The 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Individual competition took place from Wednesday, July 20, through Sunday, July 24.
Workout Details
Event 1 - Ranch Trail RunPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: The RanchWednesday morningFor time:7-km trail runSimilar course to the 2009 trail run event.View course video here.
Event 2 - Ranch Deadlift LadderPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: The RanchWednesdayDeadlift ladderSimilar to the 2009 deadlift ladder, where 1 rep is performed every 30 seconds through a series of 20 barbells that each increase in weight.Men: 425-435-445-455-465-475-485-495-505-515-525-535-545-555-565-575-585-595-605-615 lb.Women: 275-285-295-305-315-325-335-345-355-365-370-375-380-385-390-395-400-405-410-415 lb.Athletes will lift in the reverse order that they finish the run. Last on the run will lift first. First on the run will lift last.The deadlift ladder will begin 10 minutes after the last athlete completes the run.
Event 3 - Ranch Mini ChipperPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: The RanchWednesdayFor time:50 wall-ball shots25 med-ball GHD sit-upsHill sprint with med ballMen use 30-lb. ballWomen use 20-lb. ball
Event 4 - Ocean SwimPoints available: 100 pointsThursday, 9 a.m. PTFor time:500-meter swimAthletes will start on the beach, swim out around 2 buoys, then finish back on the beach.
Event 5 - MurphPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer Stadium and StubHub Center GroundsFriday morningMurphFor time, with a 20 / 14-lb. weight vest:1-mile runThen, 5 rounds of:20 pull-ups40 push-ups60 squatsThen, 1-mile runEach athlete will wear weighted body armor for the duration of the event.Time cap: 55 minutes
Event 6 - Squat Clean PyramidPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Tennis StadiumFriday afternoonFor time:10 squat cleans (245 / 165 lb.), by 2:008 squat cleans (265 / 180 lb.), by 4:006 squat cleans (285 / 195 lb.), by 6:004 squat cleans (305 / 205 lb.), by 8:002 squat cleans (325 / 215 lb.), by 11:00Similar to Event 1 at this year’s regionals, athletes will progress through 5 stations at increasing weights with decreasing reps. Athletes who do not complete all the reps at a given bar before the cut-off time will be given credit for the reps they completed at their last bar and then ranked based on the time at which they finished their last full segment.
Event 7 - Double DTPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Tennis StadiumFriday evening10 rounds for time of:12 deadlifts (155 / 105 lb.)9 hang power cleans (155 / 105 lb.)6 push jerks (155 / 105 lb.)Time cap: 15 minutes
Event 8 - Climbing SnailPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSaturday midday3 rounds for time of:500-m berm run2 rope ascents40-ft. Snail push2 rope ascents*Each round the athletes will run up and around the berm, then proceed to the Snail for a 40-foot push. *Each time they pass through the rig they will complete 2 rope ascents (twice during rounds 1 and 2, once on the final round).Time cap: 21 minutes
Event 9 - The SeparatorPoints available: 100 points (or 50)Location: Tennis StadiumSaturday eveningMenFor time:12 ring handstand push-ups15 back squats (225 lb.)20 burpees9 ring handstand push-ups18 front squats (205 lb.)20 burpees6 ring handstand push-ups21 overhead squats (185 lb.)20 burpeesScoring table drops to 50-point event for men who fail to complete the first round (first set of 20 burpees).WomenFor time:15 back squats (165 lb.)20 burpees6 ring handstand push-ups18 front squats (145 lb.)20 burpees4 ring handstand push-ups21 overhead squats (125 lb.)20 burpees2 ring handstand push-ups
Scoring table drops to 50-point event for women who fail to complete 1 rep of the ring handstand push-up. The time of completion of each set of burpees will be used as a tiebreak.
Time cap: 16 minutes -
Event 10 - 100%For time:40 box jumps (30 / 24-inch)20 D-ball cleans (150 / 100 lb.)Time cap: 5 minutes
Event 11 - Handstand Walk
Points available: 50 points
Location: Soccer Stadium280-ft. handstand walk for time
Event 12 - Suicide SprintPoints available: 50 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSunday840-ft. shuttle sprint for timeOn the same 280-ft. course as the Handstand Walk, athletes will run ⅓ of the way down and back, then ⅔ of the way down and back, then sprint the full length to the finish line.
Event 13 - The PlowPoints available: 50 pointsLocation: Soccer StadiumSunday560-ft. plow drag for time (235/190 lb.)
Event 14 - Rope ChipperPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Tennis StadiumSunday afternoonFor time:200-m SkiErg50/40 double-unders200-m row50/40 double-unders0.4-mile Assault Air Bike50/40 double-unders200-m row50/40 double-unders200-m SkiErg90-ft. sled pull (310 / 220 lb.)Athletes will use a jump rope with a weighted handle.Time cap: 11 minutes
Event 15 - RedemptionPoints available: 100 pointsLocation: Tennis StadiumSunday eveningFor time:3 pegboard ascents21 thrusters2 pegboard ascents15 thrusters1 pegboard ascent9 thrustersMen 135 lb., Women 85 lb.Time cap: 10 minutes