Just wanna be involved. The only thing close to metabolic conditioning I have done this year is grappling.


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2023 26908th Men 5137th Men (35-39) 8801st Men Europe 1563rd Men (35-39) Europe 1486th Men United Kingdom 278th Men (35-39) United Kingdom 5th Men CrossFit CM2 1st Men (35-39) CrossFit CM2
2020 41864th Men – – 2541st Men United Kingdom – –
2019 5085th Men – – 243rd Men United Kingdom – –
2018 7704th Men 470th Men Europe Central 266th Men United Kingdom – –
2017 4453rd Men 847th Men Europe 159th Men United Kingdom – –
2016 2375th Men 316th Men Europe – – – –
2015 Men Men Europe – – – –
2014 148th Men 17th Men Europe – – – –
2013 288th Men 28th Men Europe – – – –
2012 316th Men 25th Men Europe – – – –
2011 1610th Men 94th Men Europe – – – –


Year Division Rank Regional
2014 Men 28th Europe
2013 Men 15th Europe
2012 Men 16th Europe

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat 180 kg
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk 135 kg
    Deadlift 211 kg
  • Fight Gone Bad 401
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran 2:27
    Grace 1:46
  • Helen 7:27
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups 60
    Murph --
  • Run 5k 16:44
    Snatch 110 kg
    Sprint 400m --