2022 Syndicate Crown Workouts

May 12, 2022


Workouts for the Syndicate Crown in Knoxville, Tennessee have been released. 

Workouts for the Syndicate Crown in Knoxville, Tennessee have been released. 

Watch the competition live here

Review the competition schedule here

Event 1

3 attempts for max load of:

3 cleans
2 front squats
1 jerk (shoulder-to-overhead)
Event 2

For time:

30-cal Echo bike
Tank push (75 ft)
30 double dumbbell burpee deadlifts (50/35 lb)
Tank push (75 ft)
20-cal Echo bike
Tank push (75 ft)
20 double dumbbell hang snatches (50/35 lb)
Tank push (75 ft)
10-cal Echo bike
Tank push (75 ft)
10 devil presses (50/35 lb)

Time cap: 12 minutes
Event 3

10 rounds for time:

1 legless rope climb, 15 ft
Run, 170 ft

Time cap: 11 minutes
Event 4

Concept2 SkiErg calories
Wall-ball shots (20/14 lb to 10-ft target)
GHD sit-ups
80-ft handstand walk (40-ft unbroken sections)

Time cap: 25 minutes
Event 5

For time:

1,000-meter row
50 thrusters (45/35 lb)
60 chest-to-bar pull-ups
50 thrusters (45/35 lb)
1,000-meter row

Time cap: 15 minutes
Event 6

3 rounds for time:

8 ring muscle-ups
6 deficit handstand push-ups (9/6 in)
4 sandbag-to-shoulders (200/150 lb)
2 squat snatches (205/145 lb)

Time cap: 10 minutes
Event 1

Weight in lb

M: 185|195|205|215|225|235|245|255|265|275|
11th platform staged at 285 lb

F: 135|140|145|150|155|160|165|170|175|180|
11th platform staged at 185 lb
Event 2

Four intervals for total distance lunged:

20 four-way synchro wall balls (30/20 lb)
15 Worm deadlifts
20 Worm push presses

*Worm lunge for distance in time remaining

Time cap: 16 minutes
Event 3

For time, starting with the female pair:

40 thrusters (135/95 lb)
6 legless rope climbs
30 thrusters (135/95 lb)
4 legless rope climbs
20 thrusters (135/95 lb)
2 legless rope climbs

Time cap: 20 minutes
Event 4

For time:

10 Worm clean and jerks
M1/M2 - 20 synchro C2B + 10 synchro DB OHS (100/70 lb)
10 Worm clean and jerks
M1/M2 - 20 synchro C2B + 10 synchro DB OHS (100/70 lb)
10 Worm clean and jerks
F1/F2 - 20 synchro C2B + 10 synchro DB OHS (100/70 lb)
10 Worm clean and jerks
F2/M2- 20 synchro C2B + 10 synchro DB OHS (100/70 lb)
10 Worm clean and jerks

Time cap: 15 minutes
Event 5

For time:

4 athletes row 30/24 cal
20 Worm squats
3 athletes row 30/24 cal
20 Worm squats
2 athlete row 30/24 cal
20 Worm squats
1 athlete row 30/24 cal
20 Worm squats

*When not rowing, athletes complete 20 synchro burpees over the Worm


Four rounds:
20 synchro toes-to-bars
10 Worm hang power cleans

Time cap: 25 minutes
Event 6

Relay F/M/F/M

For time:
12 ring muscle-ups
9 deficit handstand push-ups (9/6 in)
6 sandbag-to-shoulders (200/150 lb)
3 squat cleans (275/185 lb)

Time cap: 14 minutes