@jcrossfitcook Cause we're better than you and we know it!!!


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2022 1193rd Men 568th Men North America 462nd Men United States 2nd Men CrossFit Greater Heights
2020 95th Men – – 53rd Men United States – –
2019 148th Men – – 70th Men United States – –
2018 161st Men 9th Men South Central 93rd Men United States – –
2017 146th Men 21st Men North East 85th Men United States – –
2016 22nd Men 2nd Men South Central – – – –
2015 11th Men 1st Men South Central – – – –
2014 281st Men 19th Men South Central – – – –
2013 943rd Men 62nd Men South Central – – – –

Team Quarterfinals

Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Team Name
2022 21st Team 13th Team North America CrossFit Greater Heights Ascend


Year Division Rank Regional
2018 Team 1st South
2017 Men 14th East
2016 Men 8th South
2015 Men 3rd South
2014 Men 1st South Central


Year Division Rank Semifinal
2022 Team 4th Granite Games


Year Division Rank
2022 Team 18th
2019 Team 6th
2018 Team 6th
2015 Men 36th
2014 Men 36th

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat 440 lb
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk 330 lb
    Deadlift 500 lb
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran 2:14
    Grace 1:37
  • Helen 7:01
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Run 5k 20:00
  • Snatch 270 lb
    Sprint 400m 1:00