Hi! I'm Jonathan and I'm a Mexican living in Lubbock, TX. I arrived in West Texas to work at Texas Tech as a Post-Doc Associate Researcher with a focus on plant and crop science. I started CrossFit with multiple purposes: become healthier, make new friends in a new town and try the crazy/fun CF workouts! So far, besides the fact that I'm sore every day, it's been great! The CF community at CFLBK has been very friendly and warming. I am really excited to keep learning CF techniques to one day become an RX athlete and update this bio! Cheers to everyone participating in the CF open 2022!


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2024 77075th Men 13672nd Men North America West 1045th Men Mexico 7th Men CrossFit Pallas
2023 96138th Men 18173rd Men North America West 1180th Men Mexico 15th Men CrossFit Lubbock
2022 108111th Men 49164th Men North America 1271st Men Mexico 16th Men CrossFit Lubbock

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat --
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk --
    Deadlift --
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran --
    Grace --
  • Helen --
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Run 5k --
  • Snatch --
    Sprint 400m --