CrossTrip was born and became the first Latin American agency to specialize in organizing trips for CrossFitters who are eager to travel, meet other CrossFitters, get in touch with nature and continue to train regularly.

Imagine doing muscle-ups under a bridge on the beach in Panamar, or balancing pistols on the rail of a deck in Villa Gessel. Picture yourself doing squats on the side of a volcano, 12,400-feet-tall overlooking Argentina and Chile.
These are just some of the ways CrossFitters find a way to continue training while on the road. Travel WODs, as Ignacio Alsogaray came to understand them, are workouts that can be carried out at any time, in any place, so training is not compromised.
“When I started training CrossFit at Tuluka (Argentina) during the summer of 2012, I realized that many clients were eager to set up their vacations and started asking for the infamous travel WODs,” Alsogaray, co-owner of CrossTrip, says. “When they returned from their vacations they were all enthusiastic about posting their photos — training at the beach or at the top of a mountain — on Facebook or on any other social network.”
CrossTrip was born and became the first Latin American agency to specialize in organizing trips for CrossFitters who are eager to travel, meet other CrossFitters, and get in touch with nature and continuing to train regularly.
The effort is organized and run by Alsogaray, Martín Casas, Nicolás Ini and Lucas Caruso.
“South Americans love to meet new people and new cultures, so the perfect way for us is with a WOD, of course,” Caruso says.
Josefina Cacha recently used CrossTrip’s services. “My first experience with CrossTrip was perfect. With a group of CrossFitters, we went to a place called, Piedra Naranja, in the province of Buenos Aires, 400 km away from CABA (Buenos Aires),” she says. “Imagine waking up in the morning inside a small cottage, at the foot of a hill and on the banks of a lagoon. Hike all morning around the surrounding areas, enjoy a wonderful Argentinean barbecue and, at the end of day, do a benchmark like Annie.”
Cacha is one of 30 CrossFitters who signed up for a challenge that will take place in summer 2013: Climb the Lanin volcano at the border of Argentina and Chile. At the top — 3,776 meters above sea level — celebrate the magnificence of the Patagonian landscape with an unknown workout.
Tomas Ceppi, who recently reached the top of Everest, is going to lead the expedition, and the workout will be lead by a Level 1 CrossFit trainer.
Carlos Andrade, from CrossFit Guayaquil, is going to join the team as an associate and will be in charge of the northern part of South America, which includes Ecuador, Perú and Colombia.
The group’s first trip was to the CrossFit Games in California this year. It was a small group of four who visited a few affiliates and made new friends, as well as attend the Games. “Seeing the Games for the first time and meeting a bunch of new people related with CrossFit were the highlights of the trip,” Caruso says.
CrossTrip plans on taking another trip to the Games in 2013. In line with their tradition of having fun while working hard, the trip will continue on to Las Vegas post-Games.
“I’m really excited to know where the Regionals are going to take place. Last year, I couldn’t afford to go to Cali (Colombia),” traveller, Agustín Bachiller, says. “But the following year, despite the country chosen to celebrate the Games for Latin America, I will register with CrossTrip in order to attend and enjoy the Regionals surrounded by other CrossFitters.”