"The ultimate goal is to ensure your physical capacity is never the limiting factor in the pursuit of living a fulfilled life"


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2024 371st Men (60-64) 121st Men (60-64) North America West 240th Men (60-64) United States 1st Men (60-64) OurHAUS CrossFit
2021 706th Men (55-59) 542nd Men (55-59) North America 498th Men (55-59) United States 2nd Men (55-59) OurHAUS CrossFit
2020 455th Men (55-59) – – 332nd Men (55-59) United States – –
2019 226th Men (55-59) – – 168th Men (55-59) United States – –
2018 84621st Men 971st Men (50-54) 6182nd Men North Central 85th Men (50-54) North Central 44806th Men United States 714th Men (50-54) United States – –
2017 99558th Men 1382nd Men (50-54) 7260th Men North Central 103rd Men (50-54) North Central 54960th Men United States 991st Men (50-54) United States – –
2016 Men Men (50-54) Men North Central Men (50-54) North Central – – – –
2015 64387th Men 984th Men (50-54) 5111th Men North Central 74th Men (50-54) North Central – – – –

Age Group Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide
2024 145th Men (60-64)


Year Division Rank Semifinal
2024 Men (60-64) 102nd Age Group Semifinal

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat 410 lb
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk 225 lb
    Deadlift 435 lb
  • Fight Gone Bad 290
    Filthy 50 25:52
    Fran 3:58
    Grace 3:30
  • Helen 9:59
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups 30
    Run 5k --
  • Snatch 175 lb
    Sprint 400m --