Drug Testing Updates

July 11, 2022

On April 4, 2022, Joey Coste provided an out-of-competition sample that contained GW1516 sulfoxide and GW1516 sulfone, metabolites of GW1516. GW1516 is in the class of hormone and metabolic modulators. These substances are prohibited in CrossFit competition.

Coste withdrew his appeal for this finding.

He will be banned for four years, starting on April 4, 2022, from competing in any CrossFit Games competitions.

On June 12, 2022, Nycolas Joyal provided a sample at the Atlas Games that contained GW1516 sulfoxide and GW1516 sulfone, metabolites of GW1516. The sample also contained ostarine. GW1516 is in the class of hormone and metabolic modulators. Ostarine is in the class of anabolic agents. These substances are prohibited in CrossFit competition.

Joyal did not appeal this finding.

He will be banned for four years, starting on June 12, 2022, from competing in any CrossFit Games competitions.

Atlas Games