I was never very fit until adulthood - I started outrigger canoe paddling in 2005, then running with my girlfriend, and really enjoyed it. I started strength training on my own and doing home videos (I've never really felt comfortable in a gym setting). I married my husband Nick in 2008 after 9 years together, and shortly after, he found CrossFit; we both loved it. He lost 30 pounds basically by just doing the mainsite WODs - scaled at first, and building up when he could. I got a husband that wanted to hike, go on adventures, and do horrible WODs together with me. It was awesome! Then a few years ago, I started having issues in my life that started bringing me down. I started neglecting myself - my diet, my workouts, my stress outlets. Over the past few years, I've GAINED about 25 pounds and am currently at my all-time heaviest. In 2012, I took over Nick's project of "I've Never Done That" - he started in 2011 and every day that year he did something completely new and wrote about it (totally awesome - you can read more about it at http://iveneverdonethat.com/2011/2011_index.html). This year, I've got 366 brand-new things to do. In past years, Nick and I would do the Regional and whatever Games WODs were posted on the mainsite, but we never actually signed up to compete, since we know we're not anywhere near "elite athletes". This year, my INDT for February 23rd, the first day after 12.1 was announced, was to sign up for the Open. In as deep a pit I feel like I've been, I've got to start digging myself out, and I've got to start somewhere. My hat's off to all the competitors. Our community is what makes CrossFit so special! Remember, every rep you get is more than you would have done sitting on the couch. 3-2-1 ... GO! IveNeverDoneThat.com


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2012 8136th Women 550th Women Northern California – – – –

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat --
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk --
    Deadlift --
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran --
    Grace --
  • Helen --
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Murph --
  • Run 5k --
    Snatch --
    Sprint 400m --