Regional & Qualifier Workouts
2014 CrossFit Games

There are seven scored events per division (men and women). There will be no cuts. All individuals will compete in all seven events.
Scoring is the same as the Open. At each event, athletes' performances are ranked, and there is one point per place awarded (one for 1st, two for 2nd, etc.) Athletes with the lowest overall points win. If an athlete fails to complete an event within the time-cap (for timed events), his or her score will be capped and will receive a one-point penalty for each rep not completed, plus a one-point penalty for not making it to the finish mat.
The top three (3) athletes from most regions will be invited to the Games with the following exceptions: Two (2) athletes from each of the Canadian regions, and one athlete each from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Individual Event 1 - 2014
The movement begins at the hang.
The barbell must be received in a full squat.
The movement ends with the barbell locked out overhead.
1-rep-max hang squat snatch
Time cap: 6 minutes
For this event, athletes will have three (3) attempts to establish their heaviest 1-rep hang squat snatch. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" athletes will have 2 minutes to load their barbell and attempt their first lift. They will not be allowed to lift again until after the 2-minute mark. They may not attempt their final lift until after the 4-minute mark, and the lift must be completed before the 6-minute mark.Each athlete will begin with an empty barbell and a stack of plates. It will be the athlete’s responsibility to load the bar for each lift and declare the weight to the judge prior to lifting. Athletes may not decrease the weight after a failed attempt. The smallest weight increment permitted will be 5 lb. for both men and women.
After the 6 minutes is up, athletes will have 2 minutes to transition to Event 2.
The athlete’s score is the heaviest weight they successfully snatch.Movement Standards
Hang Squat Snatch
This movement begins with the athlete deadlifting the barbell and stopping at this position prior to snatching. The athlete may not lower the bar past the knees after deadlifting the weight. The barbell must be received in the overhead squat position. A power snatch followed by an overhead squat will not be permitted. Only the feet may touch the ground during the lift and the athlete may not step off of the lifting platform at any time during the lift. -
Individual Event 2 - 2014
Athletes start behind the line and must stay in their lane.
Max distance handstand walk
Time cap: 3 minutes
Athletes will begin at the starting line and will walk as far as possible on their hands without their feet touching the ground. If the athlete kicks up to their hands and travels fewer than 10 feet this will be considered a “false start,” and they may re-attempt from the starting line. Each athlete will be allowed two “false starts.”If the athlete makes it the full 120 feet to the other side of the of the stadium, they may come down to their feet, kick back up in the opposite direction, and start traveling back toward the start line.
Athletes will begin this event 2 minutes after completing Event 1.
The athlete’s score is the distance they walk on their hands, measured in 5-foot increments.Movement Standards
Handstand Walk
The athlete must start with their feet behind the start line and must stay within their lane as they travel forward. Both hands must cross the 5-ft. increment line to earn that score. -
Individual Event 3 - 2014
The one-legged squat begins standing tall.
The hip crease must be below the top of the knee at the bottom.
Each muscle-up begins in or passes through a full hang.
The elbows must be fully locked out at the top.
Each clean begins at the hang position.
Each rep finishes standing tall with the bar in the rack position.
Nasty Girls V2
3 rounds for time of:
50 one-legged squats, alternating
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans, 175 / 115 lb.Time cap: 16 minutes
This event begins with the athlete on a starting mat. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" they move forward and perform 50 one-legged squats (25 at each designated area), then move to the rings for 7 muscle-ups, then to the barbell for 10 hang power cleans. The athlete will move the bar to the next designated lifting area after finishing the hang power cleans. After 3 rounds are completed the athlete moves to the finish mat and the event is complete.Scoring
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.Movement Standards
One-legged Squats
The one-legged squat begins and ends with the athlete standing and the hip and knee fully extended. Athletes must alternate legs after every successful rep and can not alternate until a successful rep is completed. Athletes must remain in their lane or the rep will not count.The hip crease must be below the top of the knee at the bottom and the opposite foot (non-supporting leg) cannot touch the ground until the repetition is completed. The non-supporting foot must be in front of the supporting foot during the entire repetition. You may hold the foot of the opposite (non-supporting) leg with your hand while performing the one-legged squat.
In the muscle-up, you must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a “false grip”) and the feet off the ground. At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while supporting yourself above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required.If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep. Rings will be set at a fixed height of 90 inches (M) and 86 inches (F) from the top of the mat to the bottom of the rings. Athletes may not adjust the height of the rings
Hang Power Cleans
Each repetition must start from the hang, or any repetition taken from the floor, must achieve a deadlift lockout (hips and knees fully extended, shoulders behind the bar) before re-dipping to initiate the hang clean.Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended. Power cleaning the barbell from the ground in one continuous motion is not permitted. The bar must be moved to the next station before starting a new round.
Individual Event 4 - 2014
Each strict handstand push-up begins and ends with the arms locked out.
At the bottom the head makes contact with the ground.
At the top of the front squat the hips and knees must be fully extended.
The hip crease must be below the top of the knee at the bottom.
The chest and thighs must touch the ground on each burpee.
Athletes must jump from two feet and land on two feet.
The next rep begins on the opposite side.
21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Strict handstand push-ups
Front squats, 195 / 125 lb.
BurpeesTime cap: 20 minutes
This event begins with the athlete on a starting mat. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" they move forward, go under the wall and perform 21 strict handstand push-ups, then move to the barbell for 21 front squats, then 21 burpees jumping over the bar. After finishing the burpees they will advance the barbell to the next designated lifting area. They then move back to the wall and start the round of 15s. After the round of 3s, the athlete moves to the finish mat and the workout is complete.Scoring
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.Movement Standards
Strict Handstand Push-ups
The movement begins at the top of a handstand with the athlete's back to the wall and with the arms fully locked out, the heels on the wall, and the hands placed clearly within the marked area. The marked area will be approximately 34 inches wide by 24 inches deep, and the palm of the hand must remain completely within the taped area (fingers may extend over the tape).At the bottom of each rep, the head touches the ground. At the top of each rep, the arms return to fully locked out with the heels on the wall and the shoulders in line with the body. The heels must remain within the width of the marked area throughout the entire rep. Kipping is not allowed. The athlete’s hips may not touch the wall, and their legs must remain straight.
Front Squats
The barbell must be racked on the front of the shoulders. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended. Any grip is permitted as long as the bar is in the front-rack position.At the bottom the hip crease must be below the top of the knee. A full squat clean is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if standard depth is achieved.
Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The head cannot be over the barbell and the chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. The athlete must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell. -
Individual Event 5 - 2014
Athletes may not use their feet to climb up.
After touching the cross beam, athletes may use their feet on the descent.
The marker must be advanced each round.
10 rounds for time of:
1 legless 14-foot rope ascent
200-foot sprintTime cap: 11 minutes
This event begins with the athlete’s hand on top of their round marker. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" they run to the rope and climb without using their legs. They will then run across the stadium to the round marker, advance it to the next designated area and run back to the rope for their next round. After the 10th rope climb is complete they will run across the stadium to their round marker and advance the round marker to the finish mat. When the athlete and round marker are on the finish mat the event is complete.Scoring
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.Movement Standards
Rope Climbs
In the rope climb, the athlete ascends the rope to touch the cross beam at the top without the use of their legs. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. The athlete may only use their hands to climb the rope, but may use the legs on the descent after both hands are back on the rope after touching the cross beam.Sprints
At the turnaround, the athlete must advance their round marker to the next designated area before returning for the next rope climb. -
Individual Event 6 - 2014
Athletes will begin seated on the rower.
A two-footed jump is required. The next rep begins on the opposite side.
This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees.
Each rep ends with the hips and knees fully extended.
The hip crease must be below the top of the knee at the bottom of the wall-ball shot.
The ball must make contact with the face of the target.
The shoulders must pass below the height of the elbow at the bottom of each dip.
The back must make contact with the strap at the top of each rep.
For time:
50-calorie row
50 box jump overs, 24 / 18 in.
50 deadlifts, 180 / 120 lb.
50 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb.
50 ring dips
50 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb.
50 deadlifts, 180 / 120 lb.
50 box jump overs, 24 / 18 in.
50-calorie rowTime cap: 21 minutes
This event begins with the athlete seated on the rower. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" the athlete will grab the handle and row 50 calories, then will move forward to the next station to perform box jump overs. After every 10 jumps they will move the box forward to the next designated area, then advance to the barbell. At the barbell they will perform 50 deadlifts, advancing the barbell after every 10 reps, then move forward for 50 wall-ball shots, then move forward again to the rings. After 50 ring dips are complete, the athlete will return through the same stations, again performing 50 reps at each station and moving the barbell and box back through the designated areas. When the monitor displays 50 calories, the athlete will get off the rower and move to the finish mat and the event is complete.Scoring
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.Movement Standards
The athlete may begin the event seated in the rower but may not grab the handle until the call of “go.” The monitor will be set to zero at the beginning of each row. The athlete may adjust the damper setting and foot straps at any time, but may not adjust the electronic monitor.Box Jump Over
Each rep begins with a two-footed jump. One-footed jumps and step-ups are not permitted. The athlete may jump over the box without touching it, or may land on top before jumping off to the other side. The athlete may not use their hands, and the feet must go over the box, not around it.Each rep ends on the opposite side of the box from where it began. The next rep will begin from there and return to the first side. Stepping down from the box and single-foot landings are permitted.
This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. Any hand position is allowed, but the arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.Wall-ball Shot
The medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The ball must make contact with the front-face of the target. If the ball hits the bottom or top edge of the target or does not hit the target at all, it is a no rep. The rep is counted when the ball makes contact with the target. If the ball is dropped, it must come to a full stop on the ground before the athlete may pick it up for the next rep.Ring Dip
The shoulder must pass below the top of the elbow at the bottom and the hips must travel below the rings. If the hips remain in-line horizontally with the rings, it is a no rep.Athletes will have their arms measured at extension (from fist to shoulder,) and a strap will be mounted that same distance from the bottom of the rings. The back must make contact with the strap at the top of each repetition.
Individual Event 7 - 2014
This is a standard pull-up, beginning from a full hang.
At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
The hip crease must be below the top of the knee at the bottom.
At the top, the barbell must come to full lockout overhead.
For time:
64 pull-ups
8 overhead squats, 205 / 135 lb.Time cap: 6 minutes
This event begins with the athlete on a starting mat and at the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" they move forward and perform 64 pull-ups. They will then move forward to the barbell and begin squatting. After 8 overhead squats are complete, the athlete will move to the finishing mat and the event is complete.Scoring
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.Movement Standards
This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.Overhead Squats
The hip crease must be below the top of the knee at the bottom. At the top, the barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. Athletes may get the barbell overhead any way they choose. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if standard depth is achieved. -