I'm a sixteen year old athlete that has aspirations to go to the CrossFit Games. I have in the front of my mind my faith in Jesus Christ, which drives my goals in life.


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2024 19207th Men 131st Boys (16-17) 3310th Men North America West 34th Boys (16-17) North America West 6370th Men United States 37th Boys (16-17) United States 6th Men CrossFit 970 1st Boys (16-17) CrossFit 970
2023 5480th Men 13th Boys (16-17) 1027th Men North America West 4th Boys (16-17) North America West 2068th Men United States 7th Boys (16-17) United States 4th Men CrossFit 970 1st Boys (16-17) CrossFit 970
2022 8th Boys (14-15) 3rd Boys (14-15) North America 3rd Boys (14-15) United States 1st Boys (14-15) CrossFit Endure

Individual Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region
2024 1448th Men 272nd Men North America West

Age Group Quarterfinal

Year Rank Worldwide
2024 4th Boys (16-17)
2023 8th Boys (16-17)
2022 2nd Boys (14-15)


Year Division Rank Semifinal
2024 Boys (16-17) 4th Age Group Semifinal
2023 Boys (16-17) 6th Age Group Semifinal
2022 Boys (14-15) 11th Age Group Semifinal


Year Division Rank
2023 Boys (16-17) 6th

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat 285 lb
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk 205 lb
    Deadlift 335 lb
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran --
    Grace --
  • Helen --
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Run 5k 22:15
  • Snatch 155 lb
    Sprint 400m --