Details: Athletes claim incorrect number of reps recorded.
Resolution: Appeal denied. Judge's recorded reps confirmed.
Day 4
Individual Test 6
Name: Sven Geens
Appeal Details: Athlete alleges that the judge made him perform extra reps.
Resolution: Appeal granted. Score adjusted to 16:52.
Name: Karin Freyova
Appeal Details: Athlete contends that last rep of overhead squats that was no-repped was actually a valid one.
Resolution: Appeal is granted. Score adjusted by 42 second in a favor of the athlete.
Name: Franziska Höger
Appeal Details: Athlete contends she was no-repped on reps she shouldn't have been.
Resolution: Video review confirms the judge made the right call. Appeal denied.
Name: Linda Keesman
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no reps and movement standards.
Resolution: Video review confirms the judge made the right call. Appeal denied.
Name: Victor Ljungdal
Appeal Details: Athlete contests no reps.
Resolution: Video review confirms the judge made the right call. Appeal denied.
Day 1
Team Test 1
Name: CrossFit Gangnam
Appeal Details: Team contests score posted to leaderboard.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Team Test 2
Name: CrossFit Marvel Black
Appeal Details: Team contends delay in judge counting muscle-ups required them to hold too long at the top to sync.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Stud CrossFit Team STUD
Appeal Details: Team claims judge required them to complete extra bar muscle-up reps.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: CrossFit Gangnam
Appeal Details: Team captain came forward to say judge gave them credit for a synchro muscle-up that one of the athletes actually failed and asked that the rep count be adjusted.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Day 2
Individual Test 1
Name: Florence Wong
Appeal Details: Athlete claims her score was incorrect.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Omer Reshef
Appeal Details: Athlete claims sled malfunctioned.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Ant Haynes
Appeal Details: Athlete claims equipment issue
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Individual Test 2
Name: Dema Zebdiah
Appeal Details: Athlete claims the ruck was broken on the first round but it was not replaced until round 2.
Resolution: Denied because after the replacement of the ruck, no complex was completed.
Name: Milana Yakovleva
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge made her perform extra reps.
Resolution: Video review determined judge made the right call. Appeal denied.
Name: Anastasia Smirnova
Appeal Details: Athlete claims miscommunication on box placement.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Team Test 4
Name: N Camp CrossFit Team Kima
Appeal Details: Athletes claim judge miscommunication.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Stud CrossFit Team STUD
Appeal Details: Judge calls contested.
Resolution: Review determined judge made the right call. Appeal denied.
Name: CrossFit Erada 1
Appeal Details: Athletes claim judge made them do extra reps.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Day 3
Individual Test 3
Name: Shahad Budebs
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge miscommunication about location of the barbell.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Meysam Rohani
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge required different standards than were stated in the briefing.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Zhu Yu-Sen
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge miscounted reps.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Individual Test 4
Name: Rory Sherriff
Appeal Details: Athlete claims judge miscounted reps.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Hedie Veisi
Appeal Details: Athlete claims equipment issue with collars.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: May Hazan
Appeal Details: Athlete claims floor issue caused her to step on the line during the snatch.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Team Test 6
Name: CrossFit Mobilus Chinatown Sour Patch Kids
Appeal Details: Athletes claim score calculation was incorrect.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: CrossFit Club 49
Appeal Details: Athletes claim score calculation was incorrect.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Day 4
Individual Test 6
Name: Or Coher
Appeal Details: Athlete claims floor issue.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Danny Voronov
Appeal Details: Athlete claims floor issue.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Dema Zebdieh
Appeal Details: Athlete contests rep count.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Individual Test 7
Name: Meysam Rohani
Appeal Details: Athlete claims miscommunication from judge.
Resolution: Appeal denied.
Name: Dawon Jung
Appeal Details: Athlete contests score posted to the leaderboard.
Resolution: Appeal granted.
Name: Chen Sheng
Appeal Details: Athlete contests score posted to the leaderboard.
Resolution: Appeal granted.