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CrossFit Lake Oswego (transfer)

Simply put, our mission is to help you, “Change Your Life With Us.” After spending time in our facility and with our team we want our members to walk out of our doors after a workout and feel like they are a better version of themselves. It isn’t the scientific sum of calories, workouts, and weight that keeps our members returning. It is not the cutting-edge equipment and technology. It is the people that count.

2024 Athlete Roster


Andrew Albanese profile photo
Andrew Albanese
Men, Men (35-39)
Brian Francis profile photo
Brian Francis
Men (40-44)
Gabriella Miller profile photo
Gabriella Miller
Women, Women (40-44)
Gabrielle Shallahamer profile photo
Gabrielle Shallahamer
Jeff Patton profile photo
Jeff Patton
Men (55-59)
Katie Cooper profile photo
Katie Cooper
Marshal Burgess profile photo
Marshal Burgess
Men (50-54)
Travis Everton profile photo
Travis Everton
Men (45-49)
Bryann Turner profile photo
Bryann Turner
Men, Men (35-39)
Drew Conant profile photo
Drew Conant
Men, Men (45-49)
Heidi Mahaffey profile photo
Heidi Mahaffey
Women, Women (45-49)
Jon Perry profile photo
Jon Perry
Men (50-54)
Linda Lucas profile photo
Linda Lucas
Women (60-64)
Mirla Cobb profile photo
Mirla Cobb
Women, Women (35-39)
Tony Frey profile photo
Tony Frey
Men (40-44)


Abigail Hammond profile photo
Abigail Hammond
Adam Ballner profile photo
Adam Ballner
Men, Men (40-44)
Andrea Baker profile photo
Andrea Baker
Women, Women (45-49)
Andrew Albanese profile photo
Andrew Albanese
Men, Men (35-39)
Brian Francis profile photo
Brian Francis
Men, Men (40-44)
Bryann Turner profile photo
Bryann Turner
Men, Men (35-39)
Chelsea McElroy profile photo
Chelsea McElroy
Chris Warner profile photo
Chris Warner
Men, Men (40-44)
Christina Grau profile photo
Christina Grau
Women, Women (35-39)
Dan Huntsinger profile photo
Dan Huntsinger
Men, Men (45-49)
Dennis Baker profile photo
Dennis Baker
Men, Men (50-54)
Derek Hass profile photo
Derek Hass
Men, Men (40-44)
Diana Bijon profile photo
Diana Bijon
Women, Women (45-49)
Drew Conant profile photo
Drew Conant
Men, Men (45-49)
Emily Nelsen profile photo
Emily Nelsen
Women, Women (40-44)
Eric Nelsen profile photo
Eric Nelsen
Men, Men (40-44)
Esther Tice profile photo
Esther Tice
Women, Women (35-39)
Gabriella Miller profile photo
Gabriella Miller
Women, Women (40-44)
Gabrielle Shallahamer profile photo
Gabrielle Shallahamer
Heath Baker profile photo
Heath Baker
Men, Men (50-54)
Heidi Mahaffey profile photo
Heidi Mahaffey
Women, Women (45-49)
Isaac Kobzeff profile photo
Isaac Kobzeff
Men, Men (45-49)
James Jennings profile photo
James Jennings
Men, Men (35-39)
Jeff Patton profile photo
Jeff Patton
Men (55-59)
Jon Perry profile photo
Jon Perry
Men, Men (50-54)
Katie Cooper profile photo
Katie Cooper
Lilly Dougalas profile photo
Lilly Dougalas
Linda Lucas profile photo
Linda Lucas
Women (60-64)
Lucie Cardinal profile photo
Lucie Cardinal
Women (55-59)
Marshal Burgess profile photo
Marshal Burgess
Men, Men (50-54)
Martha Hay profile photo
Martha Hay
Matt Swafford profile photo
Matt Swafford
Men (55-59)
Mirla Cobb profile photo
Mirla Cobb
Women, Women (35-39)
Nathan Johnson profile photo
Nathan Johnson
Men, Men (40-44)
Nathan Stamets profile photo
Nathan Stamets
Men, Men (40-44)
P B profile photo
Men (55-59)
Rachel Wilde profile photo
Rachel Wilde
Women, Women (45-49)
Richard Ward profile photo
Richard Ward
Men (55-59)
Ryan Grau profile photo
Ryan Grau
Men, Men (35-39)
Sarah Zapata profile photo
Sarah Zapata
Women, Women (45-49)
Stefani Hass profile photo
Stefani Hass
Women, Women (40-44)
Stephen Murtagh profile photo
Stephen Murtagh
Men (60-64)
Stephen Schweitzer profile photo
Stephen Schweitzer
Men (55-59)
Tanya Hulbert profile photo
Tanya Hulbert
Women, Women (45-49)
Tony Frey profile photo
Tony Frey
Men, Men (40-44)
Travis Everton profile photo
Travis Everton
Men, Men (45-49)
York Mendoza profile photo
York Mendoza

CrossFit Lake Oswego (transfer)'s Leaderboard