Hosting the 2025 CrossFit Open — Advice from Affiliates

February 5, 2025


Check out tips from seasoned affiliate owners on how to host a successful CrossFit Open at your affiliate.

We are just a few weeks away from the 2025 CrossFit Open, and affiliates across the globe are preparing to host the world’s largest participatory sporting event. 

If you are a new affiliate or are new to hosting the Open, putting on a three-week competition for your members may seem daunting, but it is one of the best ways to build your community. 

The Open can promote camaraderie, inspire athletes to set goals and intentions for the rest of the year, and (most importantly), it’s so much fun. 

To help you run a successful Open for your members, we asked affiliates who have run the Open at least three times to share their tips. 



What is the Open?

The CrossFit Open is a three-week, worldwide competition that is for anyone and everyone, regardless of fitness level or ability. For some, the Open is a chance to test their fitness and see how much fitter they’ve become over the past year. For others, the Open is about putting themselves out there, showing up, and celebrating fitness and connecting with others in their affiliate and around the world. For a select few, the Open is the first step in qualifying for the CrossFit Games.

The 2025 Open will take place from Feb. 27-March 17.



I Want to Host the Open. Where Do I Start?

As you prepare to harness these opportunities by running the Open at your gym, we’ve put together a checklist to help make sure you’re ready to keep everything running smoothly. 

Read “The Affiliate Owner’s Guide to the CrossFit Open” to be sure you’re armed with all the information you need for you and your members to fully enjoy this year’s CrossFit Open.



Tips From Affiliates

  • Salty Hive CrossFit: “After a few straight years of getting 100+ members thru the Open— we’ve found that the most important part is to keep it FUN! We’ve also learned that anyone/everyone can benefit from challenging themselves to participate in the Open, encourage ALL your members to do it — regardless of their goals.”
  • Maltese CrossFit: “We’ve hosted the Opens all 14 years!! This will be #15! ❤️🙌🔥 We do gym teams w/ a theme :) it’s a blast! And it’s motivating for people to actually compete more against other gym members than just the online sign up :) no one wants to let their team down!!💪🏻☺️”
  • CrossFit Swashbuckle: “Making it fun! We do Friday Night Lights! We have a theme for each one. This year we are doing a T-shirt roulette for the first one. Members love getting together as a community and throwing down together. Gives that competition feel but with all the support from each other. No better way to show everyone what it really means to be a part of a community.”
  • CrossFit Honolulu: “We have Friday Night Lights each week and throw down as a community! We’ve had a DJ at one and ate healthy foods for recovery and danced. Some brought beer, but most of our athletes are pretty clean, so no need! We’re just happy to be TOGETHER 🫶🏼”
  • Diablo CrossFit: “Maximize the opportunity to galvanize your community for 3 weeks. Ask veteran owners for help. Intramural Opens are a sht ton of work but always worth it.”
  • CrossFit Rincón: “Use the marketing tools provided by CrossFit (Open logos, badges, etc.). Encourage athletes to sign up as judges (even if they don’t want to sign up for the Open). Not only does it make the Open run smoothly, it also benefits them as athletes. Plus, when they judge once, they end up wanting to do the Open the following year :). Pick themes and invite athletes to dress up for the workouts. It’s fun!”
  • CrossFit Four Pillars: “Sign up for the Open & have every participant take the Judges Course! More education for the athlete & more judges for a smooth event … You can’t go wrong. 🤓”
  • CrossFit LcValley: "Don't sweat the small stuff. Support your members to bring others together. Make it fun first!!”
  • Carlin Freeman: “The open is what YOU MAKE IT! Yes it is just another workout. But it's your opportunity to build an even stronger community... hire a dj, get a food truck to come by, burgers and beer after, themed weeks. Whatever you want it to be. If you want your members to be/get excited about it (and not just your competitors) give them something to be excited about.”
  • CrossFit Donelson: “Affiliate owners: encourage and reward your athletes’ effort and community participation, not performance.”
  • CrossFit Coney Island: “Teams. Two captains each team, a coach, and a “social” member. Different colors. Points for participation just as much as for score.”
  • CrossFit Greer: “Join in the Open as an owner!!! and do it with your community!”