Open Workouts

2025 CrossFit Games


(22.3 repeat)

For time:

21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)

Time cap: 12 minutes

♀ Jumping pull-ups, then pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups | 45, 55, 65 lb (20, 25, 29 kg)
♂ Jumping pull-ups, then pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups | 65, 85, 105 lb (29, 38, 47 kg)

Download the workout description and scorecard for your division:


    Download Your Scorecard


    Quick Start

    • Athletes start 5 feet (1.5 meters) from the pull-up bar, behind their barbell.
    • At “go,” move to the pull-up bar and perform 21 pull-ups.
    • Then, complete 42 double-unders.
    • Then, complete 21 thrusters at weight 1 (lightest).
    • Return to the pull-up bar for 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups.
    • Then, complete 36 double-unders.
    • Then, complete 18 thrusters at weight 2.
    • In the final round, complete 15 bar muscle-ups.
    • Then, complete 30 double-unders.
    • Finish with 15 thrusters at weight 3 (heaviest).
    • Time stops at the completion of the last thruster at weight 3.


    • Barbell(s) and/or any additional plates must be placed at least 5 feet from the pull-up bar for safety.
    • Double-unders may be performed anywhere.
    • Athletes may have assistance changing the barbell load or multiple bars may be used.
    • If time-capped, your score will be the total number of reps completed.
    • A tiebreak time is taken after each set of thrusters (see Tiebreak section below for more information).
    • If the workout is completed before the time cap, there is no tiebreaker.


    Record the time after you complete the set of 21 thrusters. This will be your tiebreak time if you do not complete the set of 18 thrusters. If you complete the set of 18 thrusters, record that time. This will become your tiebreak time if you do not complete the workout. In the event of a tie, the athlete with the better tiebreak time will be ranked higher.


    • Barbell, plates, collars
    • Pull-up bar
    • Using tape on the pull-up bar AND gymnastics grips at the same time is NOT allowed.
    • Tape, cones, or any other object should be used to indicate the barbell is placed 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.

    Refer to APPENDIX D in the 2025 CrossFit Games Rulebook for complete equipment details and video submission standards.


    Quick Start

    • Athletes start standing facing away from their barbell. 
    • At “go,” turn around, pick up the barbell and perform 21 bent-over rows. 
    • Then, complete 42 jumps. 
    • Then, complete 21 thrusters. 
    • Move to the pull-up bar for 18 jumping pull-ups. 
    • Then, complete 36 jumps. 
    • Then, complete 18 thrusters. 
    • In the final round, complete 15 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups. 
    • Then, complete 30 jumps. 
    • Finish with 15 thrusters. 
    • Time stops at the completion of the last thruster in the set of 15. 


    • Barbell must be placed at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) from the pull-up bar for safety. 
    • Single-unders or jumping jacks may be performed as the jump movement. 
    • If time-capped, your score will be the total number of reps completed. 
    • A tiebreak time is taken after each set of thrusters (see Tiebreak section below for more information). 
    • If the workout is completed before the time cap, there is no tiebreaker. 


    Record the time after you complete the set of 21 thrusters. This will be your tiebreak time if you do not complete the set of 18 thrusters. If you complete the set of 18 thrusters, record that time. This will become your tiebreak time if you do not complete the workout. In the event of a tie, the athlete with the better tiebreak time will be ranked higher.


    • Barbell, plates, and collars. 
    • Pull-up bar. Using tape on the pull-up bar AND gymnastics grips at the same time is NOT allowed. 
    • Tape, cones, or any other object should be used to indicate the barbell is placed 5 feet away from the pull-up bar. 

    Refer to APPENDIX D in the 2025 CrossFit Games Rulebook for complete equipment details. 


    Click here to view 25.2 workout details for the 2025 Adaptive Open.


    Access CrossFit Affiliate Programming (CAP) class plans for running the Open workout in your gym: 1 Heat | 2 Heats