Wife. Daughter of Christ. Mentor. Leader. Singer. Athlete. Success Coach. I’m a CF newbie that has fallen in love with the community and competition. I enjoy anything where I can hone my skills and push myself out of my comfort zone. Everyone I meet becomes a new friend. I believe we can learn from everyone God places in our path and I am fueled by people pursuing excellence. It is my belief that every person has specific strengths, gifts, and talents they are meant to utilize to chase down their dreams. If there is a dream planted in your heart, you deserve to pursue it. Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.
Benchmark Stats
Back Squat 160 lb Chad1000x -- Clean and Jerk 100 lb Deadlift 235 lb -
Fight Gone Bad -- Filthy 50 -- Fran -- Grace -- -
Helen -- L1 Benchmark -- Max Pull-ups -- Murph -- -
Run 5k -- Snatch 95 lb Sprint 400m --