Create Your CrossFit Games Profile

September 13, 2019

A CrossFit Games profile is a hub for measuring personal progress and gateway to local, regional and international competition.

Each athlete must have a CrossFit account to compete in the Open. Athletes only need to create a CrossFit account once. Athletes will use the same CrossFit account each year for all competitions. Athletes will use their account for registering, submitting scores, tracking workout submission and validation deadlines, and reviewing their score submission history. 

CrossFit Open Athlete Profile

During the registration process, athletes will provide information to establish their competition country for the Open. Athletes will remain assigned to this country throughout the competition season, up through the Games.

CrossFit Profile Stats bottom

Athletes do not need to be living in the country with which they claim citizenship. So long as the athlete is a citizen of a country with an active CrossFit affiliate in good standing with CrossFit, Inc., that athlete may register to represent that country.

Once created, your competitive division will automatically be assigned based on birthdate and gender. The athlete’s age as of July 14, 2020.

Once created, your profile

A CrossFit Games profile is an athlete card that gives you access to many competitions and opportunities in the Open. 

The 2020 Open starts Oct. 10, 2019. Learn more and register today


2020 CrossFit Open