The seventh son of a seventh son, I came into this life with a heavy mantle on my shoulders. In my country, being born under such a sign is an ill omen. On my first birthday, a sow on a neighbors farm bore a blind two-headed calf. On my second birthday, a rogue wolf slaughtered a single chicken from each homestead in town. On my third birthday - a total lunar eclipse obscured the holy light of the sun for seven minutes. Fearing my seventh anniversary would herald the end times, the villagers would not stand to see what evil portents my fifth or sixth birthdays brought. They set fire to our family farm in the dead of night. The sound of screaming horses awoke my elder brother and he carried me through the inferno and into the woods beyond our home. Homeless and pence-less, we filthy orphans hitched rides on the backs of motor-carriages until we reached the Iberian Peninsula. There we stowed in the hull of an out dated steam freighter bound for america. Sustaining ourselves on a barrel of briny salt pork and the bilge rats too slow or stupid to escape us. This is my past. I am an American now. I live free from persecution and suspicions of witchcraft and it is a good life, an easy life. But I know it will not last forever. My destiny lies thousands of miles away, in a foggy Slavic village. Amongst the musty odor of fetid swine pens and rotting barley fields lie the charred and half buried remains of my family home. I will return and claim my birthright, for I am the seventh son of a seventh son, and my ties to the land run deeper than the roots of the gnarled and ancient cyprus, who still stands in the center of a doomed hamlet, awaiting my families rise from the ashes.


Year Rank Worldwide Rank by Region Rank By Country Rank By Affiliate
2015 Men Men North East – – – –

Benchmark Stats

  • Back Squat --
    Chad1000x --
    Clean and Jerk --
    Deadlift --
  • Fight Gone Bad --
    Filthy 50 --
    Fran --
    Grace --
  • Helen --
    L1 Benchmark --
    Max Pull-ups --
    Run 5k --
  • Snatch --
    Sprint 400m --