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CrossFit Central Houston

CrossFit Central Houston is more than a gym. We are a community that encourages and supports each other in our fitness journeys. Each person that walks through our doors is welcomed as a part of our family. At the core of CFCH is relationships, excellence, and integrity. We're passionate about connecting with our members and teaching them how to move well, do it consistently, and then add relative intensity.

2025 Athlete Roster


Abigail Bracewell profile photo
Abigail Bracewell
Alex Diaz profile photo
Alex Diaz
Men, Men (45-49)
Amy Hefley profile photo
Amy Hefley
Women, Women (45-49)
Andrew Ryan profile photo
Andrew Ryan
Angelea Letbetter profile photo
Angelea Letbetter
Ankush Chandra profile photo
Ankush Chandra
Men, Men (35-39)
Antonio Castedo profile photo
Antonio Castedo
Men, Men (45-49)
Arya Presse profile photo
Arya Presse
Women, Girls (16-17)
Ashley Grubbs profile photo
Ashley Grubbs
Women, Women (40-44)
Ava Ng profile photo
Ava Ng
Women, Women (45-49)
Betty Tieu profile photo
Betty Tieu
Women, Women (40-44)
BHARATHWAJ Rajagopal profile photo
Men, Men (50-54)
Boyd Stacey profile photo
Boyd Stacey
Men, Men (40-44)
Cameron Miller profile photo
Cameron Miller
Carla Gonzalez Partida profile photo
Carla Gonzalez Partida
Chad McEver profile photo
Chad McEver
Men, Men (50-54)
Charles Robinson profile photo
Charles Robinson
Men, Men (35-39)
Chelsea Leal profile photo
Chelsea Leal
Chevy Hefley profile photo
Chevy Hefley
Men, Men (45-49)
Christian Liberatore profile photo
Christian Liberatore
Men, Men (35-39)
Christian Maender profile photo
Christian Maender
Men, Men (45-49)
Ciro Di Napoli profile photo
Ciro Di Napoli
Men, Men (35-39)
Claire Mankiewicz profile photo
Claire Mankiewicz
Cory Anglin profile photo
Cory Anglin
Men, Men (50-54)
dani briceno profile photo
dani briceno
Daniel Armitage profile photo
Daniel Armitage
Men, Men (35-39)
Daniel Carpenter profile photo
Daniel Carpenter
Daniel Flores Herrera profile photo
Daniel Flores Herrera
Darrell Whitley profile photo
Darrell Whitley
Men (55-59)
David Chacon profile photo
David Chacon
Men, Men (35-39)
David Hawkins profile photo
David Hawkins
Men, Men (50-54)
David Hoffman profile photo
David Hoffman
Men (65-69)
Deborah Avery profile photo
Deborah Avery
Women (70+)
Dennis Ewing profile photo
Dennis Ewing
Men, Men (45-49)
Devin Barrera profile photo
Devin Barrera
Douglas DeVries profile photo
Douglas DeVries
Men, Men (35-39)
Drew Casey profile photo
Drew Casey
Elizabeth Grossman profile photo
Elizabeth Grossman
Women, Women (45-49)
Elizabeth Malpass profile photo
Elizabeth Malpass
Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez profile photo
Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez
Women, Women (40-44)
Emily Rapesak profile photo
Emily Rapesak
Women, Women (35-39)
Emily Steinman profile photo
Emily Steinman
Emma Kiekebsoch-Fitt profile photo
Emma Kiekebsoch-Fitt
Women, Women (35-39)
Francheska Serrano profile photo
Francheska Serrano
Women, Women (35-39)
Gabriella Sherrill profile photo
Gabriella Sherrill
Women, Girls (16-17)
Giovanni Diano profile photo
Giovanni Diano
Men, Men (50-54)
Grace Lin profile photo
Grace Lin
Women, Women (35-39)
Gregorio Labbozzetta profile photo
Gregorio Labbozzetta
Men, Men (35-39)
Hayden Hefley profile photo
Hayden Hefley
Girls (14-15)
Iryna LaGrone profile photo
Iryna LaGrone
Itai Ben Eli profile photo
Itai Ben Eli
Men, Men (40-44)
J. Presse profile photo
J. Presse
Men, Men (50-54)
Jack Lampert profile photo
Jack Lampert
Jacob Leal profile photo
Jacob Leal
Jacqueline Clarke profile photo
Jacqueline Clarke
Women (55-59)
Jai Pyneni profile photo
Jai Pyneni
Men, Men (35-39)
Jake LaRue profile photo
Jake LaRue
Jarred Pruitt profile photo
Jarred Pruitt
Men, Men (45-49)
Jason Smith profile photo
Jason Smith
Men, Men (45-49)
Jason Van Alstine profile photo
Jason Van Alstine
Men, Men (50-54)
Jeff Gorski profile photo
Jeff Gorski
Men (55-59)
Jeramey Hintz profile photo
Jeramey Hintz
Jessica Frontiero profile photo
Jessica Frontiero
Women, Women (35-39)
Ji Hoon Lee profile photo
Ji Hoon Lee
John Heyne profile photo
John Heyne
Men (65-69)
John Wawrose profile photo
John Wawrose
Men (65-69)
Jon Walkwitz profile photo
Jon Walkwitz
Men, Men (45-49)
Jonathan Stern profile photo
Jonathan Stern
Jose Banchs profile photo
Jose Banchs
Men, Men (50-54)
Jose Gavito profile photo
Jose Gavito
Men, Men (45-49)
Jose Sepulveda profile photo
Jose Sepulveda
Men, Men (45-49)
Joseph Dumas profile photo
Joseph Dumas
Joshua Newcomer profile photo
Joshua Newcomer
Men, Men (45-49)
Juan Campos profile photo
Juan Campos
Men, Men (40-44)
Julia Avery profile photo
Julia Avery
Women, Women (35-39)
Karena Lekich profile photo
Karena Lekich
Kasie Tedrick profile photo
Kasie Tedrick
Katherine Osterhaus profile photo
Katherine Osterhaus
Kelly Perrin profile photo
Kelly Perrin
Men, Men (45-49)
Kelly Quarles profile photo
Kelly Quarles
Women, Women (35-39)
Kiinga Kioi profile photo
Kiinga Kioi
Kim Tran profile photo
Kim Tran
Women, Women (35-39)
Kyle Bales profile photo
Kyle Bales
Men, Men (35-39)
Kyle Friesen profile photo
Kyle Friesen
Men, Men (45-49)
Larissa Rodino profile photo
Larissa Rodino
Leander Cory profile photo
Leander Cory
Women, Women (40-44)
Lily Gong profile photo
Lily Gong
Lindsay Madrigal profile photo
Lindsay Madrigal
Women, Women (35-39)
Lindsey Hudlow profile photo
Lindsey Hudlow
Women, Women (45-49)
Lisa Somera profile photo
Lisa Somera
Women (55-59)
Liz Sears profile photo
Liz Sears
Women, Women (40-44)
Logan Clarke profile photo
Logan Clarke
Men (55-59)
Lucrecia Mignani profile photo
Lucrecia Mignani
Women, Women (50-54)
Lynn Klafehn profile photo
Lynn Klafehn
Women (65-69)
MADALYNE CROSS profile photo
Women, Women (35-39)
Maggie Tovar profile photo
Maggie Tovar
Women (55-59)
Marah Carranco profile photo
Marah Carranco
Women, Women (35-39)
Mary Day profile photo
Mary Day
Mary Rohrdanz profile photo
Mary Rohrdanz
Women, Women (50-54)
Matthew Escamilla profile photo
Matthew Escamilla
Men, Men (40-44)
Maxwell Lee profile photo
Maxwell Lee
Melanie Mcneal profile photo
Melanie Mcneal
Women, Women (50-54)
Michael Hackett profile photo
Michael Hackett
Men, Men (40-44)
Michael McRae profile photo
Michael McRae
Men, Men (35-39)
Michele Bailey profile photo
Michele Bailey
Michelle Arnold profile photo
Michelle Arnold
Women, Women (35-39)
Michelle Iglesias profile photo
Michelle Iglesias
Women, Women (50-54)
Morgan De Wit profile photo
Morgan De Wit
Nas Zack profile photo
Nas Zack
Natalia Signorelli profile photo
Natalia Signorelli
Women, Women (35-39)
Natalie Cordova profile photo
Natalie Cordova
Women (55-59)
Natalie Gow profile photo
Natalie Gow
Nathan Harrell profile photo
Nathan Harrell
Men, Men (35-39)
Nathan Hejl profile photo
Nathan Hejl
Neil Skinner profile photo
Neil Skinner
Men (55-59)
Nicholas Ng profile photo
Nicholas Ng
Nick Sissa profile photo
Nick Sissa
Men, Men (40-44)
Owen Sherrill profile photo
Owen Sherrill
Parker Osterhaus profile photo
Parker Osterhaus
Paula Debroy profile photo
Paula Debroy
Women, Women (35-39)
Peter Hans profile photo
Peter Hans
Men, Men (45-49)
Peter Lawrence profile photo
Peter Lawrence
Men, Men (45-49)
Philip Cordova profile photo
Philip Cordova
Men, Men (50-54)
Prisila Nunez profile photo
Prisila Nunez
Ragini Mistry profile photo
Ragini Mistry
Rebeca Estrada profile photo
Rebeca Estrada
Rebecca Azuara profile photo
Rebecca Azuara
Women, Women (45-49)
Rebecca Kuan profile photo
Rebecca Kuan
Women, Women (35-39)
Richard Bouchard profile photo
Richard Bouchard
Men, Men (40-44)
Richard Meador profile photo
Richard Meador
Men, Men (45-49)
Rickkall Paulin profile photo
Rickkall Paulin
Women, Women (35-39)
Rizalyn True profile photo
Rizalyn True
Women, Women (40-44)
Ruben Hernaez profile photo
Ruben Hernaez
Men, Men (45-49)
Saanvi Bharat profile photo
Saanvi Bharat
Women, Girls (16-17)
Sai Krishna Linga profile photo
Sai Krishna Linga
Sara Friesen profile photo
Sara Friesen
Women, Women (45-49)
Sarah Bradshaw profile photo
Sarah Bradshaw
Women, Women (45-49)
Susheel Chennoju profile photo
Susheel Chennoju
Tara Nieves profile photo
Tara Nieves
Women, Women (45-49)
Tatyana Dow profile photo
Tatyana Dow
Teodoro Alban profile photo
Teodoro Alban
Men (55-59)
Teong Chai profile photo
Teong Chai
Men, Men (40-44)
tiffany sherrill profile photo
tiffany sherrill
Women, Women (50-54)
Tim Kistner profile photo
Tim Kistner
Men, Men (45-49)
Tony He profile photo
Tony He
Men, Men (35-39)
Travis Lekich profile photo
Travis Lekich
Tristan Koh profile photo
Tristan Koh
Men, Men (45-49)
Tu Nguyen profile photo
Tu Nguyen
Women, Women (50-54)
Tyler Suh profile photo
Tyler Suh
Vanda Juhasz profile photo
Vanda Juhasz
Women, Women (40-44)
Victoria Burnett profile photo
Victoria Burnett
Wayne White profile photo
Wayne White
Men (65-69)
Wendy Wight profile photo
Wendy Wight
Women, Women (50-54)
William May profile photo
William May
Men, Men (45-49)
Yamilete Castillo torres profile photo
Yamilete Castillo torres
Women, Women (35-39)
Yu Lu profile photo
Yu Lu

CrossFit Central Houston's Leaderboard