Drug Test Update — 2024 CrossFit Semifinals

June 26, 2024

The following athletes provided samples containing banned substances at the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals:

  • Ivan Kukartsev — the first-place finisher at the Asia Semifinal — provided a sample on-site on May 19, 2024, that contained GW1516-sulfone and GW1516-sulfoxide, metabolites of GW1516, as well as LGD-4033 and dihydroxy-LGD-4033, metabolites of LGD-4033. Kukartsev is appealing.


  • Ilias Kuliev — the third-place finisher at the Asia Semifinal — provided a sample on-site on May 19, 2024, that contained 3a-hydroxy-2a-methyl-5a-androstan-17-one, a metabolite of Drostanolone. Kuliev is appealing.


  • Anatolii Borisenko — the fourth-place finisher at the Asia Semifinal — provided a sample on-site on May 19, 2024, that contained GW1516-sulfone and GW1516-sulfoxide, metabolites of GW1516. Borisenko is appealing.


  • Tyler Lee — a member of CrossFit Mayhem Somos, the seventh-place team at the North America East Semifinal — provided a sample on-site on June 1, 2024, that contained 3a-hydroxy-2a-methyl-5a-androstan-17-one, a metabolite of Drostanolone as well as GW1516-sulfone and GW1516-sulfoxide, metabolites of GW1516. Lee is appealing.


Learn more about CrossFit’s Drug Testing Program here.


Asia Semifinal comp floor