2024 CrossFit Age-Group Semifinal Penalties

June 6, 2024


This article highlights the penalties assessed during the 2024 CrossFit Games Age-Group Semifinal internal review process.

This article highlights the penalties assessed during the 2024 CrossFit Games Age-Group Semifinal internal review process.

CrossFit selected Event 3 as the primary submission to review, but advancing athletes were required to provide working videos of all four events.

The following penalties are sorted by age group and event.


In This Article:


BOYS 14-15


João Vitor Pacheco Santos - Submitted score 710. Major penalty, athlete consistently jumped down from the box. Adjusted score 604.


Emil Gottsche - Submitted score 555. Unable to provide working video within 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Facundo Salica - Submitted score 4:30. Minor penalty, failure to lockout at the elbow on a few reps. Adjusted score 4:50.


Leonardo Cruz - Submitted score 5:18. Minor penalty, failure to lockout at the elbow for 1 rep. Adjusted score 5:22.


Martín Garcia Reina - Submitted score 4:28. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension on a small number of front squats, and lack of elbow extension on a few muscle ups. Adjusted score 4:56.


Luke Valgos - Submitted score 5:34. Minor penalty, lack of depth in the front squat for a rep. Adjusted score 5:40.


João Vitor Pacheco Santos - Submitted score 7:13. Minor penalty, lack of hip and knee extension for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 7:21.


Alex Rosilloserrano - Submitted score 5:13. Minor penalty, lack of hip and knee extension for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 5:21.


Migah Britz - Submitted score 5:35. Minor penalty, lack of extension on 1 muscle-up, and multiple penalties for assistance with equipment by steadying rings. Adjusted score 5:49.


Matheo Stergakis - Submitted score 8:47. Minor penalty, multiple penalties for assistance with equipment by steadying rings. Adjusted score 9:43.


Tim Ouhichi-Hoffmann - Submitted score 8:00. Minor penalty, lack of extension on the front squats and muscle-ups for a few reps. Adjusted score 8:16.


Aitor Mesa Olmedo - Submitted score 5:41. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 5:53.


Caio Ribeiro - Submitted score 5:48. Minor penalty, lack of depth and extension in a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 6:20.


Alex Barnes - Submitted score 7:12. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension in the front squats for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 7:34.


Mateus Ferrari Cavalcanti De Melo - Submitted score 5:49. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension in the front squats for a few reps. Adjusted score 6:09.


GIRLS 14-15


Giovana Pitz Pereira - Submitted score 12:32. Minor penalty, lack of hip/knee extension in the front squats for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 12:54.


Fiona Noyes - Submitted score 37. Minor penalty, lack of hip/knee extension in the front squats and assistance with equipment by steadying rings. Adjusted score 34.


Addy Gadoci - Submitted score 6:58. Minor penalty, lack of extension in front squats for a few reps and assistance with the barbell. Adjusted score 7:14.


Jeanne Asselin - Submitted score 9:10. Minor penalty, lack of extension in front squats for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 9:12.


Maria Navarro - Submitted score 57. Minor penalty, lack of extension in a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 53.


Beatriz Pessanha - Submitted score 13:45. Minor penalty, lack of extension in front squats and muscle-ups. Adjusted score 14:09.


Julia Mahadewsing - Submitted score 54. Minor penalty, lack of extension at the beginning of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 52.


Sara Sathler Gonçalves - Submitted score 29. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 28.


Isla Hill - Submitted score 12:30. Minor penalty, feet above the rings on the muscle-up. Adjusted score 12:36.


Karla Rodrigo - Submitted score 55. Minor penalty, lack of extension on a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 53.


Cooper Velasquez - Submitted score 59. Minor penalty, lack of extension on a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 58.


Kaija Ashcroft - Submitted score 5:16. Score adjustment, tiebreak adjusted and score corrected to accurate work performed. Adjusted score 4.


BOYS 16-17


Chase Kendrick - Submitted score 690. Unable to provide working video within 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Cooper Mery - Submitted score 5:02. Major penalty, performed front squats within 5 feet of rings. Adjusted score 5:47.


Kyle Muckleroy - Submitted score 4:20. Minor penalty, one instance of assistance with rings. Adjusted score 4:22.


Fernando Tardon - Submitted score 4:54. Minor penalty, lack of extension in a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 5:14.


Alijah Attieh - Submitted score 4:55. Minor penalty, lack of extension in a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 4:57.


Teo Mork - Submitted score 6:56. Minor penalty, lack of extension in a small number of front squats and muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:28.


Mack Keller - Submitted score 5:14. Minor penalty, lack of extension in a small number of front squats before dropping the bar. Adjusted score 5:16.


Dennis Olsson - Submitted score 6:10. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension in a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 6:18.


Maxwell Peterson - Submitted score 6:29. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension in a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 6:33.


GIRLS 16-17


María Granizo - Submitted score 960. Score adjustment to reflect accurate score. Adjusted score 880.



Ada Ervin - Submitted score 10:39. Major penalty, lack of extension at the top of several muscle-up reps. Adjusted score 12:14.


Bergrós Björnsdóttir - Submitted score 6:00. Minor penalty, shoulders not above the hands at the top of one muscle up. Adjusted score 6:04.


María Granizo - Submitted score 5:26. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 5:44.


Elsie Larson - Submitted score 7:50. Minor penalty, pushing away at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 8:10.


Chloe Saliba - Submitted score 8:13. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension at the top of a small number of front squats. Adjusted score 8:21.


Marissa Nichols - Submitted score 8:21. Minor penalty, shoulders not above the hands at the top of 1 muscle-up. Adjusted score 8:27.


Marley Francis - Submitted score 6:23. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension at the top of 1 front squat. Adjusted score 6:27.


Ludy Reis - Submitted score 8:57. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 9:09.


Kayla Carey Weir - Submitted score 13:18. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 13:42.


Zayna Maduro - Submitted score 7:11. Minor penalty, shoulders not above the hands at the top of a small number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:29.


MEN 35-39 


Justin Lee - Submitted score 9:53. Unable to provide working video within 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Mario Waleriew - Submitted score 11:39. Unable to provide working video within 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Nicholas Anapolsky - Submitted score 960. Minor penalty, athlete did not step down on a small number of box jumps. Adjusted score 950.


Justin Lee - Submitted score 839. Unable to provide working video within 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Blas Ruiz Gonzalez - Submitted score 3:58. Major penalty, lack of extension at the top of a significant number of front squats. Adjusted score 4:33.


Chase Hill - Submitted score 4:18. Major penalty, lack of knee extension in a significant number of front squats. Adjusted score 4:56.


Piotr Mielczarek - Submitted score 4:58. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arm on the top of the rings with the shoulder directly over or slightly in front of the hands. Adjusted score 5:42.


Gary Jones - Submitted score 3:45. Score adjustment, to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 3:46.


Paul Tremblay - Submitted score 5:08. Minor penalty, false start. Adjusted score 5:10.


Jimmy Woodard - Submitted score 4:39. Minor penalty, dropped the bar before extension on a few reps of the front squat. Adjusted score 4:43.


Kyle Ruth - Submitted score 4:36. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a muscle up. Adjusted score 4:40.


Daniel Villar - Submitted score 4:16. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 4:17.



Oliver Tattersfield - Submitted score 2:32. Score adjustment, to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 3:39.


WOMEN 35-39


Sona Karaskova - Submitted score 11:28. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 11:48.



Mekenzie Riley - Submitted score 995. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 989.



Emily Morin - Submitted score 6:04. Major penalty, lack of extension for a significant number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 6:58.


Hollye Henderson - Submitted score 5:55. Major penalty, lack of extension for a significant number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 6:48.


Kelcy Ware - Submitted score 5:10. Major penalty, lack of extension for a significant number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 5:56.


Sona Karaskova - Submitted score 8:53. Major penalty, lack of extension for a significant number of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 10:12.


Camila Murakami - Submitted score 6:22. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 6:23.


MEN 40-44


Louie McMaster - Submitted score 868. Score adjustment, miscounted double-unders. Adjusted score 864.


Filip Trojovsky - Submitted score 720. Unable to provide working video within 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Patrick Mcginnis - Submitted score 4:58. Minor penalty, small number of muscle-ups lacked extension, and receiving assistance with rings. Adjusted score 5:40.


Thomas Clinton - Submitted score 6:48. Major penalty, failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings. Adjusted score 7:49.


Rolo Gomez - Submitted score 6:10. Major penalty, failed to fully extend arm on the top of the rings. Adjusted score 7:05.


Filip Trojovsky - Submitted score 6:35. Major penalty, failed to fully extend arm on the top of the rings and/or the feet rose above the rings during the kip. Adjusted score 7:34.


Patrick Midgley - Submitted score 5:35. Major penalty, failed to fully extend arm on the top of the rings. Adjusted score 6:25.


Felipe Aviles - Submitted score 5:16. Minor penalty, lack of extension during front squats for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 5:56.


Hyeongjae Park - Submitted score 6:17. Major penalty, lack of extension during muscle-ups for a significant number of reps. Adjusted score 7:13.


Lionel Bourrin - Submitted score 4:46. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 5:37.


Zachary Gibbon - Submitted score 4:46. Minor penalty, lack of extension during front squats for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 5:02.


Matthew Axtman - Submitted score 4:51. Minor penalty, assistance steadying rings multiple times. Adjusted score 4:57.


WOMEN 40-44


Heidrun Kirchhoff - Submitted score 6:54. Major penalty, lack of extension during front squats for a significant number of reps. Adjusted score 7:56.


Megan Apostoleris - Submitted score 7:07. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of the muscle-ups for a small number of reps. Adjusted score 7:51.


Susan Plakke - Submitted score 13:00. Major penalty, lack of lockout at the top of the muscle-ups for a significant number of reps. Adjusted score 14:57.


Karli Demonico - Submitted score 9:56. Minor penalty, lack of lockout at the top of a muscle-up. Adjusted score 10:04.



Raquel Aversani - Submitted score 2:50. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


MEN 45-49


Zach Barber - Submitted score 940. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Zach Barber - Submitted score 739. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Art Hamilton - Submitted score 717. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


James Thelemaque - Submitted score 5:51. Major penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats and failed to fully extend her arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 6:43.


Dustin Owen - Submitted score 6:22. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend her arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:10.


Mike Kern - Submitted score 6:35. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 6:36.


Alex O'Bryan - Submitted score 5:14. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from her judge. Adjusted score 5:16.


Wyatt Wardenburg - Submitted score 5:50. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during the front squats. Adjusted score 5:58.


Richard Vint - Submitted score 6:11. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 6:12.


Andrea Di Salvatore - Submitted score 5:08. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 5:14.


Cristiano Damasceno - Submitted score 6:29. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats. Adjusted score 6:33.


Byron Jarrin - Submitted score 5:58. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 5:59.


Alan Bates - Submitted score 7:25. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 7:26.


Cory Kinley - Submitted score 6:30. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during the front squats. Adjusted score 6:42.


Jessie Williams - Submitted score 7:02. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:08.


Angel Cardenas - Submitted score 6:56. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during the front squats. Adjusted score 7:00.


Andrea Di Salvatore - Submitted score 5:08. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 5:14.


WOMEN 45-49


Memory Porter - Submitted score 13:39. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Ashley Fiala - Submitted score 731. Score adjustment to reflect accurate amount of work performed. Adjusted score 730.



Memory Porter - Submitted score 558. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Annmaree Feuss - Submitted score 14:27. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 51.


Jen Kinsella - Submitted score 6:41. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:41.


Jaci Cale - Submitted score 8:23. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 8:26.


Andreia Naves - Submitted score 9:48. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 11:16.


Kaorllin Salvador - Submitted score 54. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups, and received assistance from her judge. Adjusted score 47.


Val Voboril - Submitted score 8:50. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 8:51.


Jessica Casas - Submitted score 7:14. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during the front squats. Adjusted score 7:18.


Jenna Larson - Submitted score 11:44. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats. Adjusted score 12:00.


Laura Nielsen - Submitted score 11:03. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 11:11.


Elizabeth Warren - Submitted score 8:56. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats. Adjusted score 9:14.


Tiffany Kempton - Submitted score 9:59. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 10:05.


Kelly Friel - Submitted score 13:12. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 13:13.


Marta Brichs - Submitted score 8:29. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats, and failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 8:57.


Janaina Barduco Garcia - Submitted score 12:38. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 12:37.


Sarah Timson - Submitted score 8:26. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from judge. Adjusted score 8:36.


Lauren Lewis - Submitted score 11:10. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 11:34.



Deanna Posey - Submitted score 3:13. Score adjustmen to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 3:14.


MEN 50-54


Jeff Metcalfe - Submitted score 9:48. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Cory Morrison - Submitted score 12:34. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Gabriel Aguiar Perez - Submitted score 14:59. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Marco Mingossi - Submitted score 12:02. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Chad Augustin - Submitted score 717. Major penalty, athlete failed to achieve a position with the shoulders in line with the body during the handstand push-ups. Adjusted score 609.


Gabriel Aguiar Perez - Submitted score 719. Unable to provide working video within the 24 hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Shawn Ramirez - Submitted score 615. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Simon Hope - Submitted score 7:05. Major penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during the front squats. Adjusted score 8:08.


Malcolm Cook - Submitted score 7:28. Major penalty, athlete failed to have shoulder over or in front of hands at lockout of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 8:35.


Arthur Wolfe - Submitted score 12:19. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 14:09.


Chad Augustin - Submitted score 6:55. Major penalty, athlete failed to maintain the 5-foot distance from the rings during front squats. Adjusted score 7:58.


Ben Roberts - Submitted score 9:54. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 11:23.


Robert Davis - Submitted score 9:26. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend his arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups and extend the hip on front squats. Adjusted score 10:50.


Bruce Thomas - Submitted score 7:16. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 7:17.


Craig Robinson - Submitted score 9:29. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during the front squats. Adjusted score 9:33.


Daniel Aemisegger - Submitted score 7:54. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 8:06.


Ismael Perez Jr. - Submitted score 9:36. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats. Adjusted score 9:48.


Aaron Brown - Submitted score 11:57. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend his arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 12:09.


Shawn Ramirez - Submitted score 7:59. Minor penalty, false start. Adjusted score 8:01.


Chris Schmulbach - Submitted score 3:47. Major penalty, athlete only completed 20 of the required 30 toes-to-bars. Adjusted score 50.



Joel Hartzler - Submitted score 3:51. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend his arms in the overhead position and/or failed to squat below parallel. Adjusted score 4:25.


Gabriel Aguiar Perez - Submitted score 3:29. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.


Shawn Ramirez - Submitted score 3:56. Minor penalty, false start. Adjusted score 3:58.


WOMEN 50-54


Luciane Macias - Submitted score 9:30. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups and extend the hip on front squats. Adjusted score 10:55.


Ro Morais - Submitted score 10:51. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups and received assistance with rings throughout the workout. Adjusted score 12:28.


Stella Ladao - Submitted score 10:36. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups and extend the hip on front squats. Adjusted score 12:11.


Julie Lodge - Submitted score 10:43. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 12:19.


Sarah Hayes - Submitted score 13:36. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 57 (7:33).


Jennifer Dieter - Submitted score 8:44. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats. Adjusted score 9:00.


Janet Black - Submitted score 8:55. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats and failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-up. Adjusted score 9:15.


Kim Lennon - Submitted score 14:24. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 14:32.


MEN 55-59


Brett Prager - Submitted score 11:57. Major penalty, athlete did not start under the rings with fully extended arms during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 13:44.


Jon Luconte - Submitted score 53. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 46.


David Usandizaga - Submitted score 13:52. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 14:00.


Dave St-Amour - Submitted score 55. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 53.


Albert Police - Submitted score 9:38. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from judge. Adjusted score 9:46.


John Kim - Submitted score 8:53. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from judge. Adjusted score 8:55.


Mark Sewell - Submitted score 8:49. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 9:01.


Shannon Mckibben - Submitted score 13:10. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 13:24.


David Usandizaga - Submitted score 13:52. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats. Adjusted score 14:00.


Jay Sanderson - Submitted score 8:54. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from judge. Adjusted score 9:22.


Bob Beardsley - Submitted score 9:09. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 9:33.


John Carvalho - Submitted score 8:51. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats. Adjusted score 9:05.


Kevin Mcvey - Submitted score 8:43. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups, and removed shoes during the event. Adjusted score 9:03.


Sean Marsh - Submitted score 13:42. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats. Adjusted score 13:46.


Dave St-Amour - Submitted score 55. Minor penalty, athlete did not squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 53.


WOMEN 55-59


Sharon Michelle Ewens - Submitted score 12:57. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Julie Schaffer - Submitted score 747. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate amount of work performed. Adjusted score 745.


Tammi Saunders - Submitted score 581. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate amount of work performed. Adjusted score 579.



Maricruz Prieto - Submitted score 14:41. Score adjustment to reflect accurate finish time. Adjusted score 14:42.


Beth Licopoli - Submitted score 10:40. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 12:16.


Amber Stewart - Submitted score 35. Major penalty, athlete did not start below the rings with the arms fully extended during the muscle-ups. Adjusted score 30.


Faith Hohaia - Submitted score 14:03. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from judge. Adjusted score 14:05.


Marni Kallins - Submitted score 57. Minor penalty, adjusted tiebreak to reflect correct time. Adjusted score 57 (4:58 tiebreak).


MEN 60-64


Jeffrey Christy - Submitted score 755. Major penalty, athlete did not start each rep of the pull-up with fully extended arms. Adjusted score 642.


Dan Ford - Submitted score 640. Score adjustment to reflect accurate amount of work performed. Adjusted score 636.



Rob Bernet - Submitted score 8:54. Minor penalty, athlete’s feet went higher than the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 10:14.


Pierre Cleroux - Submitted score 6:28. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms at the start of the rep during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:26.


Warren Jennings - Submitted score 9:03. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms at the start of the rep during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 10:24.


Stuart Swanson - Submitted score 6:30. Major penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings during muscle-ups. Adjusted score 7:28.


Rob Bernet - Submitted score 8:54. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend arms on the top of the rings and/or below the rings. Adjusted score 10:14.


Mike Fry - Submitted score 6:51. Minor penalty, athlete received assistance from judge. Adjusted score 7:05.


Jon Schatz - Submitted score 7:44. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats. Adjusted score 7:50.


Karl Backs - Submitted score 58. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend the arms at the top of the muscle-up, and adjusted tiebreak. Adjusted score 56.


Mark A Anderson - Submitted score 5:26. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during the front squats. Adjusted score 5:32.


WOMEN 60-64


Colleen Fahey - Submitted score 50. Minor penalty, athlete failed to squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 47.


Laurie Meschishnick - Submitted score 10:39. Minor penalty, athlete lacked hip extension during front squats. Adjusted score 10:45.


Gina Viana - Submitted score 48. Minor penalty, adjusted tiebreak to reflect the correct time. Adjusted score 48 (2:06).


Yvonne Howard - Submitted score 56. Minor penalty, athlete lacked arm extension at the start of muscle-ups. Adjusted score 55.


Colleen Fahey - Submitted score 50. Minor penalty, athlete failed to squat below parallel during front squats. Adjusted score 47.


Sherrie Yacalis - Submitted score 13:20. Minor penalty, lack of hip extension during the front squats. Adjusted score 13:24.


Sonia Freitas - Submitted score 10:18. Score adjustment, athlete completed 48 reps with no muscle-ups attempted. Adjusted score 48.


Jill Caravaggio - Submitted score 13:26. Score adjustment, athlete completed 48 reps with no muscle-ups attempted. Adjusted score 48.


Jane Jones - Submitted score 59. Score adjustment, athlete did bar muscle-ups instead of ring muscle-ups for final reps. Adjusted score 48.


MEN 65+


Matt Bell - Submitted score 10:53. Major penalty, athlete did not fully extend his hips during front squats and did not start with his arms fully extended below the rings and/or let his feet raise above the rings during the kip. Adjusted score 12:30.


David Hippensteel - Submitted score 6:58. Minor penalty, athlete failed to have his feet in line and/or lacked hip extension during the front squat. Adjusted score 7:12.


Tom De Nolf - Submitted score 9:01. Minor penalty, for lack of hip extension during the front squats and for receiving assistance. Adjusted score 9:07.


Bruce Marko - Submitted score 5:38. Minor penalty, athlete failed to fully extend the arms during chest-to-bar pull-ups. Adjusted score 6:14.


Brian Hanline - Submitted score 10:46. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 10:05.


Patrick Kenney - Submitted score 2:41. Score adjustment, athlete completed 48 reps with no muscle-ups attempted. Adjusted score 48.


Bruno Maggia - Submitted score 6:48. Score adjustment, athlete completed chest-to-bar pull-ups instead of muscle-ups for the round of 12. Adjusted score 48.


Robert Eddleman - Submitted score 9:14. Score adjustment, athlete completed chest-to-bar pull-ups instead of muscle-ups for the round of 12. Adjusted score 48.




Kerry Mullin - Submitted score 11:36. Score adjusted to reflect the accurate finish time. Adjusted score 109.


Patti Kuhlman - Submitted score 17:09. Unable to provide working video within the 24-hour deadline. Adjusted score 0.



Noriko Kitamori - Submitted score 457. Score adjustment to reflect the accurate amount of work performed. Adjusted score 455.



Patti Walkover - Submitted score 48. Minor penalty, adjusted tiebreak time for lack of hip extension during the front squat. Adjusted score 48 (3:16).


Kathy Hayward - Submitted score 07:43. Score adjustment, athlete completed 48 reps with no muscle-ups attempted. Adjusted score 48.






MEN 35-39

Piotr Mielczarek - Original score restored. Final score 4:58.


WOMEN 35-39

Kelcy Ware - Reduced to minor penalty for a small number of muscle-ups that lacked elbow extension. Final score 5:40.

Soňa Karásková - Major penalty reversed, original score restored. Final score 8:53.


MEN 40-44

Hyeongjae Park - Major penalty reversed, original score restored. Final score 6:17.


WOMEN 45-49

AnnMaree Feuss - Tiebreak time adjusted, but major penalty for elbow extension upheld. Final score 51 (8:46).

Kaorllin Salvador - Minor penalty reduced. Final score 49 (8:56).


MEN 45-49

Dustin Owen - Reduced to minor penalty for a small number of muscle ups that lacked elbow extension. Final score 7:10.


MEN 50-54

Robert Davis - Major penalty reduced to minor penalty for lack of hip extension in the front squats. Final score 9:50.


MEN 55-59

Jon Luconte - Major penalty reduced to minor penalty for lack of elbow lockout. Final score 52.

Dave St-Amour - Penalty applied to tiebreak time. Final score 55.


WOMEN 60-64

Colleen Fahey - Penalty reapplied to tiebreak time. Final score 50.