Ass-Kicking Potential: Anya Penner

July 30, 2013

Chris Cooper

Anya Penner is an athlete for life. 

Anya Penner’s parents started doing CrossFit and she joined as soon as she found CrossFit Kids. Nearly four years later, CrossFit is her sport.

With her mom, Amelia, signing for her, Anya said she wants to be a CrossFit athlete for life. 

The 13-year-old shares a birthday with Rich Froning, her favorite CrossFit athlete.

Before the Teen Exhibition at the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games, Penner said she didn’t have a favorite event, but wasn’t looking forward to all of the burpees. She hoped for double-unders because she can do 60 unbroken.

Anya’s parents own AKP CrossFit in Fairborn, Ohio. Anya attends the teen classes — sometimes the adult classes — at the affiliate. She says growing up within her parents’ gym is great. She’d like to get educated in physical therapy and be able to help CrossFit athletes.

“My parents are so busy teaching all the time,” she said. “They don’t have time to do all that stuff. So that’s what I’d like to learn to help CrossFit athletes.”

Anya is planning to attend the Level 1 Seminar as soon as she’s 16, and hopes to meet Annie Thorisdottir before going home.

Learn more about the Penner family.