Welcome to the beginning of the 2024 CrossFit Games season! It all starts here, and we’re happy to have you on board.
The Open is a special time of year when family, friends, and communities gather for a bit of competition and a whole lot of fun.
Here are a few reminders before you hit the first Open workout.
When Is the Open?
The worldwide CrossFit Open is a three-week competition beginning Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. At 12 p.m. (noon) Pacific Time (PT), the first workout — 24.1 — will be released on the CrossFit Games website. You will have until 5 p.m. PT on Monday, March 4, to submit your first score online.
Each workout comes with multiple versions — Rx’d, scaled, and foundations — for several divisions, including adaptive, masters, and teens, making the Open an accessible competition for anyone, regardless of skill or ability.
Each week, you choose the version of the workout that’s right for your age and fitness level.
Note: The adaptive division will be run by WheelWOD for the 2024 season. To register for this division, you must sign up for the WheelWOD Adaptive Open. Learn more HERE.
How Do I Submit My Scores?
You can complete the Open workouts anywhere — at a CrossFit affiliate, at home, or even in your friend’s garage — wherever! Just remember to submit your score through your personal dashboard at games.crossfit.com before 5 p.m. PT each Monday.
Here are the steps:
Log in to your Games account at games.crossfit.com.
Click “Hello, [Awesome Athlete]” in the top right-hand corner
Choose “Your Dashboard”
Click “2024 Open” under “Your Competitions”
Submit your score!
NOTE: If you complete the workouts outside a CrossFit affiliate, you’ll need to submit a video of your performance to log a valid score. More info here.
It’s a good idea to submit scores early to avoid incomplete workouts. Learn more and get help here.
How Do I Optimize My Competition Dashboard?
Your Competition Dashboard is a one-stop shop where you can update your athlete profile, submit workout scores, and more. Here’s what you can do ahead of the Open:
Update Your Bio
Whether you’re new to the Open or a veteran of the sport, this is a great time to update your picture, cover photo, bio, and benchmark stats to make sure everything is up to date on your public profile.
Once you’ve logged in to your Games account, click “Edit Profile” on the left-hand side of your dashboard to get started.
In addition to the worldwide leaderboard, custom leaderboards create more ways to compete, have fun, and see how you stack up among other groups of athletes in the CrossFit community, not just the athletes in your division.
Affiliate leaderboards and hashtag leaderboards are available this year, too.
Click “2024 Open” on your competition dashboard to start building your custom leaderboards.
Add Hashtags to Your Profile
Hashtags are flexible and multifunctional features of the Games website that represent you and help customize your Open experience. Add as many hashtags to your profile as you'd like, such as #Firefighter, #Mom, #MakeupArtist, or #Teacher.
You can also add hashtags to organize a mini-competition, such as #TallPeopleDoingFitness or #PoliceVsFire. The options are endless. Once you’ve assigned these descriptors to your profile, you can create custom leaderboards to see how you stack up.
Use #Teacher to view a custom leaderboard with other teachers in the Open. Use #Teacher and #MakeupArtist to see all teachers who are also makeup artists. The more hashtags you add to a custom leaderboard, the smaller that group becomes.
Click “2024 Open” on your competition dashboard to add #hashtags today!
Connecting on Social
Every year, the community uses social-media hashtags to contribute to the global story that unfolds during the Open.
#CrossFitOpen and #InTheOpen are the global event hashtags for the 2024 CrossFit Open. Each week, #24point1, #24point2, and #24point3 will showcase the activity and efforts surrounding that week’s Open workout.
We encourage you to create your own hashtags among your friends and share your Open story with us on social by tagging @crossfitgames. Let’s stay connected!
More Helpful Resources
Have a question or need more help? Check out these additional resources:
Common Open Questions, Answered
Contact the Support Team
Download the CrossFit Games App
See you in the Open!