A letter to my Crossfit Coach: Hey Ashley we were flipping through some pictures last night and I found our family church picture that was taken in January of this year (2011). As you can see its not a flattering picture. At that point in time I was probably around the 190 or 195lbs mark. The second picture was taken by my best friend and wife this weekend (I love you Jen!) current weight 158lbs. I'm not exactly sure when I started (crossfit) but I do know the first day I was scared as hell and after the WOD I told myself that I was never going back! EVER!!! Then the real Crossfit stepped in. I cant remember if you sent me a text or you just called but the words you said just stuck with me, "just keep coming back all you need to do is finish". So with the great support and encouragement of my family and the in your face support of you I just kept coming back for more! I now know why! The results are evident, not just physically but in all aspects of my life. Yesterday was my 3 month follow-up with the Cancer Doc., everything turned out great just like we expected but a comment was made that hit home for me. After the nurse took my vitals she turned to Jen and I and said "107 over 61, you have the blood pressure of a teenager" Jen then looked at me and said no you have the blood pressure of a Crossfitter! Again I cant thank you and the entire Crossfit community enough for what you have done in me and my family's life. For the first time that I know of Ty is really connecting with something he seems to love to do, and Tanner has found a drive to succeed in something more than he ever has in the past. Its just amazes me how this program and way of life can change the outlook of the people involved. Thanks again Ashley! God Bless, The Shindeldeckers


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2012 14892nd Men 912th Men Central East – – – –

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat --
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk --
    Deadlift --
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran --
    Grace --
  • Helen --
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Run 5k --
  • Snatch --
    Sprint 400m --